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The existence of English as a universal language can be blamed to the British, who played a major part in spreading this language. The United Kingdom was the first industrialized nation. To raise itself on the global radar and spread its power, the country went on colonizing other nations. The British Empire acquired North America, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, South Asia, major parts of Southern and Western Africa, and some parts of South-East Asia.
Introduction The existence of English as a universal language can be blamed to the British, who played a major part in spreading this language. The United Kingdomwasthefirstindustrializednation.Toraiseitselfontheglobal radar and spread its power, the country went on colonizing other nations. The British Empire acquired North America, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, South Asia, major parts of Southern and WesternAfrica,andsomepartsofSouth-EastAsia.
Duringthisstint,theUKestablishedEnglish-speakingsystemsinthe industry,aswellasgovernment.ThismadeEnglishapopularlanguage ineverypartoftheworldanditbecameauniversallanguage. Till today, English is considered as the most powerful language. People want to learn it because it gives them an edge on the personal, social, and professional front.If you too want to gain an edgeoverothers,youmustlearnEnglish.Wehavesomeofthebest Englishlearningtipstosharewithyou.
Tell yourself that makingmistakeisokay The fear of making mistake is the first hurdle that stops everyone from speaking any language fluently. You must understand that it will take some time to be fluent and you can only become fluent if you gracefully acceptthefactthatyoumightmakesomemistakesatthebeginning,be itEnglish or any other language. If you let go of your fear of making mistakes and begin speaking confidently;gradually,youwouldbeabletospeakfluentlywithoutmaking any mistake. You just need to give a start and be okay about committing mistakes.
Takehelpfromthemedia The media is a powerful tool to enhance your knowledge pertaining to language. TheaccesstoEnglishmediamakesiteasytolearnandpractice thelanguage.Englishisauniversallanguage.Movies,TVseries,andmusic in this language are easily available. You can take their help to learn the language andpractice.
Read GoodBooksReadingvocabularyrichbooksisasureshotwayofenhancingtheEnglish speaking, as well as writing skills. There are several books that are amazingly rich in content. They are the best ways to learn many new and fancywordsandtolearnsentenceformation. Many authors have their own way of depicting stories. They unfold the storyinthemostsurrealway.Theyusefancywordsandlongsentences thatcometogethertoenhancetheappealofthelanguage.Withthese books, you can also improve your writing skills. You can observe their writing pattern and pick-up from them. You can learn to write long sentences in beautifulmanners.
Usewebsitesandapplications WebsitesandapplicationsqualifyasthebestmodesoflearningEnglishfor those who want a virtual speaking partner. These modern modes offer English-speaking partners to the people who want to learn English. The partners not just help with grammar and vocabulary but also help with pronunciation. EngVarta is one of the most sought-after apps for learning basic and advancedEnglish.ThisappworksonAndroidphones,iPhones,tablets,etc. Viathisapp,youcanconnecttotheEnglish-speakingexpertswhohelpyou toeradicateyourfearofspeakingEnglish,inculcateconfidence,andrefine your English communicationskills.
If you want to improve your fluency U S E E N G V A R T A You can also use this best rated English practice app and join the plethora of English learners to practice English with live English experts. With this app you can learn and improve your fluency. Want to learn more about how this app can help you learn and improve your communication skills? Visit the official website of EngVarta: https://engvarta.com/ Or talk to customer support: +91-7570085666 Or you can download the app now and win a free trial session to start your practice with an expert this minute. English speaking practice app Android: https://goo.gl/F6Jw6g and For iPhone: https://goo.gl/yMAjmB