Benefits Of Drinking Water
Water is one of the most essential components of our diet. Without water, a human being cannot survive for more than 3 days. Its importance remains unbeatable.Water is one of the most essential components of our diet. Without water, a human being cannot survive for more than 3 days. Its importance remains unbeatable. The following are the reasons why one should consume at least 3-4 liters of water every day: It Creates Saliva What is Saliva? Saliva is a liquid secreted by the salivary gland in the mouth. Saliva not only aid Digestion but also chewing and swallowing. What is Saliva made of? Human Saliva is about 99% water. Lack of water in the body can seriously damage our salivary glands and the digestive process. Apart from water Saliva is also made of enzymes like the Salivary amylase, electrolytes, mucus, proteins etc. What does Saliva do? Saliva has 4 prime functions, Viz: u2022tAids chewing: Saliva acts as a great lubricant. It not only aid chewing and swallowing but also prevents the food from sticking to walls of the mouth. u2022tBreaks down sugars: Saliva contains an enzyme by the name of the Salivary amylase. This enzyme is responsible to break down complex sugars to simpler ones for the purpose of easy digestion in the body. u2022tThe sense of taste: Not only is the Saliva responsible for the production and development of the tongueu2019s taste receptors but it is also responsible to bring the taste stimulus to the tongueu2019s receptor. u2022tMaintain a healthy pH: Even though it may be overlooked upon but the Saliva maintains the correct pH of the body, no matter what. The typical range for the pH remains in between 6.2 and 7.4 Hence, water is responsible for the creation of saliva. Dehydration of any intensity can be detrimental to the production of Saliva and its functions thereto. Balances Body Temperature What is the body temperature? There are some other benefits of drinking water. The body temperature is an index of how hot or cold oneu2019s body is. ASAP use of research and conclusions the international medical associations have declared 37 degree Celsius to be the normal body temperature. How does the body balance its temperature? Balancing the body temperature is crucial for everybody. Improper management of the body temperature can trigger fevers pneumonia and rounds of weaknesses. timely measurement of the body temperature is absolutely necessary these days because of the dynamic environment and health conditions. Consequences of an imbalance body temperature. Improper management of the body temperature can trigger a sudden loss or gain of hotness or coldness of the body. If the body starts to chill quickly, a condition called hypothermia is being experienced. If the opposite takes place then a condition of hypothermia is said to be in motion. Water plays a vital role in regulating body temperature. When the body is too hot it releases water, in the form of sweat, in order to cool down and prevent loss of electrolytes further. That is why dehydration leaves critical damage to the body. Flushes Out Toxins Water is responsible for flushing out toxins from the body. Most of the toxic matter is flushed out by way of urine. The kidneys are able to filter the blood and remove the toxic waste from the body just because most of it is in a liquid state, possible only due to high water intake.Lack of water intake will lead to constipation and kidney stones. It may also lead to poisoning of the body due to faulty waste removal. Some of the common kinds of toxins that the water flushes out of our system have been enlisted as follows: u2022tUrea: It is an organic compound essential in humans and animals. It is excreted fr the body via urine. u2022tChloride: It is a compound of chlorine. u2022tSodium: It is a chemical element highly necessary for some of the bodily functions. Excess of sodium is excreted via urine and sweat. u2022tPotassium: another chemical element. u2022tCreation: It is a waste product from the breakdown of creating in the muscles. u2022tEssential for nutrient absorption Water plays a vital role in the absorption of many vitamins and minerals which are water-soluble and can only be absorbed when they are mixed with water. Furthermore, many digestive enzymes are also in a liquid state and contain mostly water in them. Dehydration will not only render the digestive process incomplete but also so will disturb nutrient absorption greatly. 1.tSalivary Amylase: It is an important enzyme present in the saliva. The basic function of the salivary amylase is to break down sugar is into smaller components for easy digestion further. 2.tPepsin: Pepsin is present in the stomach along with the hydroelectric acid and mucus. Basic functions of pepsin are to break down proteins into smaller components, fit for digestion later. 3.tTrypsin: Trypsin is another highly important enzyme for the purpose of digestion of proteins in the digestive system. 4.tPancreatic Amylase: The pancreatic amylase is secreted by the pancreas for the purpose of breaking down huge chunks of fact into very small bits for the purpose of assimilation in the intestine. 