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Samuel De Champlain

Samuel De Champlain. By: Julia Kirkpatrick. About Champlain. Father of New France He was a French explorer, navigator, and mapmaker He explored Eastern Canada He was born in Brouage, France His life line was 1567?-1635. The Beginning. In 1603, Champlain sailed to France on

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Samuel De Champlain

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  1. Samuel De Champlain By: Julia Kirkpatrick

  2. About Champlain • Father of New France • He was a French explorer, navigator, and mapmaker • He explored Eastern Canada • He was born in Brouage, France • His life line was 1567?-1635

  3. The Beginning In 1603, Champlain sailed to France on the Francois Grave Du Pont expedition. In 1608, Champlain led 32 colonists to Settle in Quebec in order to establish it as a fur trading center.

  4. The Beginning (continued) Champlain headed to Quebec settlement for years, until the English attacked and took the fort at Quebec in July, 1629. Champlain once again returned to France. After a French-British peace treaty in 1632.Quebec was once again French, and Champlain returned as governor in 1633.

  5. The Middle Born into a family of master mariners, Champlain, while still a young man, began exploring North Americain 1603 under the guidance of Francois Grave Du Pont. From 1604-1607, Champlain participated in the exploration and settlement of Acadia, then, in 1608, established the French settlement that is now Quebec City.

  6. The Middle (continued) Champlain was the first European to explore and describe the Great Lakes, and published maps of his journeys and accounts of what he learned from the natives and the French living among the Natives. He formed relationships with local Montagnais and Innu and later with others further west (Ottawa River, Lake Nipissing, or Georgian Bay), with Algonquin and with Huron Wendat, and agreed to provide assistance in their wars against the Iroquois.

  7. Then what?........ He died from a stroke on December. 25, 1635. He spent most of the rest of his life going back and forth between France and Canada. His goal was to map North America, find a quicker way to get to the Pacific Ocean, and teach North America natives about Christianity. In 1629 Quebec was captured by the English and Champlain was taken to England as a prisoner before his death.

  8. Then what?........ (continued) The stroke was because he had been worked to hard and was to tired. When Canada was returned to his trading post and remained in Quebec until his death on Christmas day in 1635.

  9. Pictures

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