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5 Trends that will benefit small business in the future

As a result of the COVID-19 issue, new trends have emerged that small business owners should be aware of and take advantage of if they want to keep their companies moving forward and succeed in the coming years. Cart2india reviews posting here is an overview of what they are.

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5 Trends that will benefit small business in the future

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  1. trends that will benefit small businessinthefuture Cart2indiaReviews

  2. Tableof Content Traditionalvs.non-businessfinancing Traditional vs. digital marketing Embracenewdevelopingtechnologies Establishing more secure and healthy workplaces Anincreaseinthegigeconomy

  3. About Trendsthatsmallbusiness owners should be aware of and takeadvantageofiftheywantto keeptheirbusinessgoingforward and achieve success in the upcoming years have emerged asaresultoftheCOVID-19issue. Cart2indiareviewspostinghereis anoverviewofwhattheyare.

  4. Traditionalvs.non- businessfinancing Cash flow has been impacted due totheCOVID-19crisis,whichforced several companies to close temporarily. In order to aid small businessesinsurvivingthe epidemic, the government unveiled a$900billionstimuluspackagethat includedanewPaycheckProtection Program(PPP)loan.

  5. However, according to Courtney Lawless, venture capitalist and co- hostoftheAmazonPrimeseriesWolf PAC, companies that suffered large financial losses as a result of the epidemicmightnotbeapprovedfor the loan. Therefore, alternative funding sources like grants, venture capital, peer-to-peer lending, fintech, angel investors, and crowdfunding will aid in maintaining these enterprises’ financial stability overthelongrun.

  6. Traditional vs. digitalmarketing DuringCOVID-19,lotsofcompaniesexample: cart2india, shifted from conventional brick-and- mortar marketing to digital marketing, and social mediaadspendingincreasedsignificantly.In2021,a further 15% growth rate is expected, bringing the totalexpenditureto$105billion.Additionally, spending on multimedia press releases (interactive or video-based) will rise and produce a higher ROI thanconventionalnewsreleases.

  7. AccordingtoAriZoldan,CEOof Quantum Media Group, expenditure on sponsored placement advertisements in traditional media increasedto$11.44billioninthe UnitedStatesin2019andwilldoso againin2020.Additionallyengaging and focused on video, paid placementswilldistortthedifference betweenpaidandearnedmedia.

  8. Embracenew developing technologies Themainstreamadoptionofemergingtechnologies including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), artificialintelligence(AI),machinelearning,anddata analyticswillbedrivenbysmallcompaniesin2021. Theywillbeabletodifferentiatethemselvesfromtheir rivals, excite their customers, and collect and analyze vastamountsofdatatotargetbettermarketingefforts anddiscovernewworkplaceefficiencies.

  9. AccordingtoJoeApfelbaum,thefounderand CEO of B2B marketing company Ajax Union, companies may plan and participate in VR networking events and trade fair exhibits that are VR and AR experiences. Additionally, they can invest in online and image or container storage to give faster data access and storage,whichwillassistincreaseproductivity and saving operational costs. They can also setupAItotranscribecalls.

  10. Establishing more secureandhealthy workplaces Thisyear,it’spredictedthattheOccupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) will increase its pandemic-related oversight and enforcement.Smallmarketingfirmslikecart2india should therefore make sure they are equipped to passacomplianceassessment.Inordertodothis, they can keep an eye on the Centers for Disease ControlandPrevention’s(CDC)recommendations for what they should do to establish a safe and healthyworkplaceandchecklocalandstatelaws. Slides10

  11. Anincreaseinthe gigeconomy With36%ofAmericanpeoplenow working in the gig economy and two- thirds of major corporations using freelancers to cut labour expenses, the gig economy will continue to expand in 2021andbeyond.Smallbusinessowners will join the trend and take into account workingremotelyoroutsourcingtasks. Slides11

  12. This indicates that a wide range of company services, including software, marketing, and tax preparation, will be available to gig workers. Additionally, as thegigeconomyexpands,labourlawswill catch up regarding the advantages employers are required to give gig employees, such as healthcare and retirement benefits. For more check Cart2indiareviews. Cart2indiaReviews Slides12

  13. Cart2indiaReviews ThankYouFor Attention Slides19

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