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The incidence of Thyroid Disorders is increasing in India. Thanks to our lifestyle and our dietary habits which is adding fuel to the fire. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common thyroid disorders in India. It is affecting one in ten adult population.It is estimated that about 42 million people suffer from thyroid disorders in India, of which hypothyroidism is most common with a prevalence of 5.4%. Although the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism are often considered simple, there are a large number of people with this condition who are suffering but not properly treated. For more detail feel free call our Doctor@7033939001
ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY The Thyroidgland is a lobular endocrine gland that is inferior to the neck, anterior and larynx. Grossly, the gland appears brownish-red and the left and right lobes are joined by an isthmus.
The main purpose of this organ is to produce, store and secrete the iodine-based hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxin (T4). These hormones have various effects on fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as specifically on the central nervous system and general development.
Regulation of ThyroidAxis •TSH – –Thyrotropecellsof ant.Pituitary –31kDa hormoneαandβ subunits –αsubunitsimilartoLH,FSHandHCG –StimulatedbyTRH –TSH, TRHsuppressedbyThyroxin –Pulsatilesecretion
•Iodine primarilyderived fromdiet •RDA of iodine •Adults– 150 µg •Children – 90 – 120 µg •Pregnancy–200 µg •Urinaryiodine is >10g/dL in iodine- sufficient •Plasma iodidepartly replenishedfromthyroid
CLASSIFICATION •PrimaryhypothyroidismwithGoiters Iodinedeficiency(MCC) •Hashimoto’s (autoimmunetype2A) •Food goitrogens or as endemicsubstancesor pollutants •Thyroidinfiltration(Reidelsstruma,cystinosis,scleroderma) •sarcoidosis,amyloidosis,hemochromatosis.
–Congenital •Iodide transport or utilizationdefect •Iodotyrosinedehalogenase deficiency •Organificationdisorders •Defects inthyroglobulinsynthesisor processing
•Atrophichypothyroidism •Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmunethyroiditistype2B) •Post ablative-followssurgery,I131 radiation •Congenital •Thyroidagenesisor dysplasia (80-85% ofneonatal hypothyroidism) •TSH receptordefects •Thyroidal Gs proteinabnormalities •Idiopathic TSHunresponsiveness
•Transient(postthyroiditis) hypothyroidism –Following subacute.painless,or postpartum thyroiditis •Consumptivehypothyroidism –D3overexpressionin hemangiomas
EuthyroidHyperthyroxinemia •Thesedisordersresultinincreased total Tand/orT,but unboundhormone levels are normal. •Usually causedbymutationsthataffects TBG,Tranthyretin,or albumin
About Us:- Ayurzones Health Care is a leading Ayurvedic Supplement & Medicine seller in direct vitamins. We have been supplying Indian-made vitamins and supplements for the last 5 years and providing confidence and quality to many individual healthcare systems in the country. For more information visit our website: https://www.ayurzones.com/ WhatsApp No - 7033939001