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Mr. Chandra S. Pandey founded Seceon with the idea of developing a solution that is a one-stop shop-showing everything and everything that is necessary to safeguard a corporate environment, be it any known or new assaults that can be identified, prevented, and remediated in real-time at a single platform. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
WhatisXDR? XDR is a security solution that delivers end-to-end visibility, instant detection,investigation,andresponseacrossmultiplesecuritylayers –business email, endpoint,server, cloudworkload, and network. According to cyber security analysts right XDR is, ‘It is a SaaS-based, vendor-specific, security threat detection and incident response tool that natively integrates multiplesecurityproductsintoa cohesive securityoperations systemthatunifies alllicensedcomponents.’ Owning, installing, and using cybersecurity assets is one thing but managing all these assets is quite a challenge. That is what we hear from our potential clients. We provide complete and robust security measures with no downtime as cybersecurity experts.
Ifyouhaveinstalledorestablished ateamofcybersecurity professionals, you should know there isa way to manage someof yourlicensedsecuritysoftwareinoneplace.Getanextended detectionresponse todayand easethestresson yourresources. The extended detection and response provides a lower total cost of ownership for effective and productive detection and the response of cybersecurity threats, improved protection, detection, and response capabilities, and offer increased operational productivity for security professionals. In this article, you will know about Seceon XDR extended detection response’s definition, capabilities, benefits, and reasons to choose it today. WhatisXDR? Seceon XDR (Extended Detection and Response) is advanced security softwarethatoffers comprehensivevisibility,responseacross networks, and analysis of applications and endpoints. It is a tool that uses other means to manage the progression of endpoint detection andresponsesecurity. ImperativeCapabilities Deployment – When you hire cybersecurity experts, the deployment of security solutions is easy to install. We can help you collect and correlatedetections andother activities acrossmany securitylayers. Shutdown & Ǫuarantine – It protects your networks and systems againstinsiderattacks,suchasharddrivetransferviruses, ransomware,externalattacks,andadvancedmalware. Omnipotent Visibility – Itcollects,correlates datafromdifferent sources to detect, hunt, investigate, and respond to threats without becomingaburdenonotherresources. 24/7 Detection – With custom rules and analytics operations, it can detect advanced persistent threats and other attacks.
SOC Productivity– With advanced endpoint security policy management, investigation,monitoring,andresponse,yourSOC is betterfunctionalthanbefore. SeceonXDRBenefit: EventAnalysis&Management –Itgivesthreat-focuseddata collection,threat-centricorientation, anddataunification and streamlining responses. Multi-Tool – Yoursecurity teams will have onedashboard touse other threat detection and response tools for mitigation and faster response. You can even automate actions for handling different levels ofthreats. Visibility & Protection –Seceon XDR offers more manageable ways to stop cyberattacks byextending visibility, detection, and response. WhyShouldHaveSeceonXDR Install? Seceon XDR(Extendeddetectionresponse) toolhasfaster,high- fidelity detection artificial intelligence, streamlined response, lower costofownership,andmostefficient integratedsoftwarefor cybersecuritymeasures. Whetheryourfocus isonemailsecurity,network analysisand visibility, identity, and access management, threat and vulnerability management, cloud security, orIT and IoT security, it detects and responds toeverythreatcomingyour wayorlurkinginyour network. IsSeceonaiXDRRightForYourUse? Get in touch with us and have the right version of the XDR Vendor extended detection and response tool that’s right foryou.We can helpyouhavecloud-basedingestion,automatic investigationand scoring,actionableattacksummaries,advanceddetection,incident response,threathunting,extractionengine,and autonomousanalysis.
Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/