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Tim Edwards – IAG Manager. Economic Well Being in Ofsted Inspections. ‘Can we predict the future…?’. There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home . – Ken Oulsen – Founder of the Digital Equipment Corp. 1977
Tim Edwards – IAG Manager Economic Well Being in Ofsted Inspections
‘Can we predict the future…?’ There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. – Ken Oulsen – Founder of the Digital Equipment Corp. 1977 By 1990, most people will be retiring at the age of 40, or thereabouts. – Dr. C . Evens, Science Fact 1978 Television won’t be able to hold on to any market. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night. Darryl Zanuck Film Producer 1946
We can make 21st century assumptions though…. Year 9s – aged 30 in 2026 & aged 45 in 2041 Number job changes per person today = 10 (probably 20 by then) Growth in temporary contracts Growth in self-employment (c.25% of workers by 2015) Occupations not yet invented Later retirement age (pensions at 70 or 75?) So, how do we prepare young people for such a future?
We certainly need to… Current dissatisfaction with the system The students 85% of 18-35 year olds say their education did not prepare them for working life (Edge & YouGov) 66% of undergraduates say they did not receive enough career guidance in school (AoC survey) 66% of 20-30 year olds told Ofsted that school, college and university had failed to prepare them for their first job Young people want more education about money, sex and……… job opportunities (Mori 2000 & 2004) The employers A survey for the Guardian found that 72% of employers were dissatisfied with school leavers’ business awareness…… The same survey found that 66% of employers were dissatisfied by school leavers’ self-management abilities…… A survey of SMEs found that 25% were unable to fill their job vacancies with people with the right attributes. Many employers would prefer to recruit foreign workers……….
Common learning outcomes and concerns Learning Outcomes Make realistic choices for progression Demonstrate the skills to enter employment Understanding of the main changes The concept of the labour market Understand career motivations and pathways etc. etc. Current Concerns ….. Gender stereotypes Cultural issues Progression Recording Assessment Effective business links
Well-being Indicators and the New Inspection framework Evaluation schedule of judgements for schools inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005, from September 2009 http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/publications/090098 Framework http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/publications/090019
Inspection - Ofsted View...September 2009 Ensure inspection has a greater impact on school improvement Better use of Ofsted resources…. Involve and inform parents and pupils to a greater degree Website; www.ofsted.gov.uk
Ofsted Inspects….. A revised framework of judgements Refinement and change of emphasis especially around the ECM outcomes Full set of grade descriptors to ensure more consistency Greater focus on achievement and the well-being of different groups of pupils, equalities and safeguarding issues
OUTCOMES: HOW WELL ARE PUPILS DOING, TAKING ACCOUNT OF ANY VARIATION? This section contains seven emboldened judgements which, taken together, determine the summative judgement: Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils. The seven judgements are: the five Every Child Matters (ECM) outcomes Pupils’ behaviour the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development This section starts with attainment and learning and progress, which are important elements of the judgement: How well do pupils achieve and enjoy their learning? Inspectors should take account of their evaluation of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the sixth form and boarding provision when making their judgements.
Extract from the Ofsted Inspection Judgement Form covering EWB
The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being Inspectors should evaluate: the extent to which pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of work and develop skills and personal qualities which will serve them well in education, training, employment and their future lives the extent to which pupils understand their future options and develop aspirations.
Outline guidance Inspectors should take into account: how well pupils develop wider skills and personal qualities such as working in teams, solving problems, organising activities and taking leadership roles levels of punctuality the extent to which pupils take an interest in, and pose increasingly sophisticated questions about the ‘real world’ and understand the importance of sustainable development the extent to which pupils understand the opportunities available to them, develop aspirations and understand how to achieve them
how well pupils are developing enterprise capabilities, including their approach to innovation, creativity, risk-management and risk-taking, together with a positive attitude and the drive to make ideas happen the extent to which pupils are developing an understanding of managing money, economics and business appropriate to their age (for example, why there are different jobs, how they might decide what the ‘best buy’ is and notions of fair trade) pupils’ views and those of parents and carers about how well the school prepares pupils for their future education, training and employment
where relevant, views of employers, trainers and staff from other institutions in partnership as expressed in surveys, discussions and reports • for secondary schools, past pupils’ participation in education and training after leaving the school, including the percentage of school leavers who are not in education, training or employment (NEET) and the representation of specific groups
The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being: grade descriptors
So…. Where are we today?Are you organised???? CEG/IAG WRL Enterprise Work Experience Economic well-being (PSHEe) Contexts to general subjects PLTS – employability as a context Functional skills Diplomas and vocational/occupational courses Have you made coherent sense of so many learning activities? Confident you know what is going on in the school? How can the learner understand the totality of the provision?
