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The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Making Change, 2022

The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Making Change, 2022

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The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Making Change, 2022

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  1. VOL 11 I ISSUE 01 I 2022 The 10Most Innovative Business Leaders Making Change, 2022 Founder, Director, CEO / Sales & Leadership Expert / Facilitator / Author/ International Speaker / Management Consultant Rainmakers Business Solutions Jackie Rainforth The Rainmaker of Change in Sales & Leadership Training!

  2. The 10Most EDITOR’S NOTE Innovative Enabling a Realm of Business Leaders Unending Innovations Making Change, 2022 n the ever-evolving business arena, a visionary mindset can perpetual betterments, CIOLook through its latest edition — "The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders enrich business organizations to scale progress with the Making Change, 2022," spotlights the icons of a change that contributes to the unending innovations of the I foresight to become a prominent name in the industry. This modern business arena. isn't rocket science but the outcome of appropriate processes and methods by which businesses achieve major organizational Flip through the pages and embrace the journey of these proficient leaders who are upbringing the improvements. perpetual enhancements through a distinct but visionary approach and enabling a realm of unending innovations. It requires a targeted approach that considers both the challenges to change, and the strategies needed to overcome them. And even Have a Delightful Read! Abhishek Joshi more so, it requires changing leadership with the right traits to help a business come out on top. It's probably not much of a Abhishek Joshi surprise to learn that change management leaders need to be able to communicate with their teams. But effective communication goes beyond just relaying what needs to get done. Effective change leaders are able to communicate the purpose behind each step and how various tasks fit into the overall mission. And because communication goes both ways, they are also proficient listeners who value the input of everyone on the team. While considering the instincts that provocate to furnish the final product, leaders have always come forth with the most prominent structural distinction to enhance the global business arena. Inculcation of such extraordinary factors leads to the formation of next-gen technological changes and transformation, adhering to initiate the pillars of the modern generational pillars that sustain the progression of Universal Renovation. Adhering to the fundamentals that contribute to the unending quest of enabling transformations that drive innovations and

  3. The 10Most EDITOR’S NOTE Innovative Enabling a Realm of Business Leaders Unending Innovations Making Change, 2022 n the ever-evolving business arena, a visionary mindset can perpetual betterments, CIOLook through its latest edition — "The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders enrich business organizations to scale progress with the Making Change, 2022," spotlights the icons of a change that contributes to the unending innovations of the I foresight to become a prominent name in the industry. This modern business arena. isn't rocket science but the outcome of appropriate processes and methods by which businesses achieve major organizational Flip through the pages and embrace the journey of these proficient leaders who are upbringing the improvements. perpetual enhancements through a distinct but visionary approach and enabling a realm of unending innovations. It requires a targeted approach that considers both the challenges to change, and the strategies needed to overcome them. And even Have a Delightful Read! Abhishek Joshi more so, it requires changing leadership with the right traits to help a business come out on top. It's probably not much of a Abhishek Joshi surprise to learn that change management leaders need to be able to communicate with their teams. But effective communication goes beyond just relaying what needs to get done. Effective change leaders are able to communicate the purpose behind each step and how various tasks fit into the overall mission. And because communication goes both ways, they are also proficient listeners who value the input of everyone on the team. While considering the instincts that provocate to furnish the final product, leaders have always come forth with the most prominent structural distinction to enhance the global business arena. Inculcation of such extraordinary factors leads to the formation of next-gen technological changes and transformation, adhering to initiate the pillars of the modern generational pillars that sustain the progression of Universal Renovation. Adhering to the fundamentals that contribute to the unending quest of enabling transformations that drive innovations and

  4. C O V E R S T O R Y C O N T E N T S 16 20 24 Denise Sangster Kristen Wysocki Robert Bruski Copying Imagination, Pasting Unleashing Power of Partner A Story of Companionate Ecosystems, and Accelera?ng Ar?stry Virtual Reality IT Company-partner Success 30 34 08 Tanmay Arora Stuart Long Paving A Path For Virtual The CEO Revolutionizing Neurotech Telemetry & Sustainable Fashion at Unwired India and Weaving Waves Jackie C X O 34 Rainforth How is Social Media Pla?orms Emerging as Enhanced Communica?on The Rainmaker of Change in Sales & Leadership Training! tools in the Modern Era of Innova?ons?

  5. C O V E R S T O R Y C O N T E N T S 16 20 24 Denise Sangster Kristen Wysocki Robert Bruski Copying Imagination, Pasting Unleashing Power of Partner A Story of Companionate Ecosystems, and Accelera?ng Ar?stry Virtual Reality IT Company-partner Success 30 34 08 Tanmay Arora Stuart Long Paving A Path For Virtual The CEO Revolutionizing Neurotech Telemetry & Sustainable Fashion at Unwired India and Weaving Waves Jackie C X O 34 Rainforth How is Social Media Pla?orms Emerging as Enhanced Communica?on The Rainmaker of Change in Sales & Leadership Training! tools in the Modern Era of Innova?ons?

  6. Company Name Featured Person Brief Global Touch is a partner-focused data-driven strategy and go- Denise Sangster Global Touch, Inc. Shellie Jones to market transformation consulting firm for the hybrid and Founder and CEO globaltouch.com consumption era. Editor-in-Chief SCDC has 19 years of community outreach experience and has SCD Corporation Emma Hernandez CONTENT developed strong partnerships with several hundred schools, FOLLOW US ON scdcorp.org CEO churches, nonprofits, businesses, and community leaders. Senior Editor Alan Swann www.facebook.com/ciolook Rainmakers will elevate you and your team entire team to the Executive Editors Abhishek Joshi RAINMAKERS BUSINESS Jackie Rainforth www.twitter.com/ciolook next level, helping you to achieve the learning processes, Sales Expert/Speaker/ SOLUTIONS skillsets, and techniques required to make it rain results and rainmakersgroup.ca Author/ Media Host WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON grow your business to UNSTOPPABLE. DESIGN Jane is a curated marketplace with more than 2,000 shops plus Joana McKenna Jane Inc. big brands and designer names. CEO Jane.com VisualizerDave Bates Art & Design Director Revati Badkas This Girl Walks into A Bar is a bartending service that provides CONTACT US ON Girls Walk into Bar Jordan Catapano highly trained, polished, professional, friendly bartenders so Associate Designer Sandeep Tikode hisgirlwalksintoabar.com CEO Email you get the very best behind the bar. info@ciolook.com For Subscription SALES Kreative Kustoms is a local collective gift shop & boutique, Kristen Wysocki Kreative Kustoms Inc. www.ciolook.com specializing in custom and personalized keepsakes. Owner kreativekustoms.net Vice President Operations Kshitiv S. Copyright © 2022 CIOLOOK, All Senior Sales Manager Prathamesh Tate rights reserved. The content Hatch is passionately committed to the pursuit of a better world Kristi McLachlan Hatch LLC and images used in this Sales Executives Rohit, John through positive change. Director hatch.com magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in TECHNICAL any form or by any means, Ctrl V has developed one of the most refined and sophisticated electronic, mechanical, UPS Robert M. Bruski, Technical Head Amar Sawant franchise infrastructures in the VR industry. photocopying, recording or ups.com Chief Executive Officer otherwise, without prior Technical Consultant Victor Collins permission from CIOLOOK. InfoBionic’s vision is to deliver the first telemetry platform Reprint rights remain solely InfoBionic Stuart Long SME-SMO capable of supporting any level of acuity, anywhere virtual care with CIOLOOK. infobionic.com CEO is delivered. Research Analyst Eric Smith Unwired India is a neurotech-startup that aims at integrating SEO Executive Ravindra Kadam Tanmay Arora Unwired India state-of-the-art research and developments in STEM, for CEO unwiredindia.com catalyzing the transition of Neuroscience to Neurotechnology. sales@ciolook.com November, 2022

  7. Company Name Featured Person Brief Global Touch is a partner-focused data-driven strategy and go- Denise Sangster Global Touch, Inc. Shellie Jones to market transformation consulting firm for the hybrid and Founder and CEO globaltouch.com consumption era. Editor-in-Chief SCDC has 19 years of community outreach experience and has SCD Corporation Emma Hernandez CONTENT developed strong partnerships with several hundred schools, FOLLOW US ON scdcorp.org CEO churches, nonprofits, businesses, and community leaders. Senior Editor Alan Swann www.facebook.com/ciolook Rainmakers will elevate you and your team entire team to the Executive Editors Abhishek Joshi RAINMAKERS BUSINESS Jackie Rainforth www.twitter.com/ciolook next level, helping you to achieve the learning processes, Sales Expert/Speaker/ SOLUTIONS skillsets, and techniques required to make it rain results and rainmakersgroup.ca Author/ Media Host WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON grow your business to UNSTOPPABLE. DESIGN Jane is a curated marketplace with more than 2,000 shops plus Joana McKenna Jane Inc. big brands and designer names. CEO Jane.com VisualizerDave Bates Art & Design Director Revati Badkas This Girl Walks into A Bar is a bartending service that provides CONTACT US ON Girls Walk into Bar Jordan Catapano highly trained, polished, professional, friendly bartenders so Associate Designer Sandeep Tikode hisgirlwalksintoabar.com CEO Email you get the very best behind the bar. info@ciolook.com For Subscription SALES Kreative Kustoms is a local collective gift shop & boutique, Kristen Wysocki Kreative Kustoms Inc. www.ciolook.com specializing in custom and personalized keepsakes. Owner kreativekustoms.net Vice President Operations Kshitiv S. Copyright © 2022 CIOLOOK, All Senior Sales Manager Prathamesh Tate rights reserved. The content Hatch is passionately committed to the pursuit of a better world Kristi McLachlan Hatch LLC and images used in this Sales Executives Rohit, John through positive change. Director hatch.com magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in TECHNICAL any form or by any means, Ctrl V has developed one of the most refined and sophisticated electronic, mechanical, UPS Robert M. Bruski, Technical Head Amar Sawant franchise infrastructures in the VR industry. photocopying, recording or ups.com Chief Executive Officer otherwise, without prior Technical Consultant Victor Collins permission from CIOLOOK. InfoBionic’s vision is to deliver the first telemetry platform Reprint rights remain solely InfoBionic Stuart Long SME-SMO capable of supporting any level of acuity, anywhere virtual care with CIOLOOK. infobionic.com CEO is delivered. Research Analyst Eric Smith Unwired India is a neurotech-startup that aims at integrating SEO Executive Ravindra Kadam Tanmay Arora Unwired India state-of-the-art research and developments in STEM, for CEO unwiredindia.com catalyzing the transition of Neuroscience to Neurotechnology. sales@ciolook.com November, 2022

  8. Jackie Rainforth, C Founder, Director, CEO / Sales & Leadership Expert / Facilitator / Author/ International Speaker / Management Consultant O Rainmakers Business Solutions V E The Rainmaker of Change in Sales & Leadership Training! R S T We create high-performance results, revenues, and O ROI for Organizations! R Y

  9. Jackie Rainforth, C Founder, Director, CEO / Sales & Leadership Expert / Facilitator / Author/ International Speaker / Management Consultant O Rainmakers Business Solutions V E The Rainmaker of Change in Sales & Leadership Training! R S T We create high-performance results, revenues, and O ROI for Organizations! R Y

