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Nowadays, almost every digital device is connected to the internet. There are many benefits of staying online such as receiving information on real time, mobility, and affordability. Previously there was limited functionality available on the online platform such as browsing news, information and watching videos.
Nowadays, almost every digital device is connected to the internet. There are many benefits of staying online such as receiving information on real time, mobility, and affordability. Previously there was limited functionality available on the online platform such as browsing news, information and watching videos. Now you can do the many tasks on a single device like payment, data storage, video chat, file sharing, etc. Despite having many benefits of the internet service, there are some significant drawbacks of online service too. If you don't plan your cyber security strategy correctly, you could face some serious personal and financial loss.
By creating a checklist of important file and information, you can quickly install necessary security measures on single or group of the data based on its sensitivity. Create a list of file that contains critical information and assigns the appropriate level of safety & tools like cloud security, antivirus, password protection to secure your most sensitive information from theft & breach. Below is some most critical information that every company maintains in their organization. • Financial Data • Client Information • Employee Records • Important Passwords • Business Emails
Selection of Right Encryption Process
In every organization, each data must secure during its life cycle. There are mainly two types of data found in the organization first is Data in Motion and second is Data in Rest. The Data in Motion are those files which are travel across the web such as client details, email address, credit card detail, etc. on the other the hand data in rest are those files that kept in desktop or drives and mostly access through a single user.
Some Popular Encryption Process Types • Full Disk Encryption:Protects Endpoint User • Full Disk Encryption with Pre-Boot Authentication:Encryption allow only when properly inserted Username & Password • Hardware Security Module:A physical device that manage and store digital keys to provide strong authentication. • Encrypting File System:Highly use for data encryption to protects sensitive information from hackers
Some Popular Encryption Process Types • Virtual Machine Encryption: These feature are introduced to add encryption on virtual machines. • File and Folder Encryption:This feature helps you to store file and folder in encrypted forms into your systems. • Database Encryption:In these type of encryption all the data stored in the database are encrypted into “cipher text”.
Building high-end encryption strategy is only possible through proper planning. Before implementing any encryption process take sufficient time for research. Consult technical and security person to implement most effective security process. In the next slide, we will discuss how we can build effective encryption strategy.
Collaborative Effort
Collaboration is essential to create high-end security guidelines within the organization. Collaboration should be clear between management and technical department to understand the uncertainty of file and information transmitted over the network and assign a proper condition, rules, and regulation based on the complexity of the data.
Classification of Data
Classification of data is required to avoid the frequent disruption in the long term encryption process. Classification of data is needed to separate high and low sensitive information. Through data classification, an organization can easily apply same set encryption process to high prioritize data group.
There are various key and certificate found in the company to access the system. A company should maintain a proper structure for key and certificate management to minimize internal and external attacks in the system. Evaluating this process regularly and erasing unused key and certificate can reduce unauthorized access to the network. The organization can also grant permission of creating, modify to delete the keys to one person or can add the layer or people based on the priority of data.
Many organization collects information from their website and store on their server. Without proper security measures, it is easy for hackers to steal all the information from the company database. Therefore organization is recommended to use SSL Certificate on their website to secure their personal and customer information like name, number, card detail and address from various cyber & data breach attacks.
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