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Leading for Change: Vermont’s OAA Nutrition Program. Amy Nickerson, MS, RD, CD Senior Planner Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living 4th State Units on Aging Nutritionists & Administrators Conference August 2006. What were/are SUA expectations?.
Leading for Change: Vermont’s OAA Nutrition Program Amy Nickerson, MS, RD, CD Senior Planner Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living 4th State Units on Aging Nutritionists & Administrators ConferenceAugust 2006
What were/are SUA expectations? Initially (meal program): • Menu review/meal site visits & monitoring • Respond to AAA request for technical assistance Eventually (nutrition program) • Build capacity @ AAA level for provision of nutrition services: nutrition screening (including follow up), nutrition ed & nutrition counseling • Provide in-service education training to NP providers, AAA & HHA case managers, AAA nutrition program staff • Develop NP monitoring protocol & tool for AAA use with providers • Area Plan and State Plan on Aging input/feedback
What are SUA expectations? Presently (nutrition & healthy aging) • Administer/oversee all things food and nutrition • OAA Nutrition Program (planning, implementation, training, monitoring, evaluation) • Nutrition Program administration • Health promotion/disease prevention • Collaboration with VT Department of Health • Blueprint for Health • Food Stamp Outreach • Commodity Supplemental Food Program • Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
What are SUA expectations? Presently (continued) • Provide input/perspective for DAIL policy/procedure/system food and nutrition changes as they relate to health & well-being of older adults • Administer AoA Senior Center Earmark grant • Provide input/guidance to Governor’s Commission on Healthy Aging • Provide input/guidance on food and nutrition policies/regs for: PACE, RCH, Adult Day, Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living • Develop statewide nutrition/health messages that are consistent and across the lifespan (SNAP)
What are SUA expectations? Future (comprehensive linkages of nutrition, physical activity &food security initiatives/services/programs that promote independent living) • Continue to administer OAA Nutrition Program • Program planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation • Continue with all things food and nutrition for target populations, including access to food and physical activity programs • Collaborate with the Health Department to promote older adult health & reduce burden of chronic disease
What are SUA expectations? Future (continued) • Bring EBP into VT’s network of aging service providers • Develop capacity for HP/DP initiatives for adults with disabilities • Identify ways to support senior centers • Build capacity for prevention into Choices for Care (1115 waiver)
Healthy Aging Initiative in VT: Unexpected Change Vermont’s Evolution of OAA HP/DP initiatives • SAIL (multidisciplinary in the trenches providers): 2000 - 2006 • Governor’s Commission on Healthy Aging (think tank; policy): 2006 - 2010 • Isolated, disconnected efforts; attempt to rely on VT’s Blueprint for Health to pull it together (VDH/Governor initiative): 2006 - ?
What Does Amy Think She Should Be Doing? • Continue involvement with any programmatic or system initiative that impacts food, nutrition and health status of older adults (be at the table) • Adult Day Sites, Nursing Facilities, Res Care Homes, Assisted Living Facilities • PACE – VT • Cash & Counseling/Consumer Directed Service • Real Choices Systems Change • Health & Long Term Care Integration Project
What Does Amy Think She Should Be Doing? • OAA Nutrition Program • Write the nutrition and HP/DP sections of State Plan on Aging • Provide input on Area Plan on Aging process & review the AP’s submitted by AAA’s (nutrition, HP/DP sections) • Develop AAA NP monitoring protocol and OAA Policy and Procedures • Provide TA to AAA NP staff & consulting RD’s • Innovative statewide training for nutrition providers/contractors, case managers • Promote statewide nutrition education plan/toolkit • Evaluate nutrition/HP/DP programs and services
What Does Amy Think She Should Be Doing? • Provide training & TA for HCBS & facility-based LTC consulting RD’s • Active involvement Governor’s Commission on Healthy Aging • Promote EBP Programs • UVM Center for Aging • UVM Dietetic Internship/MS program • Track program outcomes and tell the story (report data) • Convince DAIL management that additional RD staffing is needed
How Will Amy Get There? • Patience • Tireless advocacy • Communicate with providers & their consultants • Network with other SUA nutritionists and GN HCBS members • Document unmet need • Continue triage skills • Keep my ears open • Recognize time constraints for involvement with programs/initiatives
Thanks! Amy Nickerson, MS, RD, CD Senior Planner Vermont Dept of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living 103 South Main Street Weeks Building Waterbury, VT 05671-1601 Phone: 802-241-2930 Fax: 802-241-4224 amy.nickerson@dail.state.vt.us