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The 8th edition of Mocktails took place between 16th and 21st of May in Torres Vedras. During the week in School envirenoment, a Prevention Team of Dianova Portugal went to schools in the municipality to raise awareness among students, an especially vulnerable group, for the responsible consumption of alcohol. The initiative ended on Saturday in Community environment in the city restaurants, bars and night clubs with Health Ambassadors approaching the locals prompting a civically responsible attitude towards alcohol consumption, aiming to diminish risky behaviours such as driving under the influence. Mocktails 2016 reached 3.686 youngsters and young adults in a yet again successful edition of this Health Promotion action engaging 40 partners: 8 schools, 16 restaurants, bars and night clubs, 10 sponsors, 4 institutional partners, and 2 media partners. This edition also had the collaboration of 2 representatives of Protecção Civil of Torres Vedras, 4 PSP officers and 16 GNR officers. Mocktails is since 2012 recognised as Best Practice in the United Nations in the area of Health Prevention and Promotion. Since 2009 this action engaged a total of 272 partners, reaching 34.659 people.
#mocktails2016 IMPACT 2016 | 16-21 May| Torres Vedras 8th edition of the Health Promotion Initiative “Mocktails: a fun night without alcohol”
“Health is a basic human right and is essential for social and economic development. […] It is a process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve. their health.” in Jakarta Declaration, 1997 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH PROMOTION Ottawa Charter (WHO 1986) Process of enabling individuals and communities to increase control over their health reinforcing responsibility and the people’s right to health. Focus on programmes and actions oriented to makings changes in behaviours and risky lifestyles: reckless driving, substances abuse,… STRATEGIES: • Advocate • Enable: access to information, life skills and opportunities for making healthy choices • Mediate: coordinated action by governments, by health and other social and economic sectors, by nongovernmental and voluntary organization, by local authorities, by industry and by the media.
Benchmark | Deeper Social Perception on Risk Diminishes Drug Abuse MARIJUANA USE AND PERCEIVED RISK AMONG 12th GRADERS, 1975 TO 2009 50% Past Year Use 40% 30% Perceived Risk 20% 10% ’75 ’80 ’85 ’90 ’95 ’00 ’05 Source: The Monitoring the Future study, the University of Michigan SOURCE Kevin A. Sabet Presentation – Russia May 2013
The Community Problem 16 year olds 29% were drunk in the previous year 22% engaged in binge drinking in the previous month 14% were drunk in the previous month (ESPAD, 2011) 18-24 year olds 13,7% school dropout (INE-PORDATA, 2015) Juvenile Delinquency 2.117 reports in 2015 (Internal Security System, 2015) Torres Vedras 24.600 inhabitants 40kms from Lisbon Rising in cannabis and alcohol abuse in the municipality Rising in road accidents and domestic violence Lack of prevention plans in school environment
Mocktails Initiative 2009-2016 WHAT IS IT? Health promotion initiative of community engagement based on a mediation strategy fostered by Dianova in partnership with 40 national, regional, and local entities. FOR WHAT? FOR WHOM? Increase awareness among youngsters and young adults (15-25 years old) for the problematic use of alcohol and drugs and its consequences such as school dropouts, anxiety/depression, and road accidents. DYNAMICS Engage institutional partners, sponsors, media, educational communities and young adults in a socially responsible initiative. WHERE? Torres Vedras, May, 2009-2016 WHEN? May, since 2009 to 2016 and beyond
Mocktails 2009-2016 The philosophy behind this health promotion action is to increase awareness without moral prejudice and building relationships based on proximity and cooperation.
Mocktails 2016 The Prevention Team of Dianova Portugal goes to schools of Torres Vedras to raise awareness among students for a responsible consumption of alcohol, warning for the negative consequences of its abuse. “In 2014 were reported […] 88 situations of child/youngster behaviour affecting their own wellbeing by the use of alcohol, and 123 situations of exposure to behaviour compromising the child’s wellbeing and development relating to consumption of alcoholic drinks” (SICAD, 2015)
Mocktails 2016 The Health Ambassadors from Dianova Portugal approach the locals prompting a civically responsible attitude towards alcohol consumption, aiming to diminish risky behaviour. 0,0% Citizen Award 60 Tickets for a show at Cine-Teatro Torres Vedras+ Red Bull “In 2014 were reported 20752 crimes of driving under the influence of alcohol (TAS ≥ 1,2g/l), representing 52% of the total crimes against society and 6% of the total reported crime in 2014 (SICAD, 2015)
40 Mocktails Partners 8 SCHOOLS
40 Mocktails Partners 10 SPONSORS * *A APCV is the sponsor of this initiative. UNICER and Sociedade Central Cervejas e Bebidas are responsible for drinks’ distribution and delivery.
