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Want insights into the ways knowledge portals help companies to grow their businesses and ways to provide value to their customers? Then this is the article you would want to read...
4 Tips forKnowledge BaseContent Just bookmark it, is the new just-write-it-down. But we do both. We use Post-its, handwritten to-do lists, scribbled notes, and many such things. Digital bookmarks and dozens of browser open tabs. Anyone who tries to get any personal information organized and accessible at the moment knows thatitcanbechallengingandunproductive. Product knowledge base provides customers with the information they need in a less challenging way. It is not as complicated as you think. You can create, curate, and share effective knowledge base articles. You can easily do it ifyou sales@crmjetty.com
have the right guidance and tools like a knowledge managementportal. • Bestpracticesforknowledgebasearticles: • By providing a knowledge base to your customers, you are enabling them to find quick solutions and reduce inefficient call center performance. Knowledge base requires proper planninganddesignactuallytobeabletohelp.Otherwise,it will not serve your agents or customers and create chaos, not to mention your customers will leave with even more problemsthantheycamewith. • We all want to provide our customers with informative, engaging, and clear content; these best practices can work wonders. • Create level-basedcontent: • Does your knowledge management portal provide customers everything they need? Think from the perspective of all kinds of users, from beginners to experts. Yes, even experts have something to learn from the knowledgebase. Start from how-tos and step specific instructionsforbeginnersandgofromthere. • Experienced users ignore those to get the information they need. If one article does not work for both user types,you sales@crmjetty.com
can also split theinformation according to the topic/problem into different articles and then link all of them to the original one. This way you are creating a series that takes the user through a journey of the product or service. • Anchorlinks: • Putting links inside articles in your enterprise knowledge portal is a great way to allude to something that you might not want to fully explain in the article but is necessary. Use relevant keywords for the links instead of saying ‘click here’. The user should be able to know why there is a link there and what it leads to before they click on it. These links are useful in lengthy articles so people can click on them and jumptotheexactinformation. • Create simplecontent: • BY 2025, 3/4 number of people are expected to come online via their smartphone. Take a look at the style and UI/UX of your article and content and the knowledge management portalas a whole. Make sure it is smartphone friendly. Look at it from a formatting POV, big blocks of text in small paragraphs, bullets, numbered lists andcallouts, sales@crmjetty.com
CTAs. These things will make your content more approachable. • Shortarticlesareagoodchoiceforknowledgebasearticles. People need these articles to answer questions in the moment rather than spend time reading long forms. Keep the language simple and approachable. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes to choose topics based on pain points. Two good sources of titles are recent support tickets and customer searchterms. • Finally,images,GIFs,andexplanationvideosarestrongways to reinforce your support articles. They also help you provide your audience with pauses between paragraphsand anexcellentwaytoengagethem. • Structure the articlesproperly: • Treat each article like a mini onboarding process. For example:start byusingsimplewordstodescribeaproblem, andthenuseanexampletoshowcustomershowtosolveit. Solution articles are to help, even though it might be tempting to use them to sell, keep the focus on the instructionsandthefeaturesthateacharticleisabout. • Create content that adapts to the customer’s workflow. Take them on ajourney from one point to the other based sales@crmjetty.com
on the natural flow of your product. Give people easy solutions first as often they work the best. Keep things moving, and don’t give alternative solutions as that can confuse them. Place related content with each article or videosotheusercanquicklygettothose. Conclusion: Technology has made companies more accessible to customers,andnowtheyareusedtogettingalltheanswers immediately. It has also helped companies scale much faster. With fierce competition in products, customer happiness has become a factor in measuring a company’s success. And self-service via portals helps with that a great deal. Source: https://www.sooperarticles.com/internet-articles/web-develop ment-articles/4-tips-knowledge-base-content-1788067.html sales@crmjetty.com