WHAT IS AN EXACT NOUN? WHAT IS AN EXACT NOUN? • An exact noun describes a noun in detail. It tells you exactly what the noun is. It is not general like a common noun. It is more specific. • • Think of it as a more specific version of a common noun. • It can also be a proper noun. Pitbull Dog If you tell your reader about a dog, it can be any dog. You can be specific or exact if you tell which dog breed it is.
LET’S LET’S LOOK AT EXACT NOUNS LOOK AT EXACT NOUNS IN ACTION IN ACTION PASSAGE WITH COMMON NOUNS: PASSAGE WITH COMMON NOUNS: • The girl first visited a store. There, she bought some clothing and a shoe. She then bought some food from a café. Afterwards, she headed to the arcade to play a game with her friends. PASSAGE WITH EXACT NOUNS: PASSAGE WITH EXACT NOUNS: • Sarah first visited Stylish Fashion Store. There, she bought two dresses, a denim trousers and a pair of Adidas sneakers. She then bought a box of fries and chicken from Delicious Eats Cafe. Afterwards, she headed to Mike’s Arcade to play a game of air hockey with her friends, Alexis and Matthew.
EXPLORING EXACT NOUNS EXPLORING EXACT NOUNS Write the common noun from the list below which describes the more Write the common noun from the list below which describes the more specific or exact pair of nouns in the last two column. specific or exact pair of nouns in the last two column. instrument weapon bird flower insect shoe appliance religion pastry flavor dog country GENERAL/ GENERAL/COMMON NOUN COMMON NOUN SPECIFIC/EXACT SPECIFIC/EXACT NOUN NOUN gun SPECIFIC/EXACT SPECIFIC/EXACT NOUN NOUN sword cake cookies dove seagull guitar piano bee butterfly strawberry chocolate rose tulip sneakers boots Islam Christianity toaster can-opener Pitbull Dalmatian Africa India pencil eraser
EXPLORING EXACT NOUNS EXPLORING EXACT NOUNS In each sentence below, underline the noun that is more exact. Using EXACT NOUNS EXACT NOUNS make our writing clearer, more interesting and easily understood. E.g. The flowers flowers are withering. roses 1)Many (birds, pigeons) were perched on the treetops. 2)That (woman – Mrs James) sent to call you. 3)Footlocker is having sale on (shoes, sneakers). 4)The boy played the (instrument – pan) masterfully. 5)The (insects, flies) invaded the baker’s kitchen. 6)The excited (dog, Dalmatian) toppled its owner as he entered the gate. 7)My teacher, Ms James, sped past in her red (car, convertible ). 8)My uncle, Rufus wolfed down a bowl of (snacks, popcorn). 9)The (police officer, Officer Michael) waved as we passed by. 10)During the holiday, my family visited (the beach, Maracas Beach) 11)(The girl, Megan) can be a little over the top with her expressions. 12)The friends planned a visit to (the mall, Trincity Mall).
THINKING OF EXACT NOUNS THINKING OF EXACT NOUNS CLOTHES TOY ROOM PLANT _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ FRUIT TREE BIRD HOUSE _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________