  10. ounder and CEO of the as an internationally recognized speaker. She offers life speaking has skyrocketed, and she has become a nationally acclaimed experience that extends beyond the corporate and notable innovator in the Sales Training Industry. F Rainmakers Business entrepreneurial arenas to help elevate people and Solutions, JackieRainforth, is a organizations to higher levels of confidence and success Leading From the Front global award-winning and much in sales, business, and life. Jackie knows how to create sought-after sales trainer, conference success in business, but she isn't just teaching it...she The concept of 'Selling Made Simple' is based on simple, speaker, and management consultant, knows it, loves it, and lives it. repetitive processes that are easy to learn, retain, and nationally recognized for her more importantly, implement out in the field. Selling customizable, value-added sales. And she has the awards to prove it. GLOBAL Top 200 without a plan is like driving a car without a roadmap. sales leadership, and business Power Voices of Leadership 2022 GLOBAL Thought- Not a very practical or successful way to get to your learning programs and presentations. Leader and Influencer to Watch in 2021, RBC Woman final destination. Her proven selling and leadership of Influence 2021, and Entrepreneur of Canada award strategies continue to up-level the nominee, Top 10 Women in Alberta 2020, and more. Top Sales people are always planned, prepared and performance and productivity of practiced with their their organizational goals, strategy, professionals, business owners, Paving the Path conversation and focus predetermined. But most entrepreneurs, sales teams, and importantly, they are laser focused on the steps of the organizations, taking them from Jackie started her sales training business in 2016 after selling process. "Selling Made Simple' is a system of stalled to unstoppable. surviving a tragic, near-fatal scuba-diving incident simple processes that allows you to create a mental where she could not breathe 45' under the water. map so you what to say and when to say it, so you can A Motivated Presence Literally faced with death and living to tell the tale, a be that confident and authoritative expert that new passion for helping others find confidence and customers trust, respect and want to buy from. As a facilitator and management success in life and business became her new path. She Statistics show those who use formal process earn 28% consultant, Jackie provides knew it was the time to share her personal selling more than those who do not (HBR) system and her experience as she began her journey as recommendations to improve overall client results and efficiency by the successful entrepreneurial force she is today. It comes down to neuroscience and the brain. When reviewing and advising on methods you lack confidence and competence, your brain shifts and systems to improve a client's Jackie rose to the top of the male-dominated from the analytic-left side to the emotional-right side, financial, economic, or technical sales construction industry. However, when she first started and due to this, a 'fight-flight-freeze' response kicks in. and leadership performance. out in sales, she, like many, thought having 'personality This may lead to you missing important steps in the and charm' and 'winging it' would be enough to succeed sales cycle and commit classic mistakes in selling. Jackie educates, entertains, and in selling – it wasn't. Then she tried following empowers audiences with motivating, traditional, structured and scripted sales practices that Jackie emphasizes on building the fundamental hard engaging, and powerful presentations were the status quo in the sales training industry, but skills required in selling is crucial to laying a solid they didn't work either. Too complicated, she knew foundation, but technical skill is no longer enough. The there had to be a simpler way. 'Selling Made Simple' programs utilize a unique, modern, and holistic approach, which is why Trusting her instincts, she developed her own unique RAINMAKERS are largely successful in achieving way of selling, focusing on how she could enhance the outstanding results for clients. customer experience with a 'simple' genuinely authentic customer service approach. Jackie has set high standards from her decades of award-winning, record-breaking personal Delve Deeper-Sell The inventive strategy paid off For over 25 years, achievements, as a sales representative, regional Jackie's sales figures catapulted her as a top performer manager, executive sales leader, and Founder and CEO Better-Achieve at every company she worked for. Over time these running her own extremely lucrative sales agency Faster Results. 'simple, repeatable processes' became the foundation representing a global brand. Highly certified, she has for her highly effective and extremely popular incorporated many exclusive elements and 'SELLING MADE SIMPLE Sales Success System', which methodologies into her programs to ensure the is now elevating the incomes, revenues, results, and maximum success rate and return on investment dollar profitability of professionals, entrepreneurs, and for her clients. Her training and management are organizations. The demand for her management unique because of her innovative focus on improving consulting services as well as sales training and confidence, soft skills and emotional intelligence which

  11. ounder and CEO of the as an internationally recognized speaker. She offers life speaking has skyrocketed, and she has become a nationally acclaimed experience that extends beyond the corporate and notable innovator in the Sales Training Industry. F Rainmakers Business entrepreneurial arenas to help elevate people and Solutions, JackieRainforth, is a organizations to higher levels of confidence and success Leading From the Front global award-winning and much in sales, business, and life. Jackie knows how to create sought-after sales trainer, conference success in business, but she isn't just teaching it...she The concept of 'Selling Made Simple' is based on simple, speaker, and management consultant, knows it, loves it, and lives it. repetitive processes that are easy to learn, retain, and nationally recognized for her more importantly, implement out in the field. Selling customizable, value-added sales. And she has the awards to prove it. GLOBAL Top 200 without a plan is like driving a car without a roadmap. sales leadership, and business Power Voices of Leadership 2022 GLOBAL Thought- Not a very practical or successful way to get to your learning programs and presentations. Leader and Influencer to Watch in 2021, RBC Woman final destination. Her proven selling and leadership of Influence 2021, and Entrepreneur of Canada award strategies continue to up-level the nominee, Top 10 Women in Alberta 2020, and more. Top Sales people are always planned, prepared and performance and productivity of practiced with their their organizational goals, strategy, professionals, business owners, Paving the Path conversation and focus predetermined. But most entrepreneurs, sales teams, and importantly, they are laser focused on the steps of the organizations, taking them from Jackie started her sales training business in 2016 after selling process. "Selling Made Simple' is a system of stalled to unstoppable. surviving a tragic, near-fatal scuba-diving incident simple processes that allows you to create a mental where she could not breathe 45' under the water. map so you what to say and when to say it, so you can A Motivated Presence Literally faced with death and living to tell the tale, a be that confident and authoritative expert that new passion for helping others find confidence and customers trust, respect and want to buy from. As a facilitator and management success in life and business became her new path. She Statistics show those who use formal process earn 28% consultant, Jackie provides knew it was the time to share her personal selling more than those who do not (HBR) system and her experience as she began her journey as recommendations to improve overall client results and efficiency by the successful entrepreneurial force she is today. It comes down to neuroscience and the brain. When reviewing and advising on methods you lack confidence and competence, your brain shifts and systems to improve a client's Jackie rose to the top of the male-dominated from the analytic-left side to the emotional-right side, financial, economic, or technical sales construction industry. However, when she first started and due to this, a 'fight-flight-freeze' response kicks in. and leadership performance. out in sales, she, like many, thought having 'personality This may lead to you missing important steps in the and charm' and 'winging it' would be enough to succeed sales cycle and commit classic mistakes in selling. Jackie educates, entertains, and in selling – it wasn't. Then she tried following empowers audiences with motivating, traditional, structured and scripted sales practices that Jackie emphasizes on building the fundamental hard engaging, and powerful presentations were the status quo in the sales training industry, but skills required in selling is crucial to laying a solid they didn't work either. Too complicated, she knew foundation, but technical skill is no longer enough. The there had to be a simpler way. 'Selling Made Simple' programs utilize a unique, modern, and holistic approach, which is why Trusting her instincts, she developed her own unique RAINMAKERS are largely successful in achieving way of selling, focusing on how she could enhance the outstanding results for clients. customer experience with a 'simple' genuinely authentic customer service approach. Jackie has set high standards from her decades of award-winning, record-breaking personal Delve Deeper-Sell The inventive strategy paid off For over 25 years, achievements, as a sales representative, regional Jackie's sales figures catapulted her as a top performer manager, executive sales leader, and Founder and CEO Better-Achieve at every company she worked for. Over time these running her own extremely lucrative sales agency Faster Results. 'simple, repeatable processes' became the foundation representing a global brand. Highly certified, she has for her highly effective and extremely popular incorporated many exclusive elements and 'SELLING MADE SIMPLE Sales Success System', which methodologies into her programs to ensure the is now elevating the incomes, revenues, results, and maximum success rate and return on investment dollar profitability of professionals, entrepreneurs, and for her clients. Her training and management are organizations. The demand for her management unique because of her innovative focus on improving consulting services as well as sales training and confidence, soft skills and emotional intelligence which

  12. cannot be overlooked as they enable employees to work and interact effectively and perform optimally. Harvard Business Review reports that today's organizations prioritize social skills above technical know-how, as the demand for emotional intelligence and soft skills will continue to grow. RAINMAKERS is ahead of this curve, leading the change in the sales and business training industries. ‘Personality to Profit' is a part of the program created by Jackie. This is a powerful, proven technique to easily identify a client's personality type, purchasing triggers, and communication style. The motives and appeals that lure the prospects allow you to clearly deliver your message in a way that effectively influences and aligns the idea with your client to maximize sales and optimize your business. With prospecting being such an essential proponent of selling, RAINMAKERS include 'Powerful Telephone Skills' and 'Generating Leads & Finding New Customers' to hone the real-life skills that companies, salespeople, and business owners require today. 'Selling Made Simple' is also distinctive in that it offers coaching sessions, role-play, and focuses on incremental and accountability learning, creating a fully inclusive training or consulting package. Elevate your sales, revenues, & profitability to a higher level of success.

  13. cannot be overlooked as they enable employees to work and interact effectively and perform optimally. Harvard Business Review reports that today's organizations prioritize social skills above technical know-how, as the demand for emotional intelligence and soft skills will continue to grow. RAINMAKERS is ahead of this curve, leading the change in the sales and business training industries. ‘Personality to Profit' is a part of the program created by Jackie. This is a powerful, proven technique to easily identify a client's personality type, purchasing triggers, and communication style. The motives and appeals that lure the prospects allow you to clearly deliver your message in a way that effectively influences and aligns the idea with your client to maximize sales and optimize your business. With prospecting being such an essential proponent of selling, RAINMAKERS include 'Powerful Telephone Skills' and 'Generating Leads & Finding New Customers' to hone the real-life skills that companies, salespeople, and business owners require today. 'Selling Made Simple' is also distinctive in that it offers coaching sessions, role-play, and focuses on incremental and accountability learning, creating a fully inclusive training or consulting package. Elevate your sales, revenues, & profitability to a higher level of success.

  14. By the People Not only does Jackie have a wide variety of pre-set courses to choose from but can also customize to the Here are some testimonials that describe Jackie's work company and/or individuals needs. “Jackie's training is beyond exceptional! She makes selling simple! My selling excelled beyond my wildest dreams! I Jackie also provides a thorough summary at the was able to increase sales by 77% with my top customer!” completion of each training, along with -Brittney Wilson, Account Manager recommendations to assist management with continually growing their employees' skill sets. “Jackie Rainforth is an exceptional sales trainer and I would highly recommend her to any company, big or consultant. Her knowledge, professionalism, and small, who is looking to increase the efficiency and enthusiasm are second to none. Her insight is leading edge, productivity of their team." creating custom sales tools that enable our sales associates -Jared Bonnett Partner, Equipco Ltd. to excel. Our team was able to apply what they learned and increased sales by 20%.” Bequeathing Brilliance -Rose-Ann Normandeau, CEO Regardless of where you are in your career, or what “I was struggling to secure new customers and generate your sales or leadership goals are, we have the sales. Jackie changed my life. She helped me re-work all customized training, speaking, and business aspects of my sales prospecting and pipeline process. The management consulting solutions to meet your needs. result…my sales tripled in less than a month, and my We help MAKE IT RAIN RESULTS as you take your confidence drastically improved. I am lucky that Jackie was business to UNSTOPPABLE! there for me with the guidance I needed – She is the reason for my success.” Jackie signs .... -Robert Chmielinski, Sales Jackie signed her highly acclaimed book The Badass Jackie is a strategic thinker which allows her to adapt Guide to Superstar Selling with words she lives by her training techniques to all levels of employees – from Dream Big – Push Through Fear and Be Badass in All You Entry Level to Executive Management. Do! Her modern, yet simple approach to selling, ensures everyone who completes the 'Selling Made Simple' course gains structure and confidence in the face of the customer.

  15. By the People Not only does Jackie have a wide variety of pre-set courses to choose from but can also customize to the Here are some testimonials that describe Jackie's work company and/or individuals needs. “Jackie's training is beyond exceptional! She makes selling simple! My selling excelled beyond my wildest dreams! I Jackie also provides a thorough summary at the was able to increase sales by 77% with my top customer!” completion of each training, along with -Brittney Wilson, Account Manager recommendations to assist management with continually growing their employees' skill sets. “Jackie Rainforth is an exceptional sales trainer and I would highly recommend her to any company, big or consultant. Her knowledge, professionalism, and small, who is looking to increase the efficiency and enthusiasm are second to none. Her insight is leading edge, productivity of their team." creating custom sales tools that enable our sales associates -Jared Bonnett Partner, Equipco Ltd. to excel. Our team was able to apply what they learned and increased sales by 20%.” Bequeathing Brilliance -Rose-Ann Normandeau, CEO Regardless of where you are in your career, or what “I was struggling to secure new customers and generate your sales or leadership goals are, we have the sales. Jackie changed my life. She helped me re-work all customized training, speaking, and business aspects of my sales prospecting and pipeline process. The management consulting solutions to meet your needs. result…my sales tripled in less than a month, and my We help MAKE IT RAIN RESULTS as you take your confidence drastically improved. I am lucky that Jackie was business to UNSTOPPABLE! there for me with the guidance I needed – She is the reason for my success.” Jackie signs .... -Robert Chmielinski, Sales Jackie signed her highly acclaimed book The Badass Jackie is a strategic thinker which allows her to adapt Guide to Superstar Selling with words she lives by her training techniques to all levels of employees – from Dream Big – Push Through Fear and Be Badass in All You Entry Level to Executive Management. Do! Her modern, yet simple approach to selling, ensures everyone who completes the 'Selling Made Simple' course gains structure and confidence in the face of the customer.

