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Urine drug tests are commonly performed to detect a drug user through his urine. It is done routinely to checks for drugs or their byproducts in the urine.-http://drugabusecontrol.com For inquiries about instant and accurate urine drug test, email us @ info@drugabusecontrol.com or dial (800) 366-5029 Get updated and follow us! Facebook- http://facebook.com/drugabusecontrol Twitter- https://twitter.com/Drugtestinginc Source:https://drugabusecontrol.wordpress.com/2015/06/05/urine-drug-test-screening-test-and-confirmatory-test/
Types of Urine Drug Test Screening Test and Confirmatory Test
Urine Drug Test Pre employment and employment screening New school screening Detoxification programs Athletic screening and etc. Checks for: cocaine, marijuana, barbiturates, amphetamines, phencyclidine, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines and opiates
People who are in need of this drug test People working in the industry personnel of the armed forces parolees and bail seekers workers in the transportation industry Individuals who serve as role models and whom people look up to
Drug test in the workplace Establishes a security in the workplace Secures that employees be focus and alert Because drug abuse in the workplace is possible, drug test in workplace is considered to be a prevention program
Type of Urine Drug Test: Screening Test First part of the urine drug test Cost-effective Accurate and Instant results Uses immunoassay to detect drug metabolites in the urine It can possibly give false positives
Type of Urine Drug Test: Confirmatory Test If you got a false positive in the screening test, but you are sure that you haven`t took any drugs, you can request for a confirmatory test Uses GC/MS or HPLC More expensive It may take longer than the usual urine drug test but will definitely give accurate results
You don`t have to pay for expensive tests, you just have to be aware of the factors which can possibly give you false positives. Check it out here • For inquiries, you can talk to us. Email us @ info@drugabusecontrol.com or call (800) 366-5029 • Instant and accurate result urine drug test, visit our page, click here • For more videos and presentations about drug abuse control, follow us and get updated! • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube