1. Health Sector Reform in Trinidad and Tobago
Overview, Issues & Challenges.
3. Health Sector Reform ProgramIADB Funded
4. Goal of HSRP
To improve the health status of the population by promoting and providing affordable quality health care in an efficient and equitable manner. This goal is supported by five (5) specific objectives:
5. Objectives Strengthening the policy-making, planning and management capacity of the health sector;
Separating the provision of services from financing and regulatory responsibilities;
Shifting public expenditures and influencing the redirection of private expenditures to high priority problems and cost-effective solutions;
Establishing new administrative and employment structures, which encourage accountability, increase autonomy and appropriate incentives to improve productivity and efficiency;
Educing preventable morbidity and mortality through promoting lifestyle changes and other social interventions.
6. Milestones 1989 – 1992: Eight IADB missions
1992: Government’s decision to introduce HSR
1993: Two teams of consultants and local counterparts established
1994: A comprehensive Final Report with 40 Annexes prepared outlining i) proposed models for improvements ii) human resource requirements iii) estimated costs iv) strategy for the way forward [National Health Services Plan]
1994: Development of White Paper and creation of the RHA Act.
7. Features of the NHSP The Plan’s strategic intent was to guide the MoH in:
Achieving significant shifts in resources;
Reducing bed numbers;
Introducing specialist services;
Introducing new technology;
Introducing new management and operating systems;
Delivering new services based on need; and
Effectively work with provider agencies.
8. Critical Success Factor The strategies embodied in the NHSP reflected significant changes from the old order.
A large-scale program of Technical Assistance, that would provide the necessary institutional strengthening support to the MoH and the RHAs, was therefore critical to the success of the HSRP.
9. Key Technical Requirements Human Resource and Change Management Strategies (Transition Plan);
RHA Management Systems and Protocols;
Quality Management;
Need Assessment (National Disease Surveillance system);
Health System Information Strategy
Health Financing Strategy
10. Human Resource Management
11. RHA Management Systems
12. Health Services Quality Management
13. Health Needs Assessment
14. Health Information Systems
15. Health Financing
16. Conclusion HSR objectives were on target.
HSRP design for achieving health system improvement was sound
The soft components (technical know how) to effect the sector’s full transformation lagged because among other things:
The general Public Sector Reform process was slow
There was limited absorptive capacity at the MoH and RHAs