  16. CHOOSE OUR SUBSCRIPTION 1 Year 6 Months 3 Months 1 Month 12 Issues 6 Issues 3 Issues 1 Issue $250 $130 $70 $25 Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOK Get CIOLOOK Magazine in print, and digital on www.ciolook.com

  17. CHOOSE OUR SUBSCRIPTION 1 Year 6 Months 3 Months 1 Month 12 Issues 6 Issues 3 Issues 1 Issue $250 $130 $70 $25 Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOK Get CIOLOOK Magazine in print, and digital on www.ciolook.com

  18. Denise Sangster Unleashing Power of Partner Ecosystems, and Accelerating IT Company-partner Success tarting a business is not an easy road to take as Denise believes most technology companies continue you are faced with different challenges, including to utilize methods, investments, and subsidies that S but not limited to reputation, network, funding, were first created more than 15 years ago, often and much more. Starting a global business as a woman resulting in their (selling, consulting, and services) thirty years ago was met with once in a life time partners suffering from profit underperformance, opportunity and a few bumps in the road. translating into an IT company’s underperformance of their growth and revenue potential. She is a strong For Denise Sangster, President and CEO of Global proponent of a fresh approach based on data and Touch, Inc., she thrived in her global journey in spite of metrics, as well as other tools to help shorten and two initial challenges: the lack of a broad or global maximize sales cycles and the continuous customer reputation beyond the database world and being an lifecycle. American female working globally, both of which she turned into assets. Balancing Current Performance with Need to Transform For over 30 years, Denise has been a frequent speaker at IT companies, partners, and Wall Street events All of the work Global Touch does for its clients is about worldwide. She has advised the world’s most innovative balancing current performance with the need to technology companies. She helped and inspired them to transform to be ready for future opportunities and build cutting-edge disruption through next-generation threats. This means the company is looking at the best We help our partner ecosystems that generate predictable and ways to bring products to market, which includes sustainable revenue, growth, and profitability aligned leveraging emerging routes to market (i.e., clients stay a step with required customer business outcomes. marketplaces, managed services, etc.) and embracing traditional (distribution, resale, etc.) and atypical routes ahead of market Along the way, Denise developed a global expertise for (i.e., OEM, white labeling, etc.). ‘unleashing’ the power of partners and their trends and capitalize ecosystems. She also created triangular success for her Evaluating Impactful Opportunities to Create Unique Denise Sangster clients by transforming their competitive advantage Value Founder and CEO through 360° of alignment and disruptive innovation on emerging opportunities. Global Touch Inc between IT companies, partners, and customers. Global Touch is always evaluating impactful opportunities to generate unique value for its clients, Providing Competitive Advantage to Clients & partnerships, and mutual customers. It continually asks Innovative Outcomes itself how it can “up” its services and make its partners 18 19 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  19. Denise Sangster Unleashing Power of Partner Ecosystems, and Accelerating IT Company-partner Success tarting a business is not an easy road to take as Denise believes most technology companies continue you are faced with different challenges, including to utilize methods, investments, and subsidies that S but not limited to reputation, network, funding, were first created more than 15 years ago, often and much more. Starting a global business as a woman resulting in their (selling, consulting, and services) thirty years ago was met with once in a life time partners suffering from profit underperformance, opportunity and a few bumps in the road. translating into an IT company’s underperformance of their growth and revenue potential. She is a strong For Denise Sangster, President and CEO of Global proponent of a fresh approach based on data and Touch, Inc., she thrived in her global journey in spite of metrics, as well as other tools to help shorten and two initial challenges: the lack of a broad or global maximize sales cycles and the continuous customer reputation beyond the database world and being an lifecycle. American female working globally, both of which she turned into assets. Balancing Current Performance with Need to Transform For over 30 years, Denise has been a frequent speaker at IT companies, partners, and Wall Street events All of the work Global Touch does for its clients is about worldwide. She has advised the world’s most innovative balancing current performance with the need to technology companies. She helped and inspired them to transform to be ready for future opportunities and build cutting-edge disruption through next-generation threats. This means the company is looking at the best We help our partner ecosystems that generate predictable and ways to bring products to market, which includes sustainable revenue, growth, and profitability aligned leveraging emerging routes to market (i.e., clients stay a step with required customer business outcomes. marketplaces, managed services, etc.) and embracing traditional (distribution, resale, etc.) and atypical routes ahead of market Along the way, Denise developed a global expertise for (i.e., OEM, white labeling, etc.). ‘unleashing’ the power of partners and their trends and capitalize ecosystems. She also created triangular success for her Evaluating Impactful Opportunities to Create Unique Denise Sangster clients by transforming their competitive advantage Value Founder and CEO through 360° of alignment and disruptive innovation on emerging opportunities. Global Touch Inc between IT companies, partners, and customers. Global Touch is always evaluating impactful opportunities to generate unique value for its clients, Providing Competitive Advantage to Clients & partnerships, and mutual customers. It continually asks Innovative Outcomes itself how it can “up” its services and make its partners 18 19 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  20. even more successful. It is working on a few ideas that realize the value of a solid handshake or cultural should be ready in the second half of 2022, but it can’t greeting for both women and men. talk about them until then. Ø Treat customers as customers for life, and devise ways to interact with them, even when they don’t Sharing Wisdom for Tomorrow’s Leaders have the budget to make short-term purchases. Ø Women leaders of tomorrow must upgrade their Denise is a big believer that we need to help those who self-talk, turn off their inner critic, and, instead, turn will follow as next generation leaders. She offers six on their inner coach. recommendations for those who will stand on our Ø Celebrate small daily successes with your team. shoulders. Ø Nurture your network around the world. Ø Always be exceptionally well prepared for every Denise considers herself lucky that many in her meeting and discussion, and dazzle peers, worldwide network have turned into personal superiors, and clients with strategic thinking and friendships and has enjoyed watching their children readiness for anything that will move the company grow up, seeing many join the IT industry. or client forward. Ø Make a memorable first impression! You must be prepared with the correct business knowledge, social manners, and appropriate etiquette, plus 20 www.ciolook.com | November2022 |

  21. even more successful. It is working on a few ideas that realize the value of a solid handshake or cultural should be ready in the second half of 2022, but it can’t greeting for both women and men. talk about them until then. Ø Treat customers as customers for life, and devise ways to interact with them, even when they don’t Sharing Wisdom for Tomorrow’s Leaders have the budget to make short-term purchases. Ø Women leaders of tomorrow must upgrade their Denise is a big believer that we need to help those who self-talk, turn off their inner critic, and, instead, turn will follow as next generation leaders. She offers six on their inner coach. recommendations for those who will stand on our Ø Celebrate small daily successes with your team. shoulders. Ø Nurture your network around the world. Ø Always be exceptionally well prepared for every Denise considers herself lucky that many in her meeting and discussion, and dazzle peers, worldwide network have turned into personal superiors, and clients with strategic thinking and friendships and has enjoyed watching their children readiness for anything that will move the company grow up, seeing many join the IT industry. or client forward. Ø Make a memorable first impression! You must be prepared with the correct business knowledge, social manners, and appropriate etiquette, plus 20 www.ciolook.com | November2022 |

