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Smart Investing Strategies from Global Diversified Partners

The basics of investing can be summed up in a few sentences. The typical investor fails to define the perfect investment and something very beneficial happens when the ideal investment is defined and identified

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Smart Investing Strategies from Global Diversified Partners

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  1. Smart Investing Strategies from Global Diversified Partners The basics of investing can be summed up in a few sentences. The typical investor fails to define the perfect investment and something very beneficial happens when the ideal investment is defined and identified. As an investor your goal is first and foremost to preserve your capital. Your secondary goal which comes very close in importance to your first is to increase your capital through interest and compounding. When you define the ideal investment in your own mind, you become clearer about what you are looking for. The stock market and real estate are staples to an investor, yet some investors see these two types of investment vehicles as the only type. It all depends on the size of one’s seed capital. Of course real estate is an incredibly lucrative place to park ones money. With historical returns of around 7% in

  2. appreciation and another 7% in rent rolls, a real estate investment can return around 14% But if you are young and ambitious and are just starting out, a real estate investment may be out of your reach. The entry costs are quite prohibitive for someone with a small seed capital account. For these people, they need to think about a more aggressive approach. Daniel Kalenov says that the ideal investment is one that offers the safety of knowing your capital is safe, while offering a fast cycle. It means an investment that matures much quicker than the typical year or longer that traditional investments offer. Fast cycle investments are investments that can be turned around in a few weeks or a month. SOR or speed of returns is an important component of the ideal investment and that is exactly what you are looking for. When it comes to your finances, if you don't know where you're going, any road will get your there. We at Daniel Kalenov led Global Diversified Partners partner with your to re-claim your decision making, and ultimately your future. We will help you take control of your financial well being by educating you on the benefits of investing in tangible assets and by altering your perception of what “smart investing” means. Call 619-500-4235us for more details! Or go online at http://www.globaldiversifiedpartners.com/

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