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Seceon aiSIEMu2122 is developed ground up to deliver u201cComprehensive Cybersecurity for the Digital-Erau201d. It ingests raw streaming data u2013 logs from all devices, OS, Apps and Services in the ecosystem (on-premise, cloud); Flows, such as, NetFlow, IPFIX, sFlow, jFlow from network infrastructure, and subscribes to identity management infrastructure, such as, Microsoftu00ae Windowsu00ae Active Directoryu2122 service, LDAP, DNS, DHCP, Azure AD, etc. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
AV+EDRversusaiSIEM:Good SecurityisNOTGoodEnough With the adoption and proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud/virtualization trends are on the rise, cybercrime is developing muchfaster.Thethreatsurfaceshavebroadensignificantlyand security teams haveto defend against sophisticated cyber-attacks, such as,Ransomware, Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS), Inside threats, Vulnerability exploits, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), Emailphishing,tolistfew.Eventhoughtheattacksurfacehas increasedsignificantlybutthesecuritybudgethasn’tespeciallyfor mid-to-smaller organizations..Somany enterpriseshave been confusedbythevendor’claimthatfitstheirnarrative,shouldwesay,
a self-fulfilling prophecy? In some cases, enterprises have been made to believe that an Antivirus with Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions is good to enough to combat the current and growing securityrisks.Thisbegsaquestion:Isthisaviablestrategy for protecting enterprises from today’s growing number of sophisticated cyber-threats? The short answer is no. Even though, in some cases,organizations have built their security posture with these tools, enterprises continue to get breached and face malicious attacks causing data frauds on a day-to-day basis. The truth is that this doesn’t do the job. Though Security posture built around AV + EDR combo is a good start, it isn’t good enough tohelpprotectorganizations in thisdigitalera. Gartner defines EDR as tools that are primarily focused on detecting andinvestigatingsuspiciousactivities(andtracesofsuch)on hosts/endpoints. An EDRisused to determine threats / breacheson anendpointdeviceandrespondstothesethreatswithagents installed oneachendpoint to collect datafrom many data sources and stores them in the central repository. Since data is relegated to these endpoints, same alert reported by multiple end points resulting in falsepositivesand additional work. Moreover,antivirus solutions do not offer the necessary protection to keep the enterprise network and data secure. They lack the threat intelligence (no global context) and prevention capabilities necessary to even recognize modern day threats and breaches,much less remove them from the enterprise network.In summary,endpointsecuritythatincludesEDRand Antivirus,providesthecapabilitiesnecessaryformaintainingthe digitalperimeterbutfallsshorttoprovidethecomprehensive cybersecuritytotheenterprises. Seceon aiSIEM™ is developed ground up to deliver “Comprehensive Cybersecurity for the Digital-Era”.It ingestsraw streaming data – logs from all devices, OS, Apps and Services in the ecosystem (on- premise, cloud); Flows, such as,NetFlow, IPFIX,sFlow, jFlow from networkinfrastructure,andsubscribestoidentitymanagement infrastructure,suchas,Microsoft®Windows®ActiveDirectory™ service,LDAP,DNS,DHCP,AzureAD,etc.Thisstreamingplatform has functionalities of oftraditionalSIEM,SOAR,userandentity behavioralanalytics(UEBA),CloudSecurityprotectingCloud
Compute (AWS,Azure,GC,etc.),Cloud Applications (Office365, AzureAD etc.),CloudPlatforms(PaaS),NetworkTrafficAnalysis (NTA),Network-BasedAnomalyDetection(NBAD),Intrusion Detection System (IDS), threat intelligence feeds for correlation and enrichment, advanced machine learning (ML) and AI with actionable intelligence.aiSIEMgeneratesmeaningfulalertswith contextand situationalawareness andenhancedaccuracyfromthescoresof threatindicatorsotherwiseanalyzedbythesecurityexperts.The platformprovidescomprehensivevisibilityoftheenterprise’s ecosystemtoproactively detectthreats/breaches,automatically containsandeliminatesthethreatsinreal-timebypushingthe policiesonhygienesystems (likeFirewalls,Email/WebGateways, Microsoft® Windows® Active Directory™ service,Network Access Controllers,EDR,etc.),and continuouscomplianceto enhance an organization’s security posture and provides a zero-trust security in a digitalera,whileloweringSOCoperationalcostbymorethan80%. Below table shows the comparison of aiSIEM with AV + EDR Solutions: Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Seceon_Inc