  22. How is Social Media Platforms Emerging as Enhanced Communication tools in the Modern Era of Innovations? apid change is occurring on the internet. Since social media is one of several means of Between 1995 and 2014, there were over 30 communication that let users quickly and broadly share R million escalations in the number of internet information, it is incredibly effective. Research by consumers. According to Lenhart et al. (2010), users Duggan and Brenner (2012) shows that 83% of people use social media more and more. Since the advent of between the ages of 18 and 29 use social networking social media platforms, teens and young people prefer sites to spread information. Social media enhances using the internet above other technologies because student participation outside the classroom and fosters they swiftly adopt new technologies. Most use social the development of new, creative learning methods media to set up personal profiles, share their daily (Ivala & Gachago, 2012; Bynum, 2011). activities, add photos and communicate with friends and family. Essentially, social media emergence brought Essentially, applications like Facebook, YouTube and about innovation which continues to positively impact LinkedIn are frequently mentioned while exploring society in various situations, as this essay depicts. social media. Greenwood and Gopal (2015) argued that these user-generated content-driven applications One of the major innovative insights in social media is significantly impact various contexts, including business the creation of a professional network to forge and practices, political issues, and the promotion of solidify connections in the corporate world. The most capitalism. recent online communication technology is social networking sites, which let users build networks with Essentially, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter remain either public or private profiles and communicate with some of the most innovative social media platforms. others in those networks (Osorio, & Papagiannidis, Businesses have realized their potential and accepted 2022). Examples of social media include wikis, media to maximally use them in their marketing agendas. blogs (including photos and videos), distribution tools, Unlike traditional mass media, these social media interacting services, and internet-connected worlds. platforms have wide coverage and more innovations in These tools are responsible for facilitating terms of visual presentations, such as images and Author communication and sharing ideas worldwide so that videos where a company can advertise its products and people can remain in the comfort of their houses and services. The innovativeness has increased the airtime Nnenna Uboma is the CSO of Beyond Math. Beyond math is an ini? ate receive quality information. Urista et al. (2009) further for businesses to advertise their products at a reduced to help children develop problem solving skills. The beyond math depicted that through virtual contact, social media cost as opposed to the traditional media, which are cri? al thinking workbooks are co-authored by Nnenna, Jasmine and platforms satisfy various requirements and interests. It extremely expensive for most organizations. In addition Jami Uboma. Nnenna also authored "Lessons to my Younger-self". Both is a practical way of communicating that enables to marketing, social media provides innovative books are available on Amazon. Nnenna is a Director at Sco?abank, individuals to remain connected with family and allies resources and makes it easy for buyers to order their Canada. at their own pace and on their terms. favorite products efficiently without physically visiting 22 23 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  23. How is Social Media Platforms Emerging as Enhanced Communication tools in the Modern Era of Innovations? apid change is occurring on the internet. Since social media is one of several means of Between 1995 and 2014, there were over 30 communication that let users quickly and broadly share R million escalations in the number of internet information, it is incredibly effective. Research by consumers. According to Lenhart et al. (2010), users Duggan and Brenner (2012) shows that 83% of people use social media more and more. Since the advent of between the ages of 18 and 29 use social networking social media platforms, teens and young people prefer sites to spread information. Social media enhances using the internet above other technologies because student participation outside the classroom and fosters they swiftly adopt new technologies. Most use social the development of new, creative learning methods media to set up personal profiles, share their daily (Ivala & Gachago, 2012; Bynum, 2011). activities, add photos and communicate with friends and family. Essentially, social media emergence brought Essentially, applications like Facebook, YouTube and about innovation which continues to positively impact LinkedIn are frequently mentioned while exploring society in various situations, as this essay depicts. social media. Greenwood and Gopal (2015) argued that these user-generated content-driven applications One of the major innovative insights in social media is significantly impact various contexts, including business the creation of a professional network to forge and practices, political issues, and the promotion of solidify connections in the corporate world. The most capitalism. recent online communication technology is social networking sites, which let users build networks with Essentially, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter remain either public or private profiles and communicate with some of the most innovative social media platforms. others in those networks (Osorio, & Papagiannidis, Businesses have realized their potential and accepted 2022). Examples of social media include wikis, media to maximally use them in their marketing agendas. blogs (including photos and videos), distribution tools, Unlike traditional mass media, these social media interacting services, and internet-connected worlds. platforms have wide coverage and more innovations in These tools are responsible for facilitating terms of visual presentations, such as images and Author communication and sharing ideas worldwide so that videos where a company can advertise its products and people can remain in the comfort of their houses and services. The innovativeness has increased the airtime Nnenna Uboma is the CSO of Beyond Math. Beyond math is an ini? ate receive quality information. Urista et al. (2009) further for businesses to advertise their products at a reduced to help children develop problem solving skills. The beyond math depicted that through virtual contact, social media cost as opposed to the traditional media, which are cri? al thinking workbooks are co-authored by Nnenna, Jasmine and platforms satisfy various requirements and interests. It extremely expensive for most organizations. In addition Jami Uboma. Nnenna also authored "Lessons to my Younger-self". Both is a practical way of communicating that enables to marketing, social media provides innovative books are available on Amazon. Nnenna is a Director at Sco?abank, individuals to remain connected with family and allies resources and makes it easy for buyers to order their Canada. at their own pace and on their terms. favorite products efficiently without physically visiting 22 23 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  24. References Alwan, Z., Jones, P., & Holgate, P. (2017). Strategic sustainable development in the UK construc?on indutry, through the framework for strategic the various outlets. Sellers then deliver the products 19 lockdowns when many tutors took advantage of sustainable development, using Building Informa?on Modelling.Journal of Cleaner Produc?o , 140, 349-358. and services to wherever their customers are after social media to share illustrative videos for lectures connecting through social media ( Yao et al., 2019) . (Wijayaa et al., 2021). By sharing the links with their Christakis, D. A., Moreno, M. M., Jelenchick, L., Myaing, M. T., & Zhou, C. (2011). Problema?c i ternet usage in US college students: a pilot study. BMC students, they continued with an engagement that medicine, 9(1), 1-6. Another significant social media innovative component reflected similar insights to those in the classroom is user evaluations, which raise questions about environment. Greenwood, B. N., & Gopal, A. (2015). Research note—Tigerblood: Newspapers, blogs, and the founding of informa?on echnology firms. Informa?on information quality, validity, and authenticity. Virtual Systems Research, 26(4), 812-828. groups have largely remained fruitful in uniting people It is fascinating that social media endorse the who share happiness and objectives, making the idea of development of online information societies and self- Ismagilova, E., Dwivedi, Y. K., Slade, E., & Williams, M. D. (2017). Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) in the marke?ng ontext: A state of the art analysis and microblogging very well-liked. While reports on current help systems. Businesses realize that social media is a future direc?ons. Cham: Springer Interna?onal Publishing. events or personal status updates dominate social crucial indicator of equity rate that not only boosts media communication, other posts are support-seeking, performance over the near term but also increases Kallinikos, J., & Tempini, N. (2014). Pa?e t data as medical facts: Social media prrac?ces as aoundada?oor medical knowledge crearea?on. Informa?on where users ask for help and support. According to productivity over the long term. Luo et al. (2013) Systems Research, 25(4), 817-833. Maier et al. (2015), Kapoor et al. (2018) depicted that research imply that integrating social media into social networking and other forms of social media are businesses boosts meta-knowledge (who is who in a Kapoor, K. K., Tamilmani, K., Rana, N. P., Pa?l, ., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Nerur, S. (2018). Advances in social media research: Past, present and future. Informa?on persuasive and compelling. The phenomenon of company and what they do), preventing knowledge Systems Fron?er, 20(3), 531-558. specialization, which has affected every previous media duplication and encouraging innovative methods of job form, appears to be occurring with social media stages. management. Active social media management has Lenhart, A., Purcell, K., Smith, A., & Zickuhr, K. (2010). Social Media & Mobile Internet Use among Teens and Young Adults. Millennials. Pew internet & These platforms are becoming increasingly specialized been found to be more successful when internal American life project. to cater to particular target markets. The evolution of employees rather than external ones are involved. social networking sites may follow this pattern. Leonardi, P. M. (2014). Social media, knowledge sharing, and innova?on: oward a theory of communicaa?on visibili. Informa?on ystems research, 25(4), Leonardi (2014) research focused on the content 796-816. Social media enables the relationships development shared in online communities, and many of them Luo, L., Wang, Y., & Han, L. (2013). Marke?ng via social media: a ase study. Library Hi Tech, 31(3), 455-466. across users from diverse settings, generating a robust discuss the effects of some of this content being utilized social configuration. Sohn and Choi (2019) stated that as a channel for public awareness during important Maier, C., Laumer, S., Weinert, C., & Weitzel, T. (2015). The effects of technostress and switching stress on disconn?nued use of social ne orking services: a numerous information is given out as a significant events and disasters. Furthermore, Miller and Tucker study of Facebook use. Informa?on ystems Journal, 25(3), 275-308. outcome of the given social system, offering users a (2013) concentrated on investigating the use of social significant service value suggestion. However, a media as a podium for offering and getting help or Miller, A. R., & Tucker, C. (2013). Ac? e social media management: the case of health care. Informa?on ystems Research, 24(1), 52-70. concern with this information surplus is that users support, as well as its integration into the sphere of occasionally scuffle to realize trustworthy material that healthcare and public administration, which has O'Connor, K. W., Schmidt, G. B., & Drouin, M. (2016). Suspended because of social media? Students' knowledge and opinions of university social media assists them with their demands. Sohn and Choi (2019) produced some interesting discoveries regarding its policies and prac?ces.Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 619-626. further deliberated that social media platforms are assistance in communication competency. already so ingrained in individuals' daily lives whereby Osorio, C. A., & Papagiannidis, S. (2022). A study of networking and informa?on xchange factorrs influencing user par?c ipa?on in Niche social orking they depend on them for almost all their demands, such In terms of business meetings and conferences, social sites. In Research Anthology on Usage, Iden?t, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture (pp. 239-262). IGI Global. as social connection, entertainment, illustrating goods media has provided innovative resources such as through adverts and work management. People also webinars and tagboards, which offer an opportunity to Rubinger, L., Gazendam, A., Ekh?ari, S., Nucci, N., ayne, A., Johal, H., ... & Bhandari, M. (2020). Maaximizing virtual mee?ngs andonferences: a review of use social media to get key updates on current trends. share functions across various jurisdictions. Webinars best prac?ces.Interna?onal orthopaedic, 44(8), 1461-1466. The connection aspects using social media are very are online seminars where a presentation is innovative such that people can use live videos, texts transformed into real-time communication between Sohn, D., & Choi, S. (2019). Social embeddedness of persuasion: effects of ccognite social structures on informama?onedibility assessment and sharing in and images, all of which increase the efficiency of the various parties sharing information. As a result, people social media. Interna?onal Journal of Adver?si , 38(6), 824-844. message received and sent. do not need to move to a certain place to meet but are connected wherever they are. This innovativeness Urista, M. A., Dong, Q., & Day, K. D. (2009). Explaining why young adults use MySpace and Facebook through uses and gra?f aca?ons the. Human For entertainment, people can watch free videos, which saves time, money and space as the major resources Communica?o , 12(2), 215-229. relieves them from the effort required to access required for these special events (Rubinger et al., mainstream channels which may not always offer them 2020). Consequently, as many people as possible can be Wijayaa, O., Sulis? anib, S., Pudjowaa?c,., Kurniasih, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of social media markrket , entertainment, customizaiza?on, the good variety of media they require. YouTube has accommodated through social media engagement for trendiness, interac?on and ord-of-mouth on purchase intenn?on: An empiral study from Indonesian smartphone consumers. Interna?onal Journal of become very popularly for video creation and sharing. meetings and related occasions. Data and Network Science, 5(3), 231-238. Besides entertainment, social media channels such as YouTube have offered tutor a good platform for In conclusion, social media sites have significantly Williams, M. D., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2015). The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a literature review. Journal of innovative tutoring and sharing other educative altered how people choose to work and interact. enterprise informa?on manageme t. content. A key illustration of this was during the Covid- Yao, B., Shanoyan, A., Peterson, H. H., Boyer, C., & Baker, L. (2019). The use of new-media marke?ng in the geen industry: Analysis of social media use and 24 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | impact on sales. Agribusiness, 35(2), 281-297.

  25. References Alwan, Z., Jones, P., & Holgate, P. (2017). Strategic sustainable development in the UK construc?on indutry, through the framework for strategic the various outlets. Sellers then deliver the products 19 lockdowns when many tutors took advantage of sustainable development, using Building Informa?on Modelling.Journal of Cleaner Produc?o , 140, 349-358. and services to wherever their customers are after social media to share illustrative videos for lectures connecting through social media ( Yao et al., 2019) . (Wijayaa et al., 2021). By sharing the links with their Christakis, D. A., Moreno, M. M., Jelenchick, L., Myaing, M. T., & Zhou, C. (2011). Problema?c i ternet usage in US college students: a pilot study. BMC students, they continued with an engagement that medicine, 9(1), 1-6. Another significant social media innovative component reflected similar insights to those in the classroom is user evaluations, which raise questions about environment. Greenwood, B. N., & Gopal, A. (2015). Research note—Tigerblood: Newspapers, blogs, and the founding of informa?on echnology firms. Informa?on information quality, validity, and authenticity. Virtual Systems Research, 26(4), 812-828. groups have largely remained fruitful in uniting people It is fascinating that social media endorse the who share happiness and objectives, making the idea of development of online information societies and self- Ismagilova, E., Dwivedi, Y. K., Slade, E., & Williams, M. D. (2017). Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) in the marke?ng ontext: A state of the art analysis and microblogging very well-liked. While reports on current help systems. Businesses realize that social media is a future direc?ons. Cham: Springer Interna?onal Publishing. events or personal status updates dominate social crucial indicator of equity rate that not only boosts media communication, other posts are support-seeking, performance over the near term but also increases Kallinikos, J., & Tempini, N. (2014). Pa?e t data as medical facts: Social media prrac?ces as aoundada?oor medical knowledge crearea?on. Informa?on where users ask for help and support. According to productivity over the long term. Luo et al. (2013) Systems Research, 25(4), 817-833. Maier et al. (2015), Kapoor et al. (2018) depicted that research imply that integrating social media into social networking and other forms of social media are businesses boosts meta-knowledge (who is who in a Kapoor, K. K., Tamilmani, K., Rana, N. P., Pa?l, ., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Nerur, S. (2018). Advances in social media research: Past, present and future. Informa?on persuasive and compelling. The phenomenon of company and what they do), preventing knowledge Systems Fron?er, 20(3), 531-558. specialization, which has affected every previous media duplication and encouraging innovative methods of job form, appears to be occurring with social media stages. management. Active social media management has Lenhart, A., Purcell, K., Smith, A., & Zickuhr, K. (2010). Social Media & Mobile Internet Use among Teens and Young Adults. Millennials. Pew internet & These platforms are becoming increasingly specialized been found to be more successful when internal American life project. to cater to particular target markets. The evolution of employees rather than external ones are involved. social networking sites may follow this pattern. Leonardi, P. M. (2014). Social media, knowledge sharing, and innova?on: oward a theory of communicaa?on visibili. Informa?on ystems research, 25(4), Leonardi (2014) research focused on the content 796-816. Social media enables the relationships development shared in online communities, and many of them Luo, L., Wang, Y., & Han, L. (2013). Marke?ng via social media: a ase study. Library Hi Tech, 31(3), 455-466. across users from diverse settings, generating a robust discuss the effects of some of this content being utilized social configuration. Sohn and Choi (2019) stated that as a channel for public awareness during important Maier, C., Laumer, S., Weinert, C., & Weitzel, T. (2015). The effects of technostress and switching stress on disconn?nued use of social ne orking services: a numerous information is given out as a significant events and disasters. Furthermore, Miller and Tucker study of Facebook use. Informa?on ystems Journal, 25(3), 275-308. outcome of the given social system, offering users a (2013) concentrated on investigating the use of social significant service value suggestion. However, a media as a podium for offering and getting help or Miller, A. R., & Tucker, C. (2013). Ac? e social media management: the case of health care. Informa?on ystems Research, 24(1), 52-70. concern with this information surplus is that users support, as well as its integration into the sphere of occasionally scuffle to realize trustworthy material that healthcare and public administration, which has O'Connor, K. W., Schmidt, G. B., & Drouin, M. (2016). Suspended because of social media? Students' knowledge and opinions of university social media assists them with their demands. Sohn and Choi (2019) produced some interesting discoveries regarding its policies and prac?ces.Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 619-626. further deliberated that social media platforms are assistance in communication competency. already so ingrained in individuals' daily lives whereby Osorio, C. A., & Papagiannidis, S. (2022). A study of networking and informa?on xchange factorrs influencing user par?c ipa?on in Niche social orking they depend on them for almost all their demands, such In terms of business meetings and conferences, social sites. In Research Anthology on Usage, Iden?t, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture (pp. 239-262). IGI Global. as social connection, entertainment, illustrating goods media has provided innovative resources such as through adverts and work management. People also webinars and tagboards, which offer an opportunity to Rubinger, L., Gazendam, A., Ekh?ari, S., Nucci, N., ayne, A., Johal, H., ... & Bhandari, M. (2020). Maaximizing virtual mee?ngs andonferences: a review of use social media to get key updates on current trends. share functions across various jurisdictions. Webinars best prac?ces.Interna?onal orthopaedic, 44(8), 1461-1466. The connection aspects using social media are very are online seminars where a presentation is innovative such that people can use live videos, texts transformed into real-time communication between Sohn, D., & Choi, S. (2019). Social embeddedness of persuasion: effects of ccognite social structures on informama?onedibility assessment and sharing in and images, all of which increase the efficiency of the various parties sharing information. As a result, people social media. Interna?onal Journal of Adver?si , 38(6), 824-844. message received and sent. do not need to move to a certain place to meet but are connected wherever they are. This innovativeness Urista, M. A., Dong, Q., & Day, K. D. (2009). Explaining why young adults use MySpace and Facebook through uses and gra?f aca?ons the. Human For entertainment, people can watch free videos, which saves time, money and space as the major resources Communica?o , 12(2), 215-229. relieves them from the effort required to access required for these special events (Rubinger et al., mainstream channels which may not always offer them 2020). Consequently, as many people as possible can be Wijayaa, O., Sulis? anib, S., Pudjowaa?c,., Kurniasih, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of social media markrket , entertainment, customizaiza?on, the good variety of media they require. YouTube has accommodated through social media engagement for trendiness, interac?on and ord-of-mouth on purchase intenn?on: An empiral study from Indonesian smartphone consumers. Interna?onal Journal of become very popularly for video creation and sharing. meetings and related occasions. Data and Network Science, 5(3), 231-238. Besides entertainment, social media channels such as YouTube have offered tutor a good platform for In conclusion, social media sites have significantly Williams, M. D., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2015). The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a literature review. Journal of innovative tutoring and sharing other educative altered how people choose to work and interact. enterprise informa?on manageme t. content. A key illustration of this was during the Covid- Yao, B., Shanoyan, A., Peterson, H. H., Boyer, C., & Baker, L. (2019). The use of new-media marke?ng in the geen industry: Analysis of social media use and 24 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | impact on sales. Agribusiness, 35(2), 281-297.

