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Enhance your technical skills through online training sessions on Devops course from highly experienced trainers. Aurelius Corporate Solutions provides online training sessions or program on Devops tools course. Enroll now for online training. Visit http://aurelius-global.com for more details.
D DevOps Tools Co ourse Tr raining O Online DevOps and requ of DevOp informat software and final may also between developm more eff is a concept uirement for ps tools. The ion technol e developme delivery wh o be termed n developme ment and op icient softwa t that has b r the integrat e concept in ogy. The ve ent and deliv hich with De as a set of p ent, Quality perations alo are develop een develop tion of diffe itself is the ery aim of D very. This inv evOps can b procedures a y control a ong with the ment mode ping tremen rent elemen amalgamati DevOps is to volves the e e made incr and tools wh nd IT oper e focus on co ls. ndously in th nts of a proc on of softwa o shorten an ntire proced reasingly eff hich help in ations. By ontiguous in he past few ess model h are developm nd automat dure of deve ficient and e creating the bridging th ntegration p years. The has led to the ment system e the proce elopment, te effective. De e communic is gap betw paves the wa need e rise m and ess of esting evOps ation ween ay for With th operatio more tha These are e developm ns of softwa an one categ e: coding, bu ment of th are creation gories of the uilding, testi his technolo models a la e elements ing, packagin ogical tradit arge numbe of the softw ng, releasing tion of int r of tools ha ware develo g, configurin egrating de ave develop pment and g and monit evelopment ped which fit delivery pro toring. and t into ocess. The DevO tools hop reach th time can DevOps moveme Ops concept pes to impro e market an also be sho have been nts. t inherently ove the deplo nd decrease ortened in or developed aims to spa oyment freq ed failure ra rder to impr d from ente an the entir quency whic ates of new rove operab erprise man re delivery p h in turn wil releases. Ev ility. Most o nagement s pipeline. App ll lead to less ven bug fixi of these idea ystems and plication De ser time tak ing and reco as involved i d agile soft evOps en to overy n the tware There are in any o are, Nav e a number rganization vies, Monit, of effective involving so ELK, Consu e DevOps too oftware dev ul.io, and Je ols available elopment a enkins. Dev e in the mark nd delivery. Ops tools i ket today w . Some of th s such a si hich can be he most po mple and e used pular easily
impleme this conc entable conc cept and too cept that eve ls in their w ery organiza ork area. ation is eithe er conductin ng research or implementing Course Details‐ This DevO procedur Consider blocks a concepts integratio understa Ops training re of combi ring this is a nd history s and pract on and de anding of De g course is fo ning the de an entirely n of DevOps. ices in Dev elivery have vOps. or trainees t velopment novel concep Further, in vOps will be e been ex to develop a and operati pt, first the n this DevO e introduce xplored and an entirely n ional depart trainees are ps online tr ed and expl d explained ovel and int tments of so e introduced raining cour lained. Vari d to under tegrated thin oftware deli d to the bui rse, the bui ous method rstand a b nking ivery. ilding ilding ds of better Introduc tion to DevO Ops • • • • • In V H B B ntroduction to alue istory uilding blocks est practices o the definitio on s of DevOps Unifying process bet tween deve lopment and d operations
• • • Introduction to Agile software development process as applied to DevOps Integrating source control in DevOps Applying automation to DevOps Continuous Integration (CI), testing and deployment • • Introducing key concepts Benefits, tools, and methods of implementing Continuous Integration (CI), testing, and deployment Configuration and release management, and monitoring and learning • • Introducing the key concepts Benefits, tools and practices of applying release management, configuration management and monitoring Learning in DevOps • Live Instructor‐led & Interactive Online Sessions Regular Courses Duration‐ 30 ‐40 Hours Fast‐Track Courses Duration‐ 4‐8 Hours Training Options‐ Option‐1 Option‐2 Weekdays‐ Cloud Based Training Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Mon, Wed, Fri) Weekdays Online Lab Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Tue, Thur) Weekend‐Cloud Based Training Sat‐Sun 09:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM (IST) Weekend Online Lab Sat‐Sun 11:00 AM ‐ 01:00 PM
Hea ad Office e Aure A‐125 Phon Enqu lius Corpo 5 Sector 63 ne: +91.783 uiry: contac orate Solut 3, Noida‐2 3.501.1153 ct@aureliu tions Pvt Lt 201307 3 us.in td.
For more e details Cl ick on http://aureliu us‐global l.com/De evOps/de ining.php evops‐onl p line‐and‐corporate‐ trai