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At Seceon-Inc aiMSSP Platform does all the work. It efficiently ingests logs, flows and events at scale across on-premises to hybrid, to multi-cloud, to applications, and IoT/OT including all devices regardless of where they connect from. 95% of cyber threats are detected and automatically blocked with AI/ML. Remediation happens in real time. I believe this is the only way to meet insurance and compliance requirements for your clients AND remain profitable. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
MSPVsMSSPisthereadistinction anymore? MSP v MSSP – is there a distinction anymore? Well, yes and no. Yes there’s a distinction because if you look at any established MSSP today, you will see things in their stacks and teams that an MSP doesn’t have. Yet… To date, MSPs have been focused mostly on endpoint protection and prevention. We know the attack surface has broadened through on- premises tohybrid,tomulti-cloud,toapplications, andIoT/OT environmentswithemployeesaccessingcompanyresourcesfrom virtuallyanywhere,usingcompany-ownedsystemsorunmanaged personaldevices.
The # MSP responsehas been to start buying tools and knowledge acquiring tosecureasmuchastheycanforresult here theirclients.Thenet isthattheaverageMSPisnowmanagingastackofdifferentsecuritytools–apointproductforsomepieceoftheMSSP securitystackpieandacquiringtheminoneoftwoways: Partner with security vendors to deploy multiple point products and hirestafftosupport.Thisforcesdata& detection & people into multiplesilosmaking remediationdifficult.Thisinturnrequires expensivesecurity analysts to oversee it all hoping that they never blink&misssomething. Outsourcetomanageddetection&responsevendors.Thisstill results in incomplete systems, & data & detection that is still silo’d (see #1 above). Add to this that the MSP relinquishes insight, control and profitmargintosomeoneelse. Neitheroptionisidealandoutsourcingsimplyoffloadstheinherent problemstosomeoneelse;it’snotreally solvingtheproblem. TheProblemwith SiloedSecuritySolutionsTheProblemwith SiloedSecuritySolutionsAlert Fatigue – multiple alerts from multiple systems, some of them redundant making it difficult to trust the data. Accurate threat detection is difficult as data is incongruent and lacks the correlation of a unified approach. Dashboard Fatigue – from too many dashboards to manage, one for each point product. Integration and maintenance is expensive & time-consuming for a big stack. So, here’s the rub…both options above are expensive and time consuming, yet protection & prevention is not enough.
MSPs need a way to detect & respond to today’s cyber threats. They need a better way to view threats across multi-cloud and on-premises environmentstoincreasetheirefficacyinprotectingtheirclient’s Resources &reducingthetimeit takes to detect and respond to Manyincidents MSPshavechosen to outsource their profits and theircontroloutsourcetoMDRproviders.That’sanoptionthatis What about real time remediation? An alert from a vendor isn’t good enoughanymore. Entertheidea ofMDR+SIEM+SOC = More expense,noimprovementinefficacy,&lowlowmarginsforthe#MSP. Attacks and breaches are still getting in and happening daily. More and more MSPs are losing sleep and struggling with audits and insurance knowingthey don’t haveastrongdetection andresponseprogram beyondendpoints.Deploying aSIEM,building abig tech stack, and hiring ateam has alwaysbeenconsideredan impossibledream. But now with automation driving the ability to respond and remediate inrealtime,it’sfinally possibletolaunch advanced compliant cybersecurityservicesbuiltonaSIEMwithout dozensofeyesonglass. We aresolving this challenge at Seceon.Seceon’saiMSSPPlatform does all the work. It efficiently ingests logs, flows and events at scale acrosson-premisestohybrid,tomulti-cloud,to applications, and IoT/OTincludingall devices regardless of where they connect from. 95%ofcyber threatsaredetectedandautomaticallyblocked with AI/ML.Remediationhappensinrealtime.Ibelievethisistheonlyway to meet insurance and compliance requirements for your clients AND remain profitable.
Sothechoicesare: 1:License,deployandmanageabigstackandteam. 2:OutsourceadvancedsecuritytoaMDRorMSSPandoutsource controlandoutsourceprofitwithnoimprovementinefficacy. 3:Leverage thepower ofAI/ML.Launchahigh-margin, security advancedservicethatmeetscompliancerequirementsand replacethedozensofeyesonletAI/MLglass. You built your MSP, now you have an opportunity to quickly become an MSSP. You absolutely can reduce risks and pass audits for your clients. At thesametime, youcanretainyourprofitmarginforahealthy, scalableandsustainablemanagedsecurityservicesbusiness. Contact Us Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/seceon Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/seceon_inc LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/seceon/