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Atlas asphalt drum mix plant in all aspects including superior build quality and performance. Drum Mixing Plants are available from 40 tph to 120 tph. The units are modular and build to last. Burner unit is fuel efficient and designed for optimal performance. It is also available in mobile version. We are looking to export of Drum Asphalt Plant in Sri Lanka, Uganda, Ethiopia and South Africa.<br><br>
DM45 ASPHALT DRUM MIX PLANT - DM50 DM60 (40-60TPH) (60-90TPH) (90-120TPH) I TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS ROADBUILDING COLD AGGREGATEFEEDER Stationary four bin cold aggregate feeder unit is with each bin capacity of 8 T (in DM 45), 11 T (inDM 50) and 14 T (in DM60). Cold aggregate feeder includes a 600 mm wide gathering conveyor belt driven by a 5 HP ACmotor. It also includes Auxiliary conveyor under each bin which are drivenby 2 HP variable speed drive and fitted with adjustable quadrantgates. www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com
DRYERDRUM Dryerdrumis 1.220metersx6.100meters(inDM45),1.520metersx6.710 meters(inDM50)and 1.830 meters x 7.316 meters (in DM 60) long complete with flights; bitumen and fines piping; sprocketdrivewitha20HP(inDM45),25HP(inDM50),and40HP(inDM60)electricmotor; frame mounted exhaust fanand drive witha20 HP (in DM45), 25 HP (inDM 50), and 40HP (in DM60) electric motor.A frame mounted chamber at discharge end of drum has a special configuration to removedust particlesfromtheexhaustgas.Adusttransferscrewatthebottomofthechamberhasa2 HP electric drive to collect wastedust. Theburnerofthedryerunit iscapableofheatingthe aggregateto requiredtemperaturewithoutanyunburntfuelorcarbonresidue on the aggregate and to reduce the moisture content of the aggregate to the specified minimum. The plant will be fitted with suitabletypeofthermometricinstrumentatappropriateplacesso as to indicate the temperature of exhaust gases, bitumenand mix. www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com
SINGLE DECK VIBRATORYSCREEN Slinger/chargingconveyoristoloadtheaggregatesintothedryer. It uses a 5HP ACmotor. Slingerconveyor isequippedwithaloadcellforcontinuously monitoringtheweightoftheaggregateintph. DRYERBURNERFORDM45,DM50andDM60 Burner for asphalt drum mix plant includes a high pressure jet burnerwitha5HP(inDM45),7.5HP(inDM50)and15HP(inDM 60) fan motor and a 2 HP (in DM 45), 3 HP (in DM 50) and 3 HP (in DM 60) fuel coil pump with a 12 KW (in DM 45), 16 KW (in DM 50), 24KW(inDM60)electricpreheaterwith an autoonoffcontrolfor theburner. Theautoon-offsystem istomaintainthedesiredsettemperature. www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com
MINERAL FILLER ANDDUST CONVEYING SYSTEM Mineralfiller/Limefillerisofcapacity DM-45&501ton&DM-601.5Ton. Lime filler is fabricated with steel plates and has loading doors with pneumatic dust and filler conveying system.Rotary valve is with a 2 HP variable speed drive motor adaptor chute with piping to allow the fines back to drum mixer, compressor included is with a 10 HP electricmotor. BITUMENTANK A stationary bitumen storage tank of capacity 15 Tons / 20 Tons with direct coil heater is standardwith DM series plant. “O”or “U” shaped single compartmental bitumen tank is fitted with internal heat transfer coils. It is fully insulated from all the sides by a 2” thick mattresses ofglass woolandiswithvent,pipes,twofillreturnconnectiondrawofconnection anddrain.Ourbitumen tanks are complete with a dial type thermometer; manhole; socket for thermostat insertion; exterioraccessladdertothetanktopwithwalk wayandhandrails. ologiesIndia.com www.AtlasTechn
