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BUSINESS AND ADVERTISING by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen LOGICAL INFELICITIES: Name Calling Ape Lincoln, bleeding heart liberal, male chauvinist pig Glittering Generality our Christian heritage, unquestioned patriotism, silent majority Plain-Folks Appeal
BUSINESS AND ADVERTISING by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen 20
LOGICAL INFELICITIES: • Name Calling • Ape Lincoln, bleeding heart liberal, male chauvinist pig • Glittering Generality • our Christian heritage, unquestioned patriotism, silent majority • Plain-Folks Appeal • kissing babies, eating Polish sausages, fried chicken, or blintzes • Stroking (Argument ad Populum) • you fine people, heartland of America, backbone of America • Argument ad Hominem • fanatics, lesbians, Lincoln the baboon 20
MORE LOGICAL INFELICITIES: • Transfer (Guilt or Glory by Association) • Ku Klux Klan, as American as apple pie • Bandwagon • the Pepsi generation, Blings & Icies • Faulty Cause and Effect • frisby suck, when I wash my car it rains. • False Analogy • Don’t change horses in mid stream. 20
STILL MORE LOGICAL INFELICITIES • Begging the Question • rhetorical question, Why did you murder your wife? • The two-Extremes Fallacy (False Dilemma) • America, love it or leave it. You’re with me, or you’re against me. • Card Stacking (Cherry Picking) • If it bleeds it leads. ct. the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth • Testimonial • Joe Namath selling panty hose, a TV doctor (or a real doctor) promoting a certain medicine 20
BILL LUTZ’S MODEL • Weazel Words • “Help” • Virtually Spotless • New and Improved • Acts Fast • Works Like, Works Against, Works Longer • Like Magic • Up To • Twice as Long 20
HUMOR IN BUSINESS • In Humor Works, John Morreall said that people do their best work when they have control over their lives and when they feel they are valued members of a team. • (Nilsen & Nilsen 57) • Morreall outlined five advantages of humor in the workplace: 20
It helps reduce psychological distance between management and non-management. • It minimizes formality and makes it easy and comfortable for people to communicate across levels. • It fosters camaraderie and team spirit. • It promotes positive rather than negative reinforcement. • It encourages people to take risks and try new things. (Nilsen and Nilsen 57) 20
HI RALPH • In Humor at Work, Esther Blumenfeld and Lynne Alpern tell a story of a group of women who noticed that at meetings a male colleague kept dropping his pen so that he could bend down and look at their legs. • So before one meeting they printed on their knees “HI RALPH!”—one letter per kneecap. (Nilsen & Nilsen 57) 20
ROBERT FROST • Robert Frost said, “By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.” • (Nilsen & Nilsen 57-58) 20
“SOFT SKILLS” • C. Thomas Howard, director of the MBA program at the University of Denver said in a New York Times interview: • “It’s interesting that hard skills are considered better than soft, but when people go into management, it’s the soft skills that…make the difference in career success” (Nilsen & Nilsen 58). 20
LETTUCE AMUSE U • In California, first-time traffic offenders can go to traffic school rather than having a ticket go on their permanent record. • In designing traffic schools, Ray and Linda Regan had less success in traditional schools than in funny schools. • (Nilsen & Nilsen 58) 20
The humor in the funny traffic schools is always “on task.” • One instructor said that an extra reason for keeping a child safe in a backward-facing car seat is “If you get rear-ended, you’ve got a witness.” • Another instructor said that most car accidents happen within 10 miles from home and then says, “The last time I mentioned that, a guy jumped up in the back of the class and said, ‘That’s it. I’m moving!’” • (Nilsen & Nilsen 58) 20
