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Seceon Featured In CRN 2018 Cloud Partner Program Guide - Seceon

Seceon, which pioneered the first fully-automated, real-time cyber threat detection and remediation solution, announced today that CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, has recognized Seceon in its 2018 Cloud Partner Program Guide, a list of leading technology vendors with cloud-related partner programs that enable and accelerate the growth of solution providersu2019 cloud initiatives. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040

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Seceon Featured In CRN 2018 Cloud Partner Program Guide - Seceon

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  1. SeceonFeaturedInCRN2018 CloudPartnerProgramGuide byPushpendraMishra Seceon,whichpioneeredtherstfully-automated,real-timecyberthreatdetectionand remediationsolution,announcedtoday thatCRN,abrand ofThe ChannelCompany,has recognizedSeceoninits2018 Cloud PartnerProgram Guide,alist of leading technology vendorswithcloud-relatedpartner programsthatenable andacceleratethe growth of solutionproviders’ cloud initiatives. TheCRN2018 CloudPartnerProgramGuideservesasavaluableresourceforsolution providersnavigatingthe growing cloud marketplace,assistingthem innding technology supplierswithground-breakingcloudofferingsand partnerprograms.Tomeetthe requirements for inclusion in the Cloud Partner Program Guide, tech vendors must have unique partnerprogrambenetsthatdelivercloud infrastructureorapplications. “Withsomanyoptionsavailableinthecloudmarketplacetoday,solutionprovidersoftenhave a difcult time deciding which vendors offer the best program to complement their business strategy,” said Bob Skelley, CEO of the Channel Company. “The CRN Cloud Partner Program Guide helps to simplify the process by researching and identifying the cloud partner programs withthe mostcomprehensivecombinationofresources,support,training, andnancial incentives.Our2018 guideincludesastrongcombinationofinnovative companies who supporttheirpartnersneedsand help them tosucceed.” Seceonisdedicatedtohelpingchannelpartnerseliminatecyberrisksfaced by small-to- medium sized businesses (SMBs) as well as the medium-to-large enterprises. Seceon’s Cloud PartnerProgramoffersexibility,providingpartnerswith the option to deploy Seceon’s solutionintheirowncloudoruseSeceon’scloudtoprovideservicesasaSaaSmodel. Seceon’s Open Threat Management (OTM) platform instantly protects against all known and unknown threats. Seceon also offers aiMSSP, which is built on the OTM Platform. aiMSSP enables Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs ) to provide outsourced security services, including 24×7 security monitoring, threat intelligence, detection and remediation in real-time, at nominal and predictable linear costs. The solution consists of Seceon aiSIEM, SOC-in-a-Box and aiMDR capabilities that make it easy for MSSPs to expand their service offerings while bringing advancedthreatdetectionand mitigationcapabilitiestoorganizationsofallsizes. “SeceonishonoredtoberecognizedinCRN’sCloudPartnerProgram,”saidLalitShinde,Head of Strategic Partnerships & Business Development of Seceon. “This is a testament to our continueddedicationtodelivernotonlythemostinnovativecybersecuritysolutionspossible, 

  2. butalsotocreateanattractive partnerprogram thatisverylucrativeforresellers and distributors.” The Cloud Partner Program Guide will be featured in the October issue of CRN and can be viewedonlineatwww.crn.com/cloud-ppg. AboutSeceon Seceonempowersenterprises and MSSPstoprovide“ComprehensiveCybersecurityFor Digital-Era.” By combining Seceon Dynamic Threat Model (DTM), machine learning, and AI with actionable intelligence, its Open Threat Management (OTM) Platform enables businesses to proactively detect and surface relevant threats in real-time, andeither automatically or with a simple push of a button contain/eliminate all known and unknown threats. Seceon collects intelligentrawdata(streaminglogs,netows, identities) and threat intelligence,and processes it through OTM to provide the comprehensive, granular visibility of users, hosts and applicationsneededforcomplete,reliable protectionofdigitalassets.Seceon aiSIEM and aiMSSParesolutionsbornoutoftheOTMplatform.Tolearnmore,pleasevisit www.seceon.comorcall(978)923-0040. About theChannelCompany TheChannel CompanyenablesbreakthroughITchannel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services andplatforms.Asthe channelcatalyst,we connectandempowertechnology suppliers, solutionprovidersandendusers.Backedby more than30 yearsofunequaledchannel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever- evolvingchallengesin thetechnologymarketplace.www.thechannelco.com Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website- https://www.seceon.com/ /4

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