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6 Essential Tips To Crack Your Green Card Interview

In order to get your marriage-based green card, the most important step is to crack your green card interview that ultimately decides the fate of your application. With strict laws in force, there are many things that can go wrong during the interview & can get your application rejected. Thus, to help you get through your green card interview, this post outlines the most specific and effective tips to crack your marriage-based green card interview.<br>Follow us - https://immigrationlawyerfl.com<br>

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6 Essential Tips To Crack Your Green Card Interview

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  1. 6 Essential Tips To Crack Your Green Card Interview

  2. In order to get your marriage-based green card, the most important step is to crack your green card interview that ultimately decides the fate of your application. With strict laws in force, there are many things that can go wrong during the interview & can get your application rejected. Thus, to help you get through your green card interview, this post outlines the most specific and effective tips to crack your marriage-based green card interview:

  3. BePunctual Firstandforemostthingtokeepinmindisto reachbeforeyourscheduledtime. You shouldbepreparedtowitnessaqueueatthe immigrationofficeandsoyoumustatleast reach30minspriortoyourappointedtimeto avoidalast-minuterush. Itisalsoadvisableto markyourpresenceinpairs (youandyour spouse) toleaveagoodimpressiononthe immigrationofficer. Incaseyougetlateon thedayofyourinterview, theofficermay thinkthatyouarenotseriousaboutyour application, andthereisalsoapossibilitythat yourgreencardapplicationgetsrejected.

  4. KeepalltheDocuments Ready Tosucceedinyourgreencardinterview, itis importantthatyoukeepalltherequired supportingdocumentsready. Theofficersare pleasedifyoucomeupwithallthe documentsofyourmaritalrelationship. In caseyourmatrimonytookplaceinaforeign country, youmustbringalongthemarriage certificate. Youwillalsohavetocarryother relateddocumentsincludingwedding invitation, photographs, propertypapers, joint bankaccountdetails, acertifiedcopyof terminationofanypriormarriage, driver licenses, passport, LIC, creditcards, jointlease agreement, andothers.

  5. UpdateYourSocial MediaProfiles Oftentimespeopleforgettoupdatetheir socialmediaprofileswhichgoesagainst them. Therearealsocaseswhenpeople registerthemselvesondatingsitesand forgettodeletetheiraccountsafter marriage. Thismustbetakencareofand mustbeupdated, asofficersarequickin findingouteverythingaboutyouthrough socialmediachannels. Thus, youmust deleteyouraccountsfrompreviouslyused datingsitesandupdateaboutyournew lifeonsocialmediaforeg, postingyour weddingpicturesonFacebook.

  6. Prepareforpersonal questions Theimmigrationofficerissuretoaskyou questionsaboutyourpersonallife. Thus, youmustprepareforpersonalquestions inadvanceandanswerthemcorrectly. As evidencethatyourmarriageislegitimate, theofficermayaskyouquestionslike howdidyoumeetyourpartner, where didyoufirstmeet, whichplacesdoyou visitthemost, whatfoodwasservedat theweddingday, whoallwereinvitedas guestsinthemarriage, andsoon. You mustbepreparedtoanswerallthe questionsandbehonestasmuchas possible.

  7. DoNotSound Unnatural Don’tbenervousbeforeyourinterview, whichcanevenleadtohiding somethingduringyourinterview. You musttrytobeashonestaspossible anddonottrytofakeatanypoint duringyourinterview. Theseofficers havegreatattentiontodetailandcan catchyouimmediatelyifyoutryto soundunnatural. Incaseyouare unabletorecallanydateortime, you mustconfessthatyouareunableto recallitinsteadofbuildingupastory thatoftenleavestheofficersskeptical aboutyou.

  8. TakeAssistance Asgettingthroughyourgreencardprocess ischallengingandcomplexitisbetterthat youtakeassistancefromanexperienced immigrationattorney. Eveninyourgreen cardinterviewyoucantakeyourattorney withandfacetheinterview. Youcanalso consultwithyourimmigrationlawyer beforeyourinterviewfortakingessential tipstofaceyourgreencardinterview. Furthermore, havinganimmigrationlawyer onyoursidewillensurethatyoufileallthe documentsandpaperworkcorrectlyand getthroughtheentireprocesswithease.

  9. Now that you know the effective tips to crack your green card interview, you can be assured to get through the interview successfully. Once your interview is done, you also get the results of your application approval immediately by the immigration officer. To have more chances of getting your interview cleared, it is always better to hire an immigration lawyer before submitting your documents to the USCIS.

  10. MAILINGADDRESS https://immigrationlawyerfl.com CONTACT INFORMATION EMAILADDRESS info@ckinsellalaw.com PHONENUMBER 35319630777

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