Meet Samuel de Champlain I bet you all think Jacques Cartier is pretty cool for discovering the St. Lawrence River, don’t ya? Well guess what? He isn’t the only one who found a new body of water! My name is Sam and I am from France, too! I was born in 1574. Listen up – because I’ve got a story to tell! Think! When and Where was Champlain born and what country did Champlain sail for? Write your answer on your “Background Information” fact card.
My crew headed out in 1603 on our first voyage. We headed in the same direction Cartier traveled in, toward the St. Lawrence River. We were hoping to find a water route across the “new world” continent. Let me guess, you want to find a quicker way to Asia? Of course, what else?
End of Section This is the end of Giovanni da Verrazano. journey. Here’s the St. Lawrence River. Quick! Turn the ship towards the river entrance! Think! What did Champlain hope to accomplish on his voyage? Write your answer on your “Goal” fact card. By the time I started exploring, my country was calling the land that they had claimed in the new world “New France.” I had strict orders from the king to make more settlements to make New France bigger!
The river seemed to go on forever! I was sure this river might lead across the continent. Boy did we see a lot of new land! We better turn around and return to France. The king will be expecting us back any day now… What river did Champlain do much of his exploring on? Write your answer on your “Voyages” fact card.
Nice work, Sam! Way to explore the St. Lawrence River! What I really want though, is to find a waterway across the continent in order to reach Asia. Do you think you could go back out again?
I didn’t make any promises to the king, but I was willing to try again. So, out we ventured again on a second voyage.
…and then a third voyage… I actually went back and forth from France to the new settlements that we had made many times!
Alright, are you ready to hear why my explorations were important? No, I didn’t find that waterway across the continent like the king wanted, but I did find another waterway while I was out exploring on the St. Lawrence River.
As we sailed up and down the St. Lawrence River, we made friends with the Huron Native Americans. They helped us learn about the area better and we helped them fight the Iroquois. We became good friends and even traded furs with them in exchange for weapons. Describe the relationship between the Huron Natives and Champlain. Write your answer on your “Voyages” fact card.
You know what else we discovered by sailing the St. Lawrence River and other little rivers that connected to the St. Lawrence? A new lake! Guess what I called it? Lake Champlain, of course! Think! What major discovery did Champlain find? Write your answer on your “Results” fact card.
Throughout my voyages, I was able to explore deeper and deeper into the new world. I also was able to establish settlements and trading areas in New France, like the settlement of Quebec. Of course, I am also known for my explorations of Lake Champlain!
End of Section This is the end of Samuel de Champlain’s journey.