  26. Kristen Wysocki, Founder Kreative Kustoms Kristen A Story of Companionate Artistry Wysocki ost passions just remain hobbies because Kristen Wysocki shares a story of her artistic personality in people rarely take the latter seriously or let an interview with CIOLook: M their self-doubts win over and choose to compromise instead. But the few who gather courage Kristen, brief our audience about your journey as a and take the leap often find that there is not only business leader until your current position at Kreative success but fulfilment, satisfaction, and happiness Kustoms. What challenges did you have to overcome beyond. This is demonstrated clearly in the story of to reach where you are today? Kristen Wysocki, the Founder of Kreative Kustoms. My love for creating started at a very young age. I was As a young child, Kristen loved to create and craft, always planning, crafting or organizing in some way, which she made into a successful side hustle as an adult. shape or form. In 2015 I purchased a printer and plotter She made customized gifts and one-of-a-kind to take my crafting to the next level and soon became merchandise and ran a successful business from her obsessed with creating party decorations and custom home office in Sherwood Park. gifts. Thanks to family and friends, my hobby soon grew into a small homebased business out of my basement in But then came the pandemic, and like many others, Sherwood Park, AB. Kristen's life also took a turn. She decided to jump into her business with both feet and opened her own gift As the years went on, I started to outgrow my little shop featuring not only her own personal merch but home office and dreamed of something bigger and also products from other local artisans. To her great better. I had considered opening a store front for surprise and delight, in just a few months, Kristen went several years, but the vision seemed out of reach for from worrying about having enough wares to fill up the many reasons; self-doubt mainly! Even though COVID shelves to knocking down walls to make space for more. had hit in 2019, the timing on a personal level just seemed to work more than ever, and I decided to start Today, Kreative Kustoms is Sherwood Park's looking into retail spaces. distinguished gift shop that brings to people a one- stop-shop experience with a touch of charming Not only did I want to create and showcase my own exuberance. It features wares from about 100+ local items, but I wanted to help other small business owners artisans from across Canada, providing a broad feature their creations without having the overhead collective of handmade goods and custom merchandise cost and risk of their own space. Once I found a space, I for customers. put the call out for local vendors to join me and quite 26 27 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  27. Kristen Wysocki, Founder Kreative Kustoms Kristen A Story of Companionate Artistry Wysocki ost passions just remain hobbies because Kristen Wysocki shares a story of her artistic personality in people rarely take the latter seriously or let an interview with CIOLook: M their self-doubts win over and choose to compromise instead. But the few who gather courage Kristen, brief our audience about your journey as a and take the leap often find that there is not only business leader until your current position at Kreative success but fulfilment, satisfaction, and happiness Kustoms. What challenges did you have to overcome beyond. This is demonstrated clearly in the story of to reach where you are today? Kristen Wysocki, the Founder of Kreative Kustoms. My love for creating started at a very young age. I was As a young child, Kristen loved to create and craft, always planning, crafting or organizing in some way, which she made into a successful side hustle as an adult. shape or form. In 2015 I purchased a printer and plotter She made customized gifts and one-of-a-kind to take my crafting to the next level and soon became merchandise and ran a successful business from her obsessed with creating party decorations and custom home office in Sherwood Park. gifts. Thanks to family and friends, my hobby soon grew into a small homebased business out of my basement in But then came the pandemic, and like many others, Sherwood Park, AB. Kristen's life also took a turn. She decided to jump into her business with both feet and opened her own gift As the years went on, I started to outgrow my little shop featuring not only her own personal merch but home office and dreamed of something bigger and also products from other local artisans. To her great better. I had considered opening a store front for surprise and delight, in just a few months, Kristen went several years, but the vision seemed out of reach for from worrying about having enough wares to fill up the many reasons; self-doubt mainly! Even though COVID shelves to knocking down walls to make space for more. had hit in 2019, the timing on a personal level just seemed to work more than ever, and I decided to start Today, Kreative Kustoms is Sherwood Park's looking into retail spaces. distinguished gift shop that brings to people a one- stop-shop experience with a touch of charming Not only did I want to create and showcase my own exuberance. It features wares from about 100+ local items, but I wanted to help other small business owners artisans from across Canada, providing a broad feature their creations without having the overhead collective of handmade goods and custom merchandise cost and risk of their own space. Once I found a space, I for customers. put the call out for local vendors to join me and quite 26 27 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  28. and boutique specializing in custom and personalized our home décor. I believe in uniqueness in products, and gifts and keepsakes. Our goal is to encourage a big box store can save you some money, perhaps, but supporting local in a welcoming and inclusive market- what you're missing is character. When supporting local like atmosphere, where shopping is made easy and artisans, it's almost guaranteed that your item is one- I believe in uniqueness convenient. of-a-kind and the chances of that piece being an exact duplicate is a rarity. Do you honestly know where the in products, and Our mission is to simplify the process of shopping local items you buy from a big box store are made, or who shopping from local by showcasing a large variety of unique handmade made them? Shopping local gives you piece of mind that items from over 110+ local Canadian artisans in one- your handmade item is unique and that you're artisans almost stop. We take pride in supporting our community by supporting a small business in your community! putting together fundraisers to help those in need and guarantees that your by supporting other local fundraisers and community Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, item is one-of-a-kind. sports teams. and what are your future goals for Kreative Kustoms? Kreative Kustoms is a Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in My future goals for Kreative Kustoms are to continue local collective one- almost every sector. How are you leveraging pursuing growth by increasing brand awareness and technological advancements to make your solutions productivity. In the next year or so, I would love to stop gift shop and resourceful? expand to a bigger location so I'm able to offer space to more vendors and host community workshops. I would boutique specializing in At Kreative Kustoms, we are leveraging technology by love to add to my team when the time is right, and I will custom and harnessing the power of social media. I believe having continue to offer community support to local initiatives. an interactive and eye pleasing social media presence personalized gifts and has helped us grow as a business. Many of our valued What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the social enterprise customers have discovered us on social media prior to keepsakes. coming into the store, and it's also allowed our sector? shoppers to get a better understanding of who we are and what we stand for. The best advice I can give is to listen, learn, and surround yourself with people that believe in you. We love to give back and raise money for causes bigger Self-doubt, aka imposters syndrome, can really wreak than ourselves. People catch on and share our havoc on your mental health, so most importantly, fundraiser posts, which leads to a greater audience, and believe and trust in yourself. Listening to feedback is the more people we reach, the more we can donate! essential if you want to grow in your business, and quickly had an overwhelming response of interest. I where I am today, but I would say the biggest hurdle for There was a time where creating an online store took sometimes criticism is the best way to identify issues remember getting the keys to the store and worrying me has been finding balance. Being an entrepreneur the skills of an IT professional, but with technology and to be able to act on them accordingly. that I would never be able to fill the space, and in less requires you to wear many hats, hats that you may not advancements, and a little research, I was able to create than a year, I knocked out a wall to expand for even have even considered, and the hours and dedication a website for online shopping. Another important piece of advice I can offer is to more space. wear on even the most passionate individuals. connect with other business owners from various types This was an important investment over the past year of industries and listen to their perspectives on similar I opened my doors in November 2020, and a few Business burnout is a real thing, which I, unfortunately, during COVID lockdowns and restrictions since many struggles. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help! No months later, I left my full-time job and haven't looked learned the hard way, and it's extremely important to times we were not able to venture out to shop. This also matter the industry, many entrepreneurs deal with the back. It's been an adventure, to say the least, but I do everything in your power to take preventative allowed us to offer no contact pick-up and delivery to same challenges in some form and reaching out for help believe the hurdles are what continue to help me grow. measures to avoid the fatigue and feelings of defeat ensure safety throughout the pandemic. could potentially offer you relief and guidance. that can so easily creep up. COVID has also been a In the past year, Kreative Kustoms grew from 30 major challenge economically for all types of industries, Technology is definitely a handy tool to have as a vendors to over 100, won Sherwood Park's 2021 New and I believe we will continue to face the consequences business owner, and I genuinely look forward to seeing Entrepreneur Award, was voted Sherwood Park's 2021 it has had on our economy for quite some time. more advancements in the future. Best Boutique and Best Home Décor Awards and was voted Edmonton's 2022 Best Boutique, Best Home Décor Tell us something more about Kreative Kustoms, its If given a chance, what change would you like to bring and Best Gift Shop. mission and vision. to the Home Decor industry? There have been challenges upon challenges to reach Kreative Kustoms is a local collective one-stop gift shop I would love to see a change in where and how we buy 28 29 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  29. and boutique specializing in custom and personalized our home décor. I believe in uniqueness in products, and gifts and keepsakes. Our goal is to encourage a big box store can save you some money, perhaps, but supporting local in a welcoming and inclusive market- what you're missing is character. When supporting local like atmosphere, where shopping is made easy and artisans, it's almost guaranteed that your item is one- I believe in uniqueness convenient. of-a-kind and the chances of that piece being an exact duplicate is a rarity. Do you honestly know where the in products, and Our mission is to simplify the process of shopping local items you buy from a big box store are made, or who shopping from local by showcasing a large variety of unique handmade made them? Shopping local gives you piece of mind that items from over 110+ local Canadian artisans in one- your handmade item is unique and that you're artisans almost stop. We take pride in supporting our community by supporting a small business in your community! putting together fundraisers to help those in need and guarantees that your by supporting other local fundraisers and community Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, item is one-of-a-kind. sports teams. and what are your future goals for Kreative Kustoms? Kreative Kustoms is a Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in My future goals for Kreative Kustoms are to continue local collective one- almost every sector. How are you leveraging pursuing growth by increasing brand awareness and technological advancements to make your solutions productivity. In the next year or so, I would love to stop gift shop and resourceful? expand to a bigger location so I'm able to offer space to more vendors and host community workshops. I would boutique specializing in At Kreative Kustoms, we are leveraging technology by love to add to my team when the time is right, and I will custom and harnessing the power of social media. I believe having continue to offer community support to local initiatives. an interactive and eye pleasing social media presence personalized gifts and has helped us grow as a business. Many of our valued What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the social enterprise customers have discovered us on social media prior to keepsakes. coming into the store, and it's also allowed our sector? shoppers to get a better understanding of who we are and what we stand for. The best advice I can give is to listen, learn, and surround yourself with people that believe in you. We love to give back and raise money for causes bigger Self-doubt, aka imposters syndrome, can really wreak than ourselves. People catch on and share our havoc on your mental health, so most importantly, fundraiser posts, which leads to a greater audience, and believe and trust in yourself. Listening to feedback is the more people we reach, the more we can donate! essential if you want to grow in your business, and quickly had an overwhelming response of interest. I where I am today, but I would say the biggest hurdle for There was a time where creating an online store took sometimes criticism is the best way to identify issues remember getting the keys to the store and worrying me has been finding balance. Being an entrepreneur the skills of an IT professional, but with technology and to be able to act on them accordingly. that I would never be able to fill the space, and in less requires you to wear many hats, hats that you may not advancements, and a little research, I was able to create than a year, I knocked out a wall to expand for even have even considered, and the hours and dedication a website for online shopping. Another important piece of advice I can offer is to more space. wear on even the most passionate individuals. connect with other business owners from various types This was an important investment over the past year of industries and listen to their perspectives on similar I opened my doors in November 2020, and a few Business burnout is a real thing, which I, unfortunately, during COVID lockdowns and restrictions since many struggles. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help! No months later, I left my full-time job and haven't looked learned the hard way, and it's extremely important to times we were not able to venture out to shop. This also matter the industry, many entrepreneurs deal with the back. It's been an adventure, to say the least, but I do everything in your power to take preventative allowed us to offer no contact pick-up and delivery to same challenges in some form and reaching out for help believe the hurdles are what continue to help me grow. measures to avoid the fatigue and feelings of defeat ensure safety throughout the pandemic. could potentially offer you relief and guidance. that can so easily creep up. COVID has also been a In the past year, Kreative Kustoms grew from 30 major challenge economically for all types of industries, Technology is definitely a handy tool to have as a vendors to over 100, won Sherwood Park's 2021 New and I believe we will continue to face the consequences business owner, and I genuinely look forward to seeing Entrepreneur Award, was voted Sherwood Park's 2021 it has had on our economy for quite some time. more advancements in the future. Best Boutique and Best Home Décor Awards and was voted Edmonton's 2022 Best Boutique, Best Home Décor Tell us something more about Kreative Kustoms, its If given a chance, what change would you like to bring and Best Gift Shop. mission and vision. to the Home Decor industry? There have been challenges upon challenges to reach Kreative Kustoms is a local collective one-stop gift shop I would love to see a change in where and how we buy 28 29 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  30. Robert Bruski Copying Imagination, Pasting Virtual Reality uelled by an innate sense of creativity and opportunity to start Ctrl V alongside other business ingenuity, Robert Bruski is leveraging it to build a partners was presented. Robert shares, "From there, the F wonderful world of entrepreneurship and rest is history, but not without the greatest challenge of all, innovation. He embodies outstanding performance which most entrepreneurs face, venturing into uncharted driven by high-energy, intellectual curiosity, and project territory with the resilience to carry the risk on one's ownership, all while striving for relentless high-quality shoulders." results and first-class relationships. Impact in any niche is made through leadership. Robert As the CEO and Co-founder at Ctrl V, Robert is explains, "You can funnel as much money, time, and displaying an immaculate way of experiencing virtual resources into whatever you're passionate about, but if you reality. The company brings virtual reality to the masses aren't the one leading the way, then the resources may go to with North America's first and the world's largest waste. Leadership in fashion can come from many different Virtual reality arcade. Ctrl V is helping entrepreneurs places and be disguised in many different ways. However, I and small businesses, bringing them top-of-the-line believe that true fashion leadership is being able to live equipment and a library of experiences that suit every what you believe. What is critical to my impact on a fashion desire and genre. niche is being able to select something to wear that fits my I move mountains. tastes and styles and wearing it proudly and tastefully." He Let's learn more about Robert, his history, and his vision adds, "This goes much further in terms of the impact that I make things for the coming years; conveying ideas through fashion shows, advertisements, and impractical shows of spectacle. It's simple, I know. But happen. When I Copying the Information to the Cursor it works." feel like I can't go Robert's journey in business started quite young. It Pasting it to Create a Useful Product began from small entrepreneurial initiatives as a child any further, I dig to studying economics and business in school and even Ctrl V's entire nature is to leverage virtual reality working in investment management. Robert learned technology to solve problems. This may be something deeper, try harder, that the difference between good and great businesses as simple as selling happiness through VR by providing ““ was always about growth and innovation. However, he compelling entertainment. But, the technology can also and be more reached a point where learning and experiencing be used to teach school/educational programs, train professionals, alleviate health ailments, and even business wasn't enough. Leadership in the business awesome… Robert Bruski propel creativity. The goal at Ctrl V is to use the world was the next step. So, having left the corporate Co-Founder and CEO world to try out a few ideas of his own, Robert was able technology of virtual reality to contribute to the true story. to start the process of building a business and leading a advancements of a variety of different industries. team along the way. After a myriad of attempts, the 30 31 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  31. Robert Bruski Copying Imagination, Pasting Virtual Reality uelled by an innate sense of creativity and opportunity to start Ctrl V alongside other business ingenuity, Robert Bruski is leveraging it to build a partners was presented. Robert shares, "From there, the F wonderful world of entrepreneurship and rest is history, but not without the greatest challenge of all, innovation. He embodies outstanding performance which most entrepreneurs face, venturing into uncharted driven by high-energy, intellectual curiosity, and project territory with the resilience to carry the risk on one's ownership, all while striving for relentless high-quality shoulders." results and first-class relationships. Impact in any niche is made through leadership. Robert As the CEO and Co-founder at Ctrl V, Robert is explains, "You can funnel as much money, time, and displaying an immaculate way of experiencing virtual resources into whatever you're passionate about, but if you reality. The company brings virtual reality to the masses aren't the one leading the way, then the resources may go to with North America's first and the world's largest waste. Leadership in fashion can come from many different Virtual reality arcade. Ctrl V is helping entrepreneurs places and be disguised in many different ways. However, I and small businesses, bringing them top-of-the-line believe that true fashion leadership is being able to live equipment and a library of experiences that suit every what you believe. What is critical to my impact on a fashion desire and genre. niche is being able to select something to wear that fits my I move mountains. tastes and styles and wearing it proudly and tastefully." He Let's learn more about Robert, his history, and his vision adds, "This goes much further in terms of the impact that I make things for the coming years; conveying ideas through fashion shows, advertisements, and impractical shows of spectacle. It's simple, I know. But happen. When I Copying the Information to the Cursor it works." feel like I can't go Robert's journey in business started quite young. It Pasting it to Create a Useful Product began from small entrepreneurial initiatives as a child any further, I dig to studying economics and business in school and even Ctrl V's entire nature is to leverage virtual reality working in investment management. Robert learned technology to solve problems. This may be something deeper, try harder, that the difference between good and great businesses as simple as selling happiness through VR by providing ““ was always about growth and innovation. However, he compelling entertainment. But, the technology can also and be more reached a point where learning and experiencing be used to teach school/educational programs, train professionals, alleviate health ailments, and even business wasn't enough. Leadership in the business awesome… Robert Bruski propel creativity. The goal at Ctrl V is to use the world was the next step. So, having left the corporate Co-Founder and CEO world to try out a few ideas of his own, Robert was able technology of virtual reality to contribute to the true story. to start the process of building a business and leading a advancements of a variety of different industries. team along the way. After a myriad of attempts, the 30 31 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  32. pioneers, he focuses on the need to focus more heavily on the end-user, their needs, their wants, and their unsure areas. Robert says, "Otherwise, our energy will continue to go towards innovating for the sake of innovating only." Robert contemplates that the next massive change to the immersion industry will be the wider adoption of the metaverse. Web 3.0 will start playing a larger and larger part in people's lives, and the most immersive way to access the metaverse and interact with Web 3.0 is through virtual reality. Ctrl V has several ideas that are being cooked up and tested to ride this wave. Sharing his Learnings for the Younger Generation "The Long Run" is a very subjective and challenging timeframe to describe and predict. But Robert shares his ideas, "And unfortunately, history of the most successful entrepreneurs has shown us that focusing on long-term goals, not only is futile in many cases, but it actually stunts innovation – if you're going towards one larger long term goal, you miss the Ctrl V became North America's first and the world's opportunity to innovate and create amazing things along most extensive franchise system of virtual reality the way. So as it stands, our goals as a team align with our arcades. Robert shares, "Customers can visit our brick individual professional goals, making immersive technology, and mortar locations and experience the wonders of virtual like virtual reality, accessible to everyone by enabling reality together." With a mission to bring virtual reality people to become entrepreneurs and get into business for and immersive technology to the mass market, the themselves through opening their own Ctrl V Virtual Reality company's vision is to immerse as many people in the Arcade." metaverse and get the population rolling forward in using virtual reality for a variety of other purposes Regardless of which sector you're venturing into, outside of just entertainment. Robert advises the young generation to be prepared for the fact that real life doesn't resemble the life in media, The Future of Ctrl V movies, and online influencers. He concludes, "The road isn't filled with successes, accolades, and financial freedom. Robert shares that the most critical change that is It may eventually get there, but the process is difficult, needed in the virtual reality, augmented reality and tough, and depends on resilience, grit, & moxie like you've technology industry is an increased focus on the end- never experienced before. It isn't for the faint of heart and user or the customer. Too many companies are focusing requires you to really love the journey more than the on innovation to create the next coolest thing or destination.” advance the industry forward from their perspective of where it needs to go. As technology innovators and 32 33 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  33. pioneers, he focuses on the need to focus more heavily on the end-user, their needs, their wants, and their unsure areas. Robert says, "Otherwise, our energy will continue to go towards innovating for the sake of innovating only." Robert contemplates that the next massive change to the immersion industry will be the wider adoption of the metaverse. Web 3.0 will start playing a larger and larger part in people's lives, and the most immersive way to access the metaverse and interact with Web 3.0 is through virtual reality. Ctrl V has several ideas that are being cooked up and tested to ride this wave. Sharing his Learnings for the Younger Generation "The Long Run" is a very subjective and challenging timeframe to describe and predict. But Robert shares his ideas, "And unfortunately, history of the most successful entrepreneurs has shown us that focusing on long-term goals, not only is futile in many cases, but it actually stunts innovation – if you're going towards one larger long term goal, you miss the Ctrl V became North America's first and the world's opportunity to innovate and create amazing things along most extensive franchise system of virtual reality the way. So as it stands, our goals as a team align with our arcades. Robert shares, "Customers can visit our brick individual professional goals, making immersive technology, and mortar locations and experience the wonders of virtual like virtual reality, accessible to everyone by enabling reality together." With a mission to bring virtual reality people to become entrepreneurs and get into business for and immersive technology to the mass market, the themselves through opening their own Ctrl V Virtual Reality company's vision is to immerse as many people in the Arcade." metaverse and get the population rolling forward in using virtual reality for a variety of other purposes Regardless of which sector you're venturing into, outside of just entertainment. Robert advises the young generation to be prepared for the fact that real life doesn't resemble the life in media, The Future of Ctrl V movies, and online influencers. He concludes, "The road isn't filled with successes, accolades, and financial freedom. Robert shares that the most critical change that is It may eventually get there, but the process is difficult, needed in the virtual reality, augmented reality and tough, and depends on resilience, grit, & moxie like you've technology industry is an increased focus on the end- never experienced before. It isn't for the faint of heart and user or the customer. Too many companies are focusing requires you to really love the journey more than the on innovation to create the next coolest thing or destination.” advance the industry forward from their perspective of where it needs to go. As technology innovators and 32 33 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  34. xperiencing the transformative shifts of rapidly Stuart Pavin? ? Pat? for Virtua? Telemetr? to continuously improve the cloud-based processing for scaling technology in the medical device industry, arrhythmia and assist in the organization and E Stuart Long considers himself fortunate to have presentation of data. worked directly with cutting-edge products in his career. Today, as the CEO of InfoBionic, he emphasizes The company's mission is to put the control of the company's commitment to widespread market monitoring patients back into the hands of the adoption of its transformative wireless remote patient providers, as for a long time, most remote cardiac monitoring platform for chronic disease management. monitoring has been outsourced to vendors. Its model is to intermediate the 'middleman' and give clinicians From witnessing the shift away from video cassettes to control over the direct care of their patients and, more digital video clips in cardiology, from floppy disk to importantly, total control and access to all their cardiac DICOM images, then the switch from radiology patient's data. film to PACS, from client-server network systems (in healthcare) to fully web-based, rom paper base insulin InfoBionic has made significant progress and has dosing to AI-driven dosing, Stuart was a part of all. substantiated that the cardiology clinical community prefers this new opportunity to improve the ability to Several challenges Stuart overcame mainly centered diagnose patients with efficient workflow and increase around the change in clinician workflow and changing clinically rich data. hearts and minds about how to do something innovatively. Convincing clinicians it is better for how they deliver care and the patients who receive it is A bold new model probably the most challenging thing one can try to do in delivering novel technologies and solutions to the for virtual telemetry, healthcare arena. He shares, "Over time, I've worked with some extremely talented people who have solved some big from the remote clinical challenges that have plagued the industry for decades. Think of it like snail mail, floppy disks, and fax machines compared to Dropbox, Netflix, Amazon, and cardiac arrhythmia instant or on-demand digital delivery. Imagine what it will look like in another ten years!" Stuart Long detection company you CEO Committed to Transformation know and trust. InfoBionic streams 'full disclosure' data, meaning 100% of the heartbeats 100% of the time, utilizing curated AI 34 35 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  35. xperiencing the transformative shifts of rapidly Stuart Pavin? ? Pat? for Virtua? Telemetr? to continuously improve the cloud-based processing for scaling technology in the medical device industry, arrhythmia and assist in the organization and E Stuart Long considers himself fortunate to have presentation of data. worked directly with cutting-edge products in his career. Today, as the CEO of InfoBionic, he emphasizes The company's mission is to put the control of the company's commitment to widespread market monitoring patients back into the hands of the adoption of its transformative wireless remote patient providers, as for a long time, most remote cardiac monitoring platform for chronic disease management. monitoring has been outsourced to vendors. Its model is to intermediate the 'middleman' and give clinicians From witnessing the shift away from video cassettes to control over the direct care of their patients and, more digital video clips in cardiology, from floppy disk to importantly, total control and access to all their cardiac DICOM images, then the switch from radiology patient's data. film to PACS, from client-server network systems (in healthcare) to fully web-based, rom paper base insulin InfoBionic has made significant progress and has dosing to AI-driven dosing, Stuart was a part of all. substantiated that the cardiology clinical community prefers this new opportunity to improve the ability to Several challenges Stuart overcame mainly centered diagnose patients with efficient workflow and increase around the change in clinician workflow and changing clinically rich data. hearts and minds about how to do something innovatively. Convincing clinicians it is better for how they deliver care and the patients who receive it is A bold new model probably the most challenging thing one can try to do in delivering novel technologies and solutions to the for virtual telemetry, healthcare arena. He shares, "Over time, I've worked with some extremely talented people who have solved some big from the remote clinical challenges that have plagued the industry for decades. Think of it like snail mail, floppy disks, and fax machines compared to Dropbox, Netflix, Amazon, and cardiac arrhythmia instant or on-demand digital delivery. Imagine what it will look like in another ten years!" Stuart Long detection company you CEO Committed to Transformation know and trust. InfoBionic streams 'full disclosure' data, meaning 100% of the heartbeats 100% of the time, utilizing curated AI 34 35 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  36. Differentiated by Quality The company is introducing new technology ensuring all acuity levels can be monitored in a virtual care InfoBionic has proved a dramatic decrease in time to environment with the first continuous virtual diagnose the problem leading to faster treatment and telemetry platform: The MoMe™ ARC Platform. Built intervention, dramatically improving the quality of care with the same standards of quality and innovation and patient experience while simultaneously reducing that have earned them the trust of cardiology cost by gaining speed to access, review, diagnose and leaders, the MoMe™ ARC Platform hands power treat patients. back to clinicians while enabling them to step confidently into the future of virtual care. On numerous occasions, lives have been saved by the quick intervention of their cardiologist using Setting Up for the Future InfoBionic's solutions. Further, it has developed a relationship with the Mayo Clinic, which acts as the Stuart expresses that the next significant change is technology platform for the initiative to provide remote still in its infancy. Yet, with CMS's support and cardiac monitoring services for non-Mayo Clinic hospital-at-home initiatives, the shift from clinical facilities. They are the first clinical provider to enter the care to virtual care establishes its foundation and market as a remote cardiac monitoring service and foothold. He adds that one factor cannot be denied demonstrate the shift to providing clinical care versus about this horrendous COVID-19 pandemic: It has the traditional vendor-provided services. changed healthcare for the better—an increase of 6,000% in telehealth visits and a pivotal shift toward The Technical Leverage hospital-at-home care, among other changes. Innovative technology—especially in remote cardiac Stuart states that, as with any technology that can telemetry—has surged with these developments. sustain itself for longevity, it is either adapted or faded away. He mentions, "If the last few years have taught us Stuart mentions that the idea of traditional reimbursement and economic models that are decades one thing, it is that healthcare is changing. Care models are transforming, and providers are doing more in a virtual old and could or would apply to current and future and foremost, focus on your people. When the company's setting than ever. Reimbursement paradigms are shifting to monitoring technologies doesn't make logical sense. No mission becomes the employee's mission… they stop put value first. And clinicians are challenged to navigate all different does technology need to adapt to new and showing up to work and start showing up to be part of your this without losing focus on the patient. To support this new improved care models, as do the economic models. "A movement. 