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The digital SAT will introduce an entirely new type of Reading and Writing question: one in which the test-taker requires to review a fictitious set of student notes and answer a question about how to organize a response based on the notes.<br><br>Weu2019ve highlighted new changes that you need to be aware of. Learn More: https://blog.rewiser.in/digital-sat-reading-writing-section/
DigitalSAT:Learntoapproachthe new question type in the Reading andWriting section • TheCollege Boardhas releaseda setof digitalSAT samplequestions thatprovide a valuable glimpse into what to expect on the new test. While the reading and writing on the digital test willbe significantly shorter than onthe current SAT, most of thequestions willremain essentially the same as students will still see questions testing the main idea, primary purpose,punctuation, and vocabulary, although the format maychange for some questions. Therewill be very little change. • In the sample set, the College Board introduced an entirely new question type: one that required the test-taker to review a hypothetical set of student notes and answer a question abouthow to organize feedback basedon the notes. is required. • Forexample,studentsmightseeaquestionlikethis: • Whileorganizingresearchforanupcomingassignment,astudenttook notes: • HimariisaJapanesecontemporarypainterandperformanceartist. • Her work has been displayed in New York, Amsterdam, Paris, London, and many otherplaces around the world. • Mostofhisworksfeaturepolkadots.
Her installation I'm Here, But Nothing (2005–2013) was composed of a room with few objectsand walls covered withhundreds of glowing polka dots. • Her floating work Guideposts to the New Space (2018) featured a series of round, brightred "humps" covered with whitepolka dots. • The student's objective is to show the similarity between the two tasks. Which of the followingbest uses theinformation in the notesto accomplish this goal? • I'm here but none of the rooms include polka dots on the walls, and on the other hand, the guidepostfor New Space uses polka dotson round shapes. • Like many of Himari's other works, I Am Here, But Nothing and Guidepost to the New Space both contain polka dots; I'm here, but nothing covers them on the walls and on the round"humps" on the guideposts for thenew place. • Himari's work, which typically uses polka dots, has been displayed in many places around theworld. • Himari performed I Am Here, But Nothing from 2005-2013 and Guidepost to the New Spacein 2018. • So,howshouldonetacklethesequestions? • It would be really important to focus on the target given in the question prompt. In this case, you are asked to select the answer that best reflects the similarity between the two functions, socheck whether each answer does so. • Note that while option i) mentions that both works contain polka dots, it uses the phrase "on the other hand"—a phrase indicating a contrast rather than a similarity—to link the content of bothworks. Thus, option i) can be eliminated. • Option ii) emphasizes that both the works use polka dots, thus showing asimilarity, so keep optionii). • Note that option iii) is a true statement, as the notes indicate that Himari's work has been exhibited worldwide, but the answer option does not serve the purpose given in the question; This does not reflect the equivalence between the two functions and hence is not the correct answer. • Choice iv) similarly contains a true statement but does not show how the two functions are equaland thus is not the correct answer. • Thecorrectanswerisoptionii). • As you practice these questions, just remember to look for the answer that best meets the goalprovided, and you'll find that onlyone answer works!
HowtoPreparefortheReadingand Writing Section? Here'showyoucanstartpreparing: Reading:Beginbyreadingaboutavarietyofhumanitiesandsciencesubjects.Startwith TheEconomists,NewScientists,TheNewYorkTimes,andTheWashingtonPost.You shouldstart reading the editorial immediately. Learn about current geopolitical and environmental issues. Focus on becoming a more savvy reader in general. Try to develop an opinioninstead of being a passive receiverof facts. Writing and Language: Punctuation and grammar rules are not likely to be taken out of standardizedtests anytime soon. If you need any personal assistance, reach out to our experts here. We are extremely happyto help in whatever way we can.