HUMOR IN ADVERTISING • In Funny Business: Humour, Management and Business Culture, Jean-Louis Barsoux said that there are similarities between good humor and good advertising copy: • 1. They require brevity • 2. They open people’s minds to enable them to have a new viewpoint. • 3. People get involved in processing the message, and therefore remember it longer. • (Nilsen and Nilsen 58-59) 20
A HUMOROUS AD • Volkswagon successfully introduced the VW Rabbit into the United States with a 10-second commercial. • It showed two rabbits looking into the camera, with one of them saying, • “In 1956 there were only two VWs in America.” • (Nilsen & Nilsen 59) 20
THE LAWS OF BUSINESS • MURPHY’S LAW: “If anything can go wrong, it will,” extended to “When left to themselves, things always go from bad to worse,” and “If anything can go wrongl, it will, and even if it can’t it might.” • O’TOOLE’S LAW: “Murphy was an optimist.” • DAMON RUNYAN’S LAW: “In all human affairs, the odds are always six to five against.” • (Nilsen & Nilsen 95) 20
! • THE PETER PRINCIPLE: “Each employee tends to rise to a level of incompetence.” • PETER’S COROLARY PRINCIPLE: “When people are doing well they will be promoted, which means that everyone not upwardly mobile is imcompetent.” • MARSHALL’S GENERALIZED ICEBERG THEOREM: “Seven-eights of everything can’t be seen.” • PAUL HERBIG’S PRINCIPLE OF BUREAUCRATIC TINKERTOYS: “If it can be understood, it’s not yet finished.” • (Nilsen & Nilsen 96) 20
!!THE FINAL RULES OF BUSINESS • RULE NUMBER 1: “The boss is always right.” • RULE NUMBER 2: “If the boss is wrong, see Rule Number 1.” • (Nilsen & Nilsen 37) 20
!!!BUSINESS HUMOR WEB SITES BUSINESS-HUMOR FUSION (ROZ TRIEBER): www.humorfusion.com DILBERT: http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/ HUMOR AT WORK (CLYDE FAHLMAN): http://home.teleport.com/~laff9to5/index.html HUMORWORKS (JOHN MORREALL): http://www.humorworks.com THE OFFICE: http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/ 20
References # 1: Adams, Scott. The Dilbert Principle: A Cubicle’s-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads and Other Workplace Afflictions. New York: HarperBusiness, 1996. Barsoux, Jean-Louis. Funny Business: Humor, Management and Business Culture. New York, NY: Cassell, 1993. Blumenfeld, Esther, and Lynne Alpern. Humor at Work. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree, 1994. Bryson, Bill. “The Hard Sell: Advertising in America” (Eschholz 423-435). Critser, Greg. “Let Them Eat Fat” (Eschholz 476-485). Cross, Donna Woolfolk. “Propaganda: How Not to Be Bamboozled” (Eschholz 123-133). 20
References # 2: Eschholz, Paul, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark. “I Can Sell You Anything.” Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers, Ninth Edition. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005, 421-493. Federman, Sarah. “What’s Natural about Our Natural Products?” (Eschholz 471-475). Flower, Linda. “Writing for an Audience” (Eschholz 88-90). Hadjistassou, Stella. “I Can Sell You Anything.” Tempe, AZ: PowerPoint Presentation, March 24, 2006. Herz, J. C. “A Name So Smooth, the Product Glides In.” (Eschholz 641-642). 20
References # 3: Kushner, Malcolm, The Light Touch: How to Use Humor for Business Success. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1990. Liebman, Bonnie. “Claims Crazy: Which Can You Believe?” (Eschholz 463-470). Lutz, William. “Weasel Words: The Art of Saying Nothing at All” (Eschholz 422-451). Martin, Rod A. The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach. London, England: Elsevier, 2007. Morreall, John. Humor Works. Amherst, MA: HRD Press, Inc. 1997. 20
References # 4: Nilsen, Alleen Pace. “Language to Persuade.” Living Language Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1999, 255-312. Nilsen, Alleen Pace. “Why Big Businesses Break Spelling Rules” (Eschholz 372-380). Nilsen, Alleen Pace, and Don L. F. Nilsen. Encyclopedia of 20th Century American Humor. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000. Twitchell, James B. “How to Advertise a Dangerous Product” (Eschholz 455-462). Zinsser, William. “Simplicity” (Eschholz 98-103). 20