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This article talks about the benefits of having self-service portal and how it can help any organization to provide better experience and support to its customers.
sales@crmjetty.com HowtoBuildBetterCustomer Relationships with Self-ServicePortals Today using self-service portals is a basic need for any company. Here the size of the company and customer base hardlymattersastheyareneedofthehour. Confused and thinking why do companies need self-service/clientportals? www.crmjetty.com
sales@crmjetty.com Companiescanusesuchportalstoenhancetheirbrandimage andprovideimpeccablecustomerservice.Portalsprovide instant access to data, personalized dashboards and save time and resources of anyorganization. Self-service portals are the first line of support for customers. It empowers them to resolve their issues, request access, etc. on their own. Without having to wait for a reply from customersupport. These portals are one of the best ways to reach out to new customers and to boost and improve existing customer relationships. Let’s dive deep into the benefits of using these self-service portals. 1) Reduces Customer ServiceCost Wecallthemself-serviceportals forareason.Yourcustomers can resolve issues on their own from your knowledge base or by reaching out to you through chat support. This decreases customer support tickets, post-sale service costs, and overall supportcosts. www.crmjetty.com
sales@crmjetty.com Improves EmployeeProductivity Using such a portal decreases ticket generations. This helps the employees to work more productively and resolve other important issues of customersefficiently. Customers Learn NewSkills Portals help to expand the knowledge and skills of your customers by providing them with the tools for solving issues. Client portals provide detailed information about your productsandfrequentlyaskedquestions. It provides how-to videos, step-by-step guides with images, diagrams, and screenshots. These portals also include tips, hints, descriptions or tricks to use your product effectively and understand thembetter. Boosts SiteTraffic The customized knowledge base can redirect traffic from self-service portals to website which results in increased traffic.Thisalsobuildstrustamongcustomersandshowsyour industryexpertise. You can open the self-service portal to other voices like writers,bloggers,andclientswheretheycanshare www.crmjetty.com
sales@crmjetty.com information through forums or Q/A functionality. Their articlescancontainthesolutionstoproduct’sproblems.This helps your company to increase visibility as such content will attractuserslookingforsimilarsolutions. Your self-service portals need to be reliable, responsive and have a good UI/UX so that your customers can access importantinformationeasilyfromoneplace. Having high-visibility portals that address customers directly will fetch quality traffic. You can ask third-party customer service experts to contribute to your knowledge base by sharingblogpostsorspeakingonyourforums. 5)PersonalizetheUserExperience A self-service portal saves time and enables your clients to easily find the necessary information by understanding past problems. Personalization is the most powerful tool. When your customer login, the portal can address them with their names ontheirdashboards.Thesecustomerportalskeeptrackofthe customers’purchasehistoryanddisplayonlyrelevanttopics. But why personalization,right? Well,personalizationhelpsyoutotellyourclientsyouvalue www.crmjetty.com
sales@crmjetty.com them. It also ensures that your company learns about the problems they experience and makes sure you take necessary stepstoresolvetheseissues. Increases Positive CustomerRecommendation Youneedtocreateaknowledgebasethatisconsistent,simple tounderstand,capableofutilizingdifferentmediums.Youalso needtomakesurethatthedatathereal-timeupdationofdata and the experience is user-friendly. Research shows that 39% ofmillennialscheckthecompany’sFAQtoresolvetheirissues. Thisratioshowsthattodayusersprefertofindtheanswerson theirown.Hence,havingagoodknowledgebasealongwithan appealinguserinterfaceandfeatureslikelivechatandemailis necessary. Enhances Social MediaEngagement Today there are many portals that provide dedicated social mediafeedto dealwithcustomerqueries.Youremployeesare also a part of this self-service process and they take turns while communicating with your customers and offering solutionstotheirqueriesregardingtheirproductsorbusiness. It is necessary for you to provide guidance to your employees whichhelpsthemtorespondprofessionallytoyouruserswith optimumsolutions.Youremployeescandirectcustomerswith www.crmjetty.com
sales@crmjetty.com the correct information when customers ask. This helps you improve customer satisfaction and allows your business toget abetterunderstandingofwhichissuesareurgent. Portals that use social media feed as a knowledge base to distribute the relevant information of products help enhance the userexperience. Alltheseactivitieshelpyoubetteryourbrandvoiceandbuilda strongrelationshipwithyourclientsandgetnewcustomersat the sametime. There are various types of portals available today in market. The purpose of these portals is to provide better user experience and necessary information of products to the end-users. When you integrate your CRM with the customer portal that’s when you make the most of it. You can go forthe Salesforce client portalor any other CRM that you might be using. The Salesforce self-service portal has all theabove-mentioned features which setit apart. ThisArticlePostisOriginallyPostedhere: https://www.sooperarticles.com/business-articles/how-bu ild-better-customer-relationships-self-service-portals-1750 558.html www.crmjetty.com