10 extremely engaged teammates are world of healthcare, telemetry must also adapt." shift to value-based care where we do away with the substantially more productive and way more fun to work existing 'lines in the sand' and implement models that align with than 50 moderately engaged employees." Fortunately, technological advances in cloud computing all constituents (payers, providers, and patients). The idea infrastructure, cellular-based communication achieving that up to 4 different kinds of diagnostic remote cardiac He also adds a few pointers: 'land-line' speeds, and broader inside facility coverage monitoring models, each with their own set of complex rules with cellular distributed antennae systems, device and reimbursement, is outdated and almost prohibits • Cash is king… expense should follow revenue component miniaturization, and low energy power moving forward to value-based care. The idea that a single • When precision is required, slow down consumption exists. Many new and novel avenues exist system can start in the hospital and move to the home or • Do not stagnate — else, you get left behind. Always today that didn't exist just five short years ago. virtual care environment and provide 'one kind' of keep a beginner's mindset, no matter how much monitoring that comes with a single economic model that you master. You're always at the beginning of the InfoBionic reimagined accepted norms for cardiac can align all the constituents is… well… exactly what the next level, no matter your level arrhythmia detection with a full disclosure model built doctor ordered," he explains. • Have fun — stay optimistic — if you're not laughing upon the principles of unwavering quality and continual and having fun, it is not your passion. innovation. Carrying the legacy forward, the company Bequeathing Brilliance • Fail often and fail fast — treat failure as a goal. is making another bold foray into the future of virtual Learn how to pivot or persevere. The road to healthcare, leveraging the previous innovation Stuart shares a piece of advice for entrepreneurs. He success is littered with failure. Embrace and learn introduced to the market and capitalizing on today's says, "A great product is nothing without the people who from it, and then do not repeat it. new and improved technologies. It evolves from can solve the problem – solving a problem and finding the proven, tried, and accurate methods and systems vs. right people are the most important things you need to starting from scratch. start. Yet never forget, you can't do it without people. First 36 37 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  37. Differentiated by Quality The company is introducing new technology ensuring all acuity levels can be monitored in a virtual care InfoBionic has proved a dramatic decrease in time to environment with the first continuous virtual diagnose the problem leading to faster treatment and telemetry platform: The MoMe™ ARC Platform. Built intervention, dramatically improving the quality of care with the same standards of quality and innovation and patient experience while simultaneously reducing that have earned them the trust of cardiology cost by gaining speed to access, review, diagnose and leaders, the MoMe™ ARC Platform hands power treat patients. back to clinicians while enabling them to step confidently into the future of virtual care. On numerous occasions, lives have been saved by the quick intervention of their cardiologist using Setting Up for the Future InfoBionic's solutions. Further, it has developed a relationship with the Mayo Clinic, which acts as the Stuart expresses that the next significant change is technology platform for the initiative to provide remote still in its infancy. Yet, with CMS's support and cardiac monitoring services for non-Mayo Clinic hospital-at-home initiatives, the shift from clinical facilities. They are the first clinical provider to enter the care to virtual care establishes its foundation and market as a remote cardiac monitoring service and foothold. He adds that one factor cannot be denied demonstrate the shift to providing clinical care versus about this horrendous COVID-19 pandemic: It has the traditional vendor-provided services. changed healthcare for the better—an increase of 6,000% in telehealth visits and a pivotal shift toward The Technical Leverage hospital-at-home care, among other changes. Innovative technology—especially in remote cardiac Stuart states that, as with any technology that can telemetry—has surged with these developments. sustain itself for longevity, it is either adapted or faded away. He mentions, "If the last few years have taught us Stuart mentions that the idea of traditional reimbursement and economic models that are decades one thing, it is that healthcare is changing. Care models are transforming, and providers are doing more in a virtual old and could or would apply to current and future and foremost, focus on your people. When the company's setting than ever. Reimbursement paradigms are shifting to monitoring technologies doesn't make logical sense. No mission becomes the employee's mission… they stop put value first. And clinicians are challenged to navigate all different does technology need to adapt to new and showing up to work and start showing up to be part of your this without losing focus on the patient. To support this new improved care models, as do the economic models. "A movement. 10 extremely engaged teammates are world of healthcare, telemetry must also adapt." shift to value-based care where we do away with the substantially more productive and way more fun to work existing 'lines in the sand' and implement models that align with than 50 moderately engaged employees." Fortunately, technological advances in cloud computing all constituents (payers, providers, and patients). The idea infrastructure, cellular-based communication achieving that up to 4 different kinds of diagnostic remote cardiac He also adds a few pointers: 'land-line' speeds, and broader inside facility coverage monitoring models, each with their own set of complex rules with cellular distributed antennae systems, device and reimbursement, is outdated and almost prohibits • Cash is king… expense should follow revenue component miniaturization, and low energy power moving forward to value-based care. The idea that a single • When precision is required, slow down consumption exists. Many new and novel avenues exist system can start in the hospital and move to the home or • Do not stagnate — else, you get left behind. Always today that didn't exist just five short years ago. virtual care environment and provide 'one kind' of keep a beginner's mindset, no matter how much monitoring that comes with a single economic model that you master. You're always at the beginning of the InfoBionic reimagined accepted norms for cardiac can align all the constituents is… well… exactly what the next level, no matter your level arrhythmia detection with a full disclosure model built doctor ordered," he explains. • Have fun — stay optimistic — if you're not laughing upon the principles of unwavering quality and continual and having fun, it is not your passion. innovation. Carrying the legacy forward, the company Bequeathing Brilliance • Fail often and fail fast — treat failure as a goal. is making another bold foray into the future of virtual Learn how to pivot or persevere. The road to healthcare, leveraging the previous innovation Stuart shares a piece of advice for entrepreneurs. He success is littered with failure. Embrace and learn introduced to the market and capitalizing on today's says, "A great product is nothing without the people who from it, and then do not repeat it. new and improved technologies. It evolves from can solve the problem – solving a problem and finding the proven, tried, and accurate methods and systems vs. right people are the most important things you need to starting from scratch. start. Yet never forget, you can't do it without people. First 36 37 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  38. TanmayArora hen we were kids, whatever we did, we put our heart and soul into every single little or W grand pursuit we embarked upon, trying our best to move the gears and turn it into something beautiful. Years later, very little did we know about unforeseen situations in our careers and life. While it is not easy to keep up with our talents and values, very few people keep that spark alive to actually make a difference. A true example of this is TanmayArora, who challenges himself by putting an extreme amount of effort into everything he does. What makes Tanmay unique is his passion, discipline, and belief in his ideas which took him on his entrepreneurial journey to create- Unwired India, Co-found – BullytheBears, and lead as the ManagingDirector at WeavingWaves. Tanmay is now set on the path of innovative leadership and creating a strategic impact through his work. He truly cares about making the world a better place through evolving next-gen technologies. The Journey of a True Entrepreneur: Spearheading 3 Startups from the Ground-Up Tanmay's journey as an entrepreneur started about five years ago. Having worked at a couple of premier research and academic institutions, he decided to employ his academic knowledge in the business domain and spearhead three startups. From neurotech 38 39 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  39. TanmayArora hen we were kids, whatever we did, we put our heart and soul into every single little or W grand pursuit we embarked upon, trying our best to move the gears and turn it into something beautiful. Years later, very little did we know about unforeseen situations in our careers and life. While it is not easy to keep up with our talents and values, very few people keep that spark alive to actually make a difference. A true example of this is TanmayArora, who challenges himself by putting an extreme amount of effort into everything he does. What makes Tanmay unique is his passion, discipline, and belief in his ideas which took him on his entrepreneurial journey to create- Unwired India, Co-found – BullytheBears, and lead as the ManagingDirector at WeavingWaves. Tanmay is now set on the path of innovative leadership and creating a strategic impact through his work. He truly cares about making the world a better place through evolving next-gen technologies. The Journey of a True Entrepreneur: Spearheading 3 Startups from the Ground-Up Tanmay's journey as an entrepreneur started about five years ago. Having worked at a couple of premier research and academic institutions, he decided to employ his academic knowledge in the business domain and spearhead three startups. From neurotech 38 39 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  40. approach and resources, the organization aims to boost Complementary/Alternative Therapy and Peer its social-economic development and drive its expertise Support for Mental Dysfunction Alleviation & beyond borders. Mental Function Enhancement. Ÿ The Aryabhatta Shankara Neurotech Society is the Globally Trusted, Accessible, and Affordable Tech voice of Unwired India, representing global Solutions scientists, students & leaders. Unwired India is on a mission to make the mind and Strategic Impact Through Work: Integrating the Head, brain-tech solutions accessible and affordable for Heart, Mind, Soul and Chip everyone. Members of the community can now create a personalized profile from anywhere globally and Tanmay is currently engaged in the pursuit to impact become certified community members to directly lives by helping transform traditional Neuroscience into access, connect, and collaborate with pioneering Neurotechnology & Personalized Neuro-medicine neuroscientists, leading researchers, eminent through 'Unwired India,' which Microsoft now backs for scientists, technicians, entrepreneurs & community Startups & the Y-Combinator Startup School. With all members! Each member's unique profile is a one-stop the community support & backing- the organization is solution to all their challenges, questions, issues, and now on a mission to impact 600 million lives by 2030. problems associated with their brain, mind, and life! He is on a personal journey to help inspire, educate, This personalized solution allows the members to make elevate & accelerate opportunities for empowerment the most out of their experience and access the within the framework of the neurotech domain. Its company's different products, services, member partners happen to provide a platform wherein He can Learnings, reflections & forums, and communities as it grows together and foster collaborations & embrace patterns, paradigms & realizations have driven evolves by sharing the journeys with the community. paradoxes for impact. Tanmay's entire journey he found Founded in 2020, Tanmay and his team like to believe it along the way. He realized how the is bringing joy to New Delhi, and it's something it hopes Words of Inspiration hardest thing to do is almost always the to be scaling for years to come. right thing to do and how true growth lies in things Sharing his thoughts to the budding entrepreneurs, we do not want to do. Impacting Lives, One Mind at a Time: Unwired India's Tanmay says, "The universe will ask you who you are; if you mission to empower 600 million lives by 2030 don't have an answer to that, the world will tell you exactly Traversing Domains: A Journey of Innovations & who you are & what you're destined for to be. It will make Intersections One year, 9 Teams, 6 Corporate Partners, 8 Global you settle for whatever restrictive definition they've (Unwired India) to Fintech (Bully the Bears) and Chapters & 7 International Awards. The company now concocted for your existence. Don't let somebody else tell Fashion (Weaving Waves), he has traversed across As a Neuro-technology startup, innovation is at the operates and engages with the community of you who you are, how you're supposed to feel, or how you're multiple domains to find how the same transferable heart of Tanmay's businesses. The team combines changemakers through six primary verticals/projects: supposed to be. skillsets are the key factors that lead to success across technology and consumerism to bring the latest most new avenues that one may choose to embark scientific developments to the homes and lives of the Ÿ The Hope Project: Scaling awareness against stigma, Own every little aspect of your identity and life with a sense upon. people. Research and Development driven by science fear, and apprehensions associated with Neuro- of extreme accountability, self-discipline, & ownership. and technology are fundamental to the functioning disorders; 1,00,000+ readers. Consistency & Longevity are the key factors that will Through this process, Tanmay overcame several here at Unwired India, allowing us to identify potential Ÿ Project Perceptron: Bridging AI & Brain Science: completely transform your personal and professional life if personal and professional challenges. A critical obstacle roadblocks at a fairly early stage and stay at the Brain-Computer Interfaces, Neuro-Augmentation, you let them. Be willing to suffer along the process and that he had to resolve in the process involved forefront of technological development and innovation. Neuro-Stimulation, Implants, AR/VR relentlessly strive to actualize what you were always leveraging his time efficiently and effectively, Ÿ The Brainbow Alliance: Collaborative platform to destined to do. Reflect. Re-engage. Realize." particularly the barter between time and money, to At Unwired India, the organization believes in a user- increase visibility & opportunity of manage his several entrepreneurial and personal driven approach, as it aims to make personalized, underrepresented communities pursuits. He realized how true growth lies in consumer-centric Indian innovations the primary (BIPOC/LGBT/Women) in STEAM embodying one's true authentic self, owning up to one's objective. The company believes in utilizing the efforts Ÿ The Plastic Brains: Nurturing Neuroplasticity: unique identity—taking complete ownership & of traditional Indian artisans, cultivators, and farmers Empowering life-long structural & functional accountability of every aspect of people's lives by to pay back to society. It gives due recognition to the enhances, rewiring minds through modules & choosing the path of most resistance & practicing contribution of the traditional artisans as 'co-creators' courses. unmitigated monk-like discipline in all things. in manufacturing the products. By integrating Ÿ NEXUS (Connecting Minds & Brains): Affordable & knowledge and long-established skills with the modern Accessible Neuro/Psycho-therapy, Counselling, 40 41 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

