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Choosing a board is a very important decision for a parent and a decision should be made considering individual preferences, constraints, and a schoolu2019s ecosystem.<br><br>Well, itu2019s a very difficult question to answer which board is better ICSE or IGCSE as both boards cater to the different requirements of students and parents. Thus, let us compare the two: https://blog.rewiser.in/difference-igcse-vs-icse/
Key differences between IGCSE and ICSE Curriculum that you need to Know Educationplaysanimportantrolein thedevelopmentofthenation. IGCSE and ICSE are considered among the top boards imparting education which are importantin shaping the role ofa child in making a betterworld. AnOverviewofICSE The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) is a common examination conducted atthe nationallevel bythe Council forthe IndianSchool Certificate Examinations(CISCE). The test is designed to test students in the curriculum of General Education, as per the recommendationsof the National Educational Policy. English is themain medium of instruction for all except in specific subjects of education. All the candidates generally have a totalof six subjects. AnOverviewofIGCSE The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exam is also based on the English language, and was developed by the University of Cambridge International Examinations. This qualification is highly recognized in the UK. Since it is an international qualification,it is also widelyrecognized by institutions aroundthe world.
IGCSE is a 2-year programme, with a very wide and flexible study schedule in which students can choose their courses (subjects) from 6 different subject groups. Students must have a minimum of 5 subjects from different fields, but they can also choose a maximum of 14subjects if they want to take morecourses. • DifferencebetweenICSE&IGCSE • SubjectsofICSE&IGCSE • ICSESubjects • ICSEstudentshavetostudy6 subjectsdividedintothreegroups1,2 and3.Group1 consists of compulsory subjects, students from group 2 have to choose any 2 subjects out of 4,andstudentsingroup3canchooseonly1subject11.ICSEresultsarecalculatedfrom thebest of 5 out of 6, including English marks are compulsory. • ICSEsubjectsareclassifiedasfollows: • Group1(MandatorySubjects) • English • SecondLanguage • History/Civics&Geography • S.U.P.W • Group2 (Any2 subjects from the group) • Maths • Science • Economics • CommercialStudies • Group3(1subjectfromthelot) • TechnicalDrawing • ComputerApplications • Art • Dance • CarnaticMusic • Drama • Yoga • EconomicApplications • InstrumentalMusic • MassMediaandCommunication • ModernForeignLanguage
IGCSESubjects • ThemainsubjectsundertheIGCSEare: • FirstLanguage • SecondLanguage • Mathematics • 1orMoreSciencesSubjects • Thesubjectsarecategorizedintothesegroups: • Languages • HumanitiesandSocialSciences • Sciences • Mathematics • Creative, Technical, and Vocational • Students can also choose from a variety of other courses ranging from creative arts to social sciences. • IGCSE is an English language course offered to prepare students for BTEC Level 3, A Level andthe IB curriculum. • DifferenceBetweenICSESyllabus&IGCSESyllabus • ICSESyllabus • The curriculum adopted by ICSE is more complete and comprehensive, giving equal importance to all areas (for example Science, Mathematics, Languages, Arts, Home Science, Agriculture, Fashion Design and Culinary Arts). Overall the ICSE curriculum (like languages) would give their students a slight edge in English. This will help them in some Englishbased exams. • IGCSESyllabus • IGCSE is more practical and application-based. It provides an opportunity to the students to choosecoursesaccordingtotheirinterestinthesubjectsofScience,Humanities, Languages and Mathematics. The courses also give them an opportunity to combine these subjects with components of fine arts, visual arts, theatre, technical drawing, music, film making, community service etc. The curriculum focuses on developing analytical thinking, communication skills, investigative abilities. Problem-solving techniques, teamwork, independent research and other qualities valued by all international universities. They have a wide spectrum of subjects which leads to all round development and are more challenging than Indian educational boards as it tests student's knowledge rather than memory and speed. • PrivateStudents • ICSE syllabus does not allow private students to appear for the exam while IGCSE has spacefor private students.
LocalizedContent The IGCSE curriculum allows localized content to be taught in the respective fields while the ICSEfocuses on a general learninggoal with content. LevelofIGCSEVs.ICSE IGCSE is an international standard curriculum while ICSE is a national level examination offered in India. GradinginIGCSEVs.ICSE Students with IGCSE merit based on 3 tier grading system. Grades are Distinction, Merit and PasswhereasICSEMeritusesstudentmarks.ICSEmeritstudentsareawardedgradeA1 toE2 on the basis of 100 -0 marks respectively. Existence ICSEboardwas startedin 1986while IGCSEboard wasformed in1988. So,whichoneisbetter? It is important to understand that both exams have their advantages and disadvantages, and you can choose a course that best suits the student's preferences and strengths. For example:- If a student is very good at photographic memory, that would be ideal for rote learning - so if they choose ICSE, they will get very high grades and find themselves with greatscores. Simply put, ICSE is great for students who want to pursue their higher education within the country. Since ICSE is more similar to IGCSE than other Indian boards, it will be easier to transitiontoIGCSEinthelongrun(forGrades11and12),dependingonwhetherthe student wants to pursue higher education abroad. Gain additional skills and experience from CambridgeBoard's differentiated approach.