5.tBile: The bile is a liquid secreted and stored in the liver. The purpose of bile is to breakdown fats into smaller parts. Lack of bile due to dehydration can cause severe health hazards, later. Maintains Brain Function And Focus Water is responsible for the proper functioning of the brain. Without the maintenance of the same, we will not only feel dizzy but also be out of focus. Fulfilling even the most basic daily tasks will be rendered impossible due to the lack of proper water intake.Water is the necessity of today. Millions of people are heavily deprived of drinking water. We should be thankful that we arenu2019t and should also avoid wasting it. Dehydration Dehydration is the state of deprivation of fluids or water in the body. It is when a person either loses water excessively from the body or has a faulty water intake, they may trigger a condition of dehydration. Dehydration can be cause by any of the following: u2022tLack of Water Intake: A serious lack of water intake can lead to the condition of dehydration because the water going in is much less than that going out of the body. u2022tDiarrhoea: Diarrhoea is infamous for inducing a great amount of water loss from the body while rejecting most of the food and water in took by the body in the previous hours. Diarrhoea cannot only cause but also gravely worsen the condition of dehydration. u2022tFever and Pneumonia: The body undergoes an extensive process of sweating while under fever and pneumonia. This leads to a great water loss via sweat. u2022tHigh sugar intake: the bodyu2019s response high sugar intake is generally seen with an even high rate of urination. This can also lead to an uncalled for water loss suddenly. u2022tAlcoholism: grave cases of alcoholism are accompanied with multiple sessions of vomiting the alcohol, the body could not handle. This leads to huge water loss, suddenly, and may even cause dehydration, occasionally. Dehydration can have the following symptoms: u2022tDry Mouth: It is when the body does not get adequate water to produce saliva. Then your mouth runs dry and you find it difficult to chew and swallow food. u2022tLethargy: You may feel lazy and working small chores may seem quite difficult. You may ignore it initially but it may lead to a bigger problem later. u2022tWeakness In Muscles: Because most of the electrical impulses in our body cannot function due to the lack of solutions, there may be sudden weakness in the body muscles. u2022tHeadaches: Lack of water can have a major impact on the functioning of the brain. Due to a fall in the BP, you might even experience headaches because of dehydration. u2022tVertigo: Since the body is running short of fluids, you may experience mild to heavy fits of vertigo. It may also be accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Effects of dehydration on the body: u2022tFall in Blood Volume: Since Blood contains plasma which is mostly water, the volume of blood may drop with time in case dehydration is not corrected. u2022tLack of Electrolytes: Since most of the bodyu2019s functions are done via electrolysis, the lack of Electrolytes, i.e. water, can lead to grave health hazards, for examples headaches and even seizures. u2022tPressure on the Kidneys: is increased because of the lack of water. Since the only job of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood and excrete it via urine(95% water), the lack of water can pose difficulties. Extreme cases of dehydration have also reported urinary tract infections and pasty urine. Conclusion and suggestions Here In this article you can read Benefits Of Drinking Water, Dehydration now we can also mention conclusion and suggestions. Even though water does sustain life, an excess of intake of water can also cause health hazards and problems later on, if not treated within time. Overhydration, even though does not sound like a major problem, can lead to detrimental consequences if overlooked. u2022tUpsets the Electrolytes Water intake is absolutely essential for the working of the bodyu2019s electrolytes. Too much of water intake can also upset this electrolytes if not treated within time. If the bodyu2019s electrolytes donu2019t work properly, one may find it difficult to sense, move or even think properly. u2022tFall of sodium levels Too much of water in blood can lead to an extreme dilution of many chemical compounds and elements, like sodium, which are quite essential for the working of various bodily functions, on a daily basis. Overhydration can lead to a fall in sodium levels in the body. u2022tCauses Nausea If the stomach is filled with too much of water the condition acid reflux can be predicted. The body may not be able to handle high levels of water all together and might signal you to get rid of them as fast as you can. The consequence of this body reaction is nausea. u2022tLack of focus Since the electrolytes of the body have lost their balance and the brain does not get the right amount of water by various sources, one may not being able to focus properly. In fact, sessions of confusion and disorientation can also be witnessed. Diarrhoea Anotherthe body to get rid of the excess water remains via the bowel movements. Diarrhoea can be seen as one of the earliest symptoms and consequences of over hydration in a short span of time because it gets rid of water very quickly. u2022tCramps Because imbalance of electrolytes in the body the muscle movements maybe hampered for sometime. Just the way the body experience cramps because of dehydration, over hydration can also cause the same. For any medical assistance visit It is hoped that the above mentioned benefits of drinking water article is helpful to one and all in the best possible manner. 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