  41. approach and resources, the organization aims to boost Complementary/Alternative Therapy and Peer its social-economic development and drive its expertise Support for Mental Dysfunction Alleviation & beyond borders. Mental Function Enhancement. Ÿ The Aryabhatta Shankara Neurotech Society is the Globally Trusted, Accessible, and Affordable Tech voice of Unwired India, representing global Solutions scientists, students & leaders. Unwired India is on a mission to make the mind and Strategic Impact Through Work: Integrating the Head, brain-tech solutions accessible and affordable for Heart, Mind, Soul and Chip everyone. Members of the community can now create a personalized profile from anywhere globally and Tanmay is currently engaged in the pursuit to impact become certified community members to directly lives by helping transform traditional Neuroscience into access, connect, and collaborate with pioneering Neurotechnology & Personalized Neuro-medicine neuroscientists, leading researchers, eminent through 'Unwired India,' which Microsoft now backs for scientists, technicians, entrepreneurs & community Startups & the Y-Combinator Startup School. With all members! Each member's unique profile is a one-stop the community support & backing- the organization is solution to all their challenges, questions, issues, and now on a mission to impact 600 million lives by 2030. problems associated with their brain, mind, and life! He is on a personal journey to help inspire, educate, This personalized solution allows the members to make elevate & accelerate opportunities for empowerment the most out of their experience and access the within the framework of the neurotech domain. Its company's different products, services, member partners happen to provide a platform wherein He can Learnings, reflections & forums, and communities as it grows together and foster collaborations & embrace patterns, paradigms & realizations have driven evolves by sharing the journeys with the community. paradoxes for impact. Tanmay's entire journey he found Founded in 2020, Tanmay and his team like to believe it along the way. He realized how the is bringing joy to New Delhi, and it's something it hopes Words of Inspiration hardest thing to do is almost always the to be scaling for years to come. right thing to do and how true growth lies in things Sharing his thoughts to the budding entrepreneurs, we do not want to do. Impacting Lives, One Mind at a Time: Unwired India's Tanmay says, "The universe will ask you who you are; if you mission to empower 600 million lives by 2030 don't have an answer to that, the world will tell you exactly Traversing Domains: A Journey of Innovations & who you are & what you're destined for to be. It will make Intersections One year, 9 Teams, 6 Corporate Partners, 8 Global you settle for whatever restrictive definition they've (Unwired India) to Fintech (Bully the Bears) and Chapters & 7 International Awards. The company now concocted for your existence. Don't let somebody else tell Fashion (Weaving Waves), he has traversed across As a Neuro-technology startup, innovation is at the operates and engages with the community of you who you are, how you're supposed to feel, or how you're multiple domains to find how the same transferable heart of Tanmay's businesses. The team combines changemakers through six primary verticals/projects: supposed to be. skillsets are the key factors that lead to success across technology and consumerism to bring the latest most new avenues that one may choose to embark scientific developments to the homes and lives of the Ÿ The Hope Project: Scaling awareness against stigma, Own every little aspect of your identity and life with a sense upon. people. Research and Development driven by science fear, and apprehensions associated with Neuro- of extreme accountability, self-discipline, & ownership. and technology are fundamental to the functioning disorders; 1,00,000+ readers. Consistency & Longevity are the key factors that will Through this process, Tanmay overcame several here at Unwired India, allowing us to identify potential Ÿ Project Perceptron: Bridging AI & Brain Science: completely transform your personal and professional life if personal and professional challenges. A critical obstacle roadblocks at a fairly early stage and stay at the Brain-Computer Interfaces, Neuro-Augmentation, you let them. Be willing to suffer along the process and that he had to resolve in the process involved forefront of technological development and innovation. Neuro-Stimulation, Implants, AR/VR relentlessly strive to actualize what you were always leveraging his time efficiently and effectively, Ÿ The Brainbow Alliance: Collaborative platform to destined to do. Reflect. Re-engage. Realize." particularly the barter between time and money, to At Unwired India, the organization believes in a user- increase visibility & opportunity of manage his several entrepreneurial and personal driven approach, as it aims to make personalized, underrepresented communities pursuits. He realized how true growth lies in consumer-centric Indian innovations the primary (BIPOC/LGBT/Women) in STEAM embodying one's true authentic self, owning up to one's objective. The company believes in utilizing the efforts Ÿ The Plastic Brains: Nurturing Neuroplasticity: unique identity—taking complete ownership & of traditional Indian artisans, cultivators, and farmers Empowering life-long structural & functional accountability of every aspect of people's lives by to pay back to society. It gives due recognition to the enhances, rewiring minds through modules & choosing the path of most resistance & practicing contribution of the traditional artisans as 'co-creators' courses. unmitigated monk-like discipline in all things. in manufacturing the products. By integrating Ÿ NEXUS (Connecting Minds & Brains): Affordable & knowledge and long-established skills with the modern Accessible Neuro/Psycho-therapy, Counselling, 40 41 www.ciolook.com | November2022 | www.ciolook.com | November 2022 |

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