40 Mocktails Partners 16 LOGISTICS PARTNERS
The Health Ambassadors 4 PSP officers| 16 GNR officers 2 PC TVD representatives | 2 Wing Girls Red Bull 102 22 Night spots’ employees Volunteers
Promotional Materials Flyers | Posters | Vouchers | T-shirts | Banners | Headers
Promotional Engagement Materials Facebook Frame
Promotional Sponsors Engagement Materials Photo Booth
Media Spread Partners
Media Spread Websites
Media Spread Newspapers
Social Media Spread Facebook
Social Media Spread LinkedIn
Social Media Spread Twitter
Direct Impact 2016 3.686 PEOPLE 2.278 4 PSP officers| 16 GNR officers | 2 Protecção Civil TVD representatives 1.160 Students in 8 Schools 22 volunteers with an open smile and a lot of energy Delivered vouchers for a non-alcoholic drink 40 Partners* e 102 Nightspots’ employees 60 People affected by road safety operations of PSP/GNR 60 1 (2)Wing Girls Red Bull Team 0,0% Citizen Awards *1 person per partner as minimum indicator
Global Outreach 2009-2016 34.659 PEOPLE 19.252 7.645 Students in 9 Schools 185 PSP, GNR and Protecção Civil TVD officers 305 volunteers with an open smile and a lot of energy Delivered vouchers for a non-alcoholic drink 220 5.553 272 Partners* e 681 Nightspots’ employees 588 People affected by road safety operations of PSP/GNR + 0,0% Citizen Awards 7 (18) Wing Girls Red Bul Team Viewers at concerts and other events associated with this action *Considerámos 1 Pessoa por Parceiro como indicador mínimo
EMBRACE CHANGE LEARN FROM MISTAKES HAVE FUN WITHOUT TAKING RISKS Positive Behaviour Change through Education and Health Promotion ↓ An effective way for individuals and peers to learn how to behave in order to foster, maintain and/or regain health by informing, educating, and mobilising the public opinion and engaging the community! Join us to Inspire Change Be a Partner or Amabssador in this action
Network Dianova | Public Affairs Hub Internationally Recognised Commitment MISSION: to develop actions and programmes to foster Personal Autonomy and Social Development 3 Continents| 11 Countries
Dianova Portugal is publicly recognised as Private Social Solidarity Institution, a Public Utility Association and a Non-Governmental Organisation for Development Training & Qualification (Hard | Soft Skills) Education and Health Promotion Socio- Addiction Treatment Psychosocial support professional reinsertion Promoter of Culture, Cooperation and Competition Agent of Organisational & Social Innovation Agent of Social and Solidary Economy Promoter of Social Transformation
Certifications| Accreditations Dianova ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System at the Therapeutic Community (1st in Portugal) CCPFC Accredited Training Entity (CFD) CCPFC – ME since 2012 EFR Family Responsible Entity – Social Economy (1st in Portugal)
Dianova | Areas of Intervention Headquarters Dianova Portugal Tretament| Therapeutic Community of Quinta das Lapas Training and Project Management Professional Reintegration| Flowers and Plant Nursery Social Reintegration | Social Reinsertion Apartment Psychosocial Support
Dianova Team
Culture of Cooperation with multiple stakeholders based on strong Social Capital, Strategic Partnerships and Community Networks •Good Corporate Citizen? •Social Development? •Quality? •Effectiveness? •Partnerships? Market Prescribers Health professionals, Education, Social Potential clients Families Opinion leaders Competition Community Leaders Analysts Investors and Sponsors General Public Academia Media Reliable? Commitment? Organisation Government Legislators Regulators Politicians Central and Local Administration Project Analysts International Agencies Board Staff Volunteers Suppliers Partners Clients Shareholders •Innovative? •Good governance? •Social value? •Good place to work? •Creative team?
www.youtube.com/user/dianovaportugal www.flickr.com/photos/dianovaportugal www.slideshare.net/dianova Follow us! www.twitter.com/dianovaportugal www.facebook.com/dianovaportugal www.linkedin.com/company/dianova-portugal www.issuu.com/dianovaportugal Quinta das Lapas, 2565-517 Monte Redondo Torres Vedras Telf.: +351 261 324 900 E-mail: rui.martins@dianova.pt| Website: www.dianova.pt