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livestock breeding. APE PGVM ‘’Ivan P.Pavlov” BULGARIA.
livestock breeding APE PGVM ‘’Ivan P.Pavlov” BULGARIA
Animal welfare is a definition that includes all aspects and sides to ensure the wellbeing of animals - suitable conditions of the living environment in their buildings, corresponding the biological needs of animals - feeding, veterinary prevention and treatment, responsible care and management, attentiveness and painless death. Scientifically substantiated and proven in practice these conditions may be grouped in the beneficiary already popular "principle of the five freedoms":
Freedomfromhungerandthirstisconstantaccess to waterandprovidingdietthatkeepstheanimalingoodhealth. • Freedomfromdiscomfortis to provide a suitableenvironmentincludingshelterandadequatespaceforrecreation. • Freedomfrompain, injuryanddiseasesisprevention, rapiddiagnosisandtreatment. • Freedom to expressnormalbehaviorissufficient to providespace, appropriateequipmentandenvironment of thekind. • Freedomfromfearandstressconditionsareinsuredandworkwithanimals to avoidtheirsuffering. Theterm "welfare" isjustifiedbybothfundamentaltheories of publicattitude to animals - ethicalandutilitarian.
CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS DURING INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTconsistsinChisinauon6 November 2003 andthetextisdepositedinthearchives of theCouncil of Europe. BulgariaratifiedbylawtheEuropeanConventionfortheprotection of animalsduringinternationaltransportinDecember 2005 (Revised) (OfficialGazette. No. 102 of 20 December 2005). CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS FOR SLAUGHTERwassignedinParisonMay 10, 1979, thetexthasbeendepositedinthearchives of theCouncil of Europe. BulgariaadoptedtheLawonratification of EuropeanConventionfortheProtection of AnimalsforSlaughterin 2004 (OfficialGazette. 34 of April 27, 2004). CONVENTION FOR PROTECTION OF ANIMALS KEPT FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSESismadeinStrasbourgon10 March 1992andthetextisdepositedinthearchives of theCouncil of Europe. InApril 2004BulgariaratifiedbylawtheEuropeanConventiononprotection of animalskeptforfarmingpurposesandtheProtocolamendingtheEuropeanConventionfortheProtection of AnimalskeptforFarmingPurposes (OfficialGazette. 34 of 27 April 2004)
CONVENTION FOR PROTECTION OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS USED FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND OTHER SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES was adopted in Strasbourg, 18 May 1986 Text is deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. Ratified in Bulgaria Law on ratification of the European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes and the Protocol amending the European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (Official Gazette. 34 of April 27, 2004). CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS-COMPANIONSThisconventionwassignedinStrasbourgonNovember 13, 1987, andthetextisdepositedinthearchives of theCouncil of Europe. RatifiedinBulgariaLawonratification of theEuropeanConventionfortheprotection of petanimals (OfficialGazette. 34 of April 27, 2004).
NATIONAL LEGISLATION LAWS 1.1. LAW FOR VETERINARY MEDICAL ACTIVITY Prom. in Official Gazette. No. 87 of 1.11.2005, effective since 1.05.2006, amended. No.. 30 of 11.04.2006, in force since 12.07.2006;. and supplemented. No.. 31 of 14.04.2006, in force from 14.04.2006, amend. No.. 55 of 7.07.2006, amend. and supplemented. No.. 88 of 31.10.2006, in force since 31.10.2006, p. 51 17 26.06.2007, in force from 26.06.2007, issue. 84 of 19.10.2007, issue. 13 of 8.02.2008, in force from 31.01.2008, amend. No.. 36 of 4.04.2008, SG. 100 of 21.11.2008, issue. 27 of 10.04.2009, Official Gazette No. 35 of 12.05.2009, in force from 12.05.2009, issue. 74 of 15.09.2009, in force from 15.09.2009, issue. 95 of 1.12.2009, in force since 1.12.2009, suppl. No.. 102 of 22.12.2009 1.2. LAW FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS, Prom. SG. issue 13 8. February 2008, in force since 31.01.2008 It regulates the protection of animals and the mechanisms for its implementation. Animal protection is defined as the protection of their life, health and welfare, protect them from inhumane, cruel and especially cruel treatment, provision of appropriate care and living conditions, consistent with their physiological and behavioral characteristics.
ORDINANCES The main requirements for welfare were recorded in ORDINANCE № 16 3. February 2006 for the protection and welfare in farming and use of livestock, publ. in Official Gazette No. 18 of 28.02.2006. ORDINANCE № 14 of February 3, 2006 the minimum requirements for protection and Welfare in rearing calves, publ. In Official Gazette No. 17 of 24 February 2006 and is effective from 01.05.2006 ORDINANCE № 25 of December 14, 2005 the minimum requirements for welfare of laying hens, issued by Ministry of Agriculture and Food, published in Official Gazette No.42 of 23 May 2006. and is effective from 01.05.2006, amend. 29 of 6 April 2007, Official Gazette. No. 61, published on 8 July 2008, effective on 08.07.2008
ORDINANCE № 21 of December 14, 2005 the minimum requirements for protection and welfare of pigs, publ.official Gazette, number: 5 of 17. January 2006 is in force from 01.05.2006 d, and Official Gazette No. 64 of 8 August 2006. ORDINANCE № 22 of December 14, 2005 to minimize animal suffering during the slaughter or killing prom.Official Gazette, number: 42 of 23 May 2006. and is effective from 01.05.2006
BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.nvms.government.bg/files/AW_Naruchnik.pdf END