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Now Learn briefly of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering products or services to customers.
QAInterview Question By: Coding Tag
ABOUT US About Coding Tag Coding Tag is the E-learning website covering all tutorials of technical and nontechnical tutorials including advanced programming , web Development,current affairs and Technical interviews.... In Coding tag , It’s the outstanding reference platform for Interview questions as well on :- HTMLCSSPHPSQLCC++OOPSAjaxJSPython etc... More info related toPHP Interview questions In this presentation you will learn about latest frequently asked Interview questions related to QA Interview Question.
What is Testware? TestWare is defined as all the materials used to perform a test,It is used to design to teach how to develop test design and perform a test scripts, but rather how to organize and manage them. TestWare includes: • Test Plans • Test cases • Test scripts ...
Define the steps required in the process of the Bug Cycle? Here are some steps involved in process of Bug Cycle : • Initially, When the bug is detected by testing team then developers are assigned an open status . • The developers will fix it further ,if any bug is found. • In case the default is not valid, it would be rejected by the developing team • When the defect is found, the tester will allocate a duplicate status • For fixing defects found found by a tester, bug is then forwarded to the development team • When the defect is repaired it would finally be considered as FIXED from the testing team's end and will give a complete status
What are the advantages of Destructive Testing Destructive testing are those tests which carried out to the specimens failure.As these tests are much easier to carry out yield more information, it is more suitable and economic for objects which will be mass produce. Advantages..: • Encertains compliance with regulations • Verifies properties of a material • Determines quality of welds • Reduces costs, failures and accidents
How can we define the term DDT? DDT stands for Data-Driven Testing which is a method of software testing. DDt is responsible for monitoring the testing of computer applications. DDT can be performed by using some data storages like: • Excel Sheet • Script Arrays • Table Variables • CVS Files • ADO database table
Difference between bug leakage and bug release? Bug Leakage: When end user discovered a bug which is can be possibly detected by the testing team. Or in other words when a bug is found which can be detected in previous build then this is called a bug leakage. Bug release : When a probuild is handed to the testing team with knowing that defects is present in the release .Their severity of bug is low .It is done when customer want the application on time.
Name the tools used by testing team while testing? Here are some tools used by testing teams while testing : • Firebug • WinSCP • Web developer toolbar for the firebox • Selenium • OpenSTA • Xray • Testpad • TestRail
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