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Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus is a disorder that causes you to hear sounds that aren't coming from somewhere else. The noises can be perceived as faint or loud and have a variety of properties (ringing, clicking, buzzing, roaring, whistling, or hissing).

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Tinnitus Management

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  1. TinnitusManagement • Tinnitus is adisorderthatcauses youtohearsoundsthat aren'tcomingfromsomewhere else. The noises can be perceived as faint or loud and have a variety of properties (ringing,clicking,buzzing,roaring,whistling,orhissing).Usually,thepersonwith tinnitus is the only one who can hear the sounds. Tinnitus can appear in one or both ears, as wellasin thebrain,andcan occurwithor withouthearingloss. What causes tinnitus inthefirstplace?Although the actual cause oftinnitusis uncertain, the following are the most prevalent causes: • Loss of hearing • Being exposed to loud noises• Traumatothe head• Adverseeffects ofmedications•Hypertension(high orlow blood pressure)•Theearcanalis cloggedwithwax.•Aaccumulationoffluidbehindthe eardrum • Heart,blood vessel, neck,jaw, ortooth problems. .  Youshouldhaveyourtinnitus evaluatedbyamedicalprofessionaltoruleouta medical cause. Ifyou haveanyofthe followingsymptoms,youshouldconsult anotolaryngologist (ear, nose, andthroatspecialist).  • •Tinnitus inoneearalone •Tinnitusthatpulsatesorsounds likeyourheartbeat(pulsatile tinnitus)•Tinnitusthatisaccompaniedbyasuddenorfluctuating hearingloss•Fullness or pressurein oneor bothears• Tinnitus mightmakeyoufeeldizzyor throwyouoff balance. . • Diagnosis •DetailedAudiological Evaluationhas tobedone•TinnitusRetraining Therapy(TRT)Whatis thebestwaytodeal withtinnitus? • Hearingaids. •Sound generators.•Combinationinstruments.•Relaxationtechniques. •Counselingoptions.

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