Some moreimportant questions How do young people perceive the learning experiences? Do they care how they learn and progress? How do subject teachers and tutors perceive the activities? How will employers perceive the outcomes?
What CEG & WRL might Ofsted be looking for ? They will want to see planned evidence of the statutory Issues of………… Self awareness (Self Development) Opportunity awareness (Career Exploration) Decision making and planning skills Transition skills or employability (Career Management) They will want to see evidence of Activities……….. Researching occupations/organisations Meeting employers Visits to business premises Work experience Industry days Contexts to general subjects Recording achievement – E. profiles/ILP’s etc AWP accuracy CAP (online, if in place in area )
Plenty of local evidence to help you ….. do you use these? Supporting Self Awareness Individual Learning Plans – WHEH Locally developed 14-19 Learning Options and Routes Tutor Guides 09 – ‘NEW’ YPNAC / Partnership Agreements / Aimhigher activities Interviews / Groupworks / Drop ins Lesson Plans – CEGNET, ACEG…. ‘Ways and Choices….’ Progress Files – E-Portfolio or similar Real Game or similar
Exploring…. • Kudos Online – Self Awareness, Career Exploration & Career Matching • Progression Guide – Herts Ahead • Subject links – Working in Herts – Range of industries… • Area Wide Prospectus – up to date, transparent.( if you keep it that way) • WRL – Employer Visits, talks, WEX, shadowing parents / carers • Visit OSS, College, WBL Providers, University – All will let you! • SAPG IAG Collaboration – Share ideas, good practice…
Managing…. • Parents / Carers evenings, newsletters, involvement • It’s your choice, Which way now? Parents and Carers Guide (National) • Real job ads – NAS – Local Papers – Youth Connexions – Web
Professional Tools • IAG Audits – DCSF IAG Standards • Taking advantage of local CPD & PDP • IAG Consultancy – Annually produced • Student Voice – mi voice • Quality Award – Schemes of work, Resource Centre, Employer Engagement etc….
Not just EWB ! IAG can be PWB and flows throughout…. • Much of the information in these slides can cross reference and be evidenced in other areas of inspection: • Effectiveness of Provision: • Care, Guidance and & Support • Leadership & Management • Partnership Working, Community Cohesion, working with governors, tackling statutory responsibilities, engaging with parents & carers, promoting equal opps and tackling discrimination • You may identify more!
Strategic Area Partnership Groups ….Show Your Collaborative Spirit!
SPG/SAPG relationship Children’s Trust County Council’s Education Panel Schools Forum Local Authority teams 14-19 Strategic Partnership Group County level Includes Chief Education Officer, Chief Exec Chamber, 14-19 Lead LSC, Youth Connexions, University of Hertfordshire, Chair of WBL providers, Chairs of SAPGs (Heads or Principals), FE, Special Schools representatives 14-19 team Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Group Strategic Area Partnership Groups cover main Travel to Learn areas and convene Diploma consortia. Each has 14-19 co-ordinator, all local Heads including Special Schools and ESCs, LSC, Connexions, WBL Partnership manager, FE colleges, SIP area Manager, University of Hertfordshire 14-19 Strategy Manager. Diploma consortia Diploma consortia Diploma/other task groups e.g. IAG for 14-19 provision
Herts IAG Working Groups • Strategic Area Partnership Groups have ‘IAG targets’ • In turn, they have formulated IAG working groups to organise, plan and often deliver; • Connexions Co-ordinator / Careers Co-ordinator Briefing Days • Stand alone Diplomas Events • Integrated IAG events • Local literature & Exhibitions • Ensure uniformity & coherence of delivery…….