LOADOUTCONVEYORWITHGOBHOPPER Loading of the trucks is done by an inclined load out conveyor which is provided with a heat resistant belt. Load out conveyor is equipped with a GOB hopper which is with a hydraulically operated cam shell gate in order to provide surge capacity when changing trucks and it also controls segregation in themix. www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com
CONTROLS Ourcontrolcabinis fullyinsulatedandstrategically placedsothatacompleteviewoftheplantis easily available. The cabin is fully prewired and complete with weather proof exteriors, interior lightning,fittedwithtoughenedglassesandflushentrancedoorwithlock. Itisthe house tofactoryinstalledasphaltplantcontrols.Italsohasprovisionstofitanair- conditioner. The control cabinhouses: Main circuitbreaker Basic motor controlcentre which includes-basestarter enclosure, powerdistribution system, controlsystem, transformer startermounting hardware and safetyinterlock system, transformer starter mounting hardware in starter panel enclosuredoors. Cold feed aggregate controls: It controlsthe aggregate flow from thefour cold feed hoppers atthe predetermined percentage at the desired level of feeding (between 20 TPH to 120 TPH). The total flow rateof the aggregate is displayed digitally on the panel through electronic weighbridge (load cell) mounted on gathering conveyor/ slingerconveyor. Bitumen synchronization and metering: It provides volumetric measurementofbitumenflowinliters /minute&cumulativereadingoftotal liters. The speed of the pump is automatically controlled to discharge amount of bitumen at desired percentages of aggregateflow. The calibrated finesmetering systemtoindicatefinesfeedingratefromthefinesstorage. Burnerforhotoilaswellasdrumincludesautomaticcontrolsformaintainingtheset temperature. The temperature indicators (Digital)includes: The temperature of Bitumen Passing through thepump ThetemperatureofMixMaterialoutofthedrum The temperature of exhaust gases at the exhaustfan The temperature of hotoil The temperature of exhaust gases at the oilheater www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com
PLC PANEL IS ALSOAVAILABLE POLLUTION CONTROLDEVICE VENTURI TYPE Wet dust collectors are highly efficient and are known to maintain required environmental standards. The extreme turbulence leads to superb entrapping of dust laden exhaustgas. Large size stainless steel nozzles provide a clog free operation to ensure optimum cleaningefficiency. www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com
POWERBREAKUPDETAILSFORATLASINDUSTRIESASPHALTDRUMMIXPLANT Power consumption (inHP) Sr. No. Description Qty DM45 (40-60tph) DM50 (60-90tph) DM60 (90-120tph) Auxiliary conveyor 4 8 8 8 COLDAGGREGATE FEEDERS Gathering conveyor 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 Vibrator 2 VIBRATINGSCREEN 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 3 SLINGERCONVEYOR 1 5 5 5 Drumdrive 1 20 25 40 Exhauster 1 20 25 40 THERMO DRUM UNIT Screwconveyor 1 2 2 2 4 1 5 7.5 15 Blower Dryer Burner 1 2 3 3 Pump 1 12 16 24 Heater Power pack 1 3 3 3 5 LOAD OUTCONVEYOR 1 5 5 7.5 Conveyor Rotary valve 1 1 1 1 MINERAL FILLERBIN (LIMEFILLER) 6 1 7.5 7.5 7.5 Compressor Bitumen pump 1 5 5 5 7 BITUMENTANK Hotoil pump 1 1 1 1 VENTURI TYPE WET DUST COLLECTOR POLLUTIONCONTROL UNIT Water pump 8 1 5 5 5 TOTALPOWERCONSUMPTION 108HP 125.5 HP 173.5HP NOTE:Withcontinuousproductimprovement,specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutprior notice.Accessoriesshownmaynotbeapartofstandardequipment. ATLAS TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD. Block No. 97, Mehsana-Ahmedabad Highway, Behind Bhupendra CraneHouse, At & Po. Ditasan - 382710 District: Mehsana, Gujarat,India For inquiries contact: +91 9723810565 www.AtlasTechnologiesIndia.com