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The multimedia Competition "Migrants in Europe" aims to give young artists and communicators an opportunity to reflect on the contribution of migrants to the European society today. The Competition should also serve as a first step towards more debate, information and opinion exchange. The Competition is aimed at students who are over 18 years old and enrolled in art, graphic and communication schools in all EU countries and Croatia. The schools are to present the works in three categories – Poster, Photography and Video. Each school can present one or several works in one or several categories. The works will be judged at the national level and the best works will be forwarded to a European jury that will decide on European winners. A public internet vote will also take place on this website. The authors of the 30 European finalist works will travel to Brussels to attend a prize-giving ceremony with expected participation by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each.
Multimedia Contest “Migrants in Europe” 2013 National Coordinator Rui Martins | Dianova Portugal September, 10th 2013 http://migrantsineurope.eu/
Promoter European Commission – DG Home Affairs http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/index_en.htm 2 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Nacional Coordinator Rui Martins | Dianova Portugal www.dianova.pt 3 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
The Context of Migration in EU • Help to diversify and enrich societies • Streamline the Economies • Boost Entrepreneurship with new ideas • Generate employment and pay taxes • Earn and spends money • Overcome gaps of skilled manpower and skills • Invigorate and rejuvenate the demographics Migrants 4% (20,2 M) of EU Population (502,5 M) 4 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Goal Reflect about the contribute of the non- europeans migrants (asians, africans, americans…) to the european society, economy, culture and demography 5 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Target Sudents +18 years ENTITIES Universities Professional Schools AREAS Communication Journalism Arts 6 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Work Categories (Group or Individual Project(s)) PHOTOGR APHY POSTER VIDEO See the 3rd article of Regulation http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/pt/objetivo-e-regulamento 7 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Work Categories • In Paper or Digital • All illustration techniques (drawing, collage, painting, etc…) • Print on A3 • Eligible formats: .pdf or .jpg • Minimum Resolution 300 dpi or 1200*800 pixels • Sign the Declaration of Author Rights http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/sites/default/files/do cuments/copyright_form_pt.pdf • Online Submission http://migrantsineurope.eu/pt/school/register • Send the pressed material to the National Coordinator until the 21st of June POSTER 8 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Work Categories • In Paper or Digital • Print on A3 • Eligible formats : .pdf ou .jpg • Minimum Resolution 300 dpi or 1200*800 pixels • Sign the Declaration of Author Rights http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/sites/default/files/doc uments/copyright_form_pt.pdf • Online Submission http://migrantsineurope.eu/pt/school/register • Send the pressed material to the National Coordinator until the 21st of June PHOTO 9 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Work Categories • Techniques: production of clip, reportage or another type of video Maximum duration is 3 minutes Eligible formats : MPEG 4 (resolution 1920x1080 @ 2.000 kbits), WebM, 3GPP, MOV, AVI, MPEGPS, WMV, FLV Sign the Declaration of Author Rights http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/sites/default/files/do cuments/copyright_form_pt.pdf Upload on You Tube, Vimeo ou Dailymotion Online Submission http://migrantsineurope.eu/pt/school/register Send recorded DVD (resolution 1920x1080, 3.000 kbits) to the National Coordinator until the 21st of June • • VIDEO • • • • 10 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Winners’ Selection National Jury • Dr. Carlos Nogueira, on behalf of Portugal Representantion of the European Commission • Dr.ª Rosário Farmhouse, President of ACIDI • Dr.ª Raquel Campos Franco, Director of Impulso Positivo Magazine • Dr.ª Carmo Leal, ISCTE-IUL Professor • Dr.ª Ana Ximenes, Managing Director of Inforpress 11 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Winners’ Selection National Jury NATIONAL JURY EUROPEAN JURY • Elects the 10 best national works Criteria: • Message clarity • Originality • Graphics and visual / editorial Quality • Selects 30 best EU works • Elects 3 winners (1 per category) The 30 finalists will be submitted to online vote • Elects 1 winner • • 4th July 5th Septembre 12 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Awards 3 Categories + Online Vote ONLINE PUBLIC 10.000€ POSTER 10.000€ PHOTO 10.000€ VIDEO 10.000€ Prize Award + Trophy awarded to the University | Prof. School 13 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Awards Delivery Awards Ceremony 2 Project Authors + 1 Representative of the Educational Institution of the 30 FINALISTS will attendthe European Prize Ceremony in Brussels (2 days) on the 14th October, 2013 14 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Timeline School Rgistration DEADLI NE 21 st JUNE REGISTRATION UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL | INSTITUITION REGISTER YOUR SCHOOL (Online) http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/pt/school/register Note: after your registration, you’ll receive an email with a password to submit all works. 15 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Timeline Work (s) Registration DEADLI NE 21st JUNE ONLINE SUBMISSION + DELIEVER THE WORK(s) TO THE NATIONAL COORDINATOR 1. SIGNUP YOUR WORKS(S) (Online) http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/pt/school/register + 2. SEND YOUR WORK (S) PRINTED / DVD TO THE NATIONAL COORDINATOR by mail (see Address) or deliever in hand by the 21st of June 16 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Timeline Work (s) Registration DEADLI NE 21st JUNE ONLINE SUBMISSION + DELIEVER THE WORK(s) TO THE NATIONAL COORDINATOR 3. Fill out the form of Copyright http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/sites/default/files/docu ments/copyright_form_pt.pdf 4. Fill out the Disclamer Declaration of Copyright http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/sites/default/files/docu ments/attestation_image_rights_pt.pdf 17 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Timeline Contest Stages Online Registration Work (s) + Send to national Coordinator 21st June EU Selection Online Vote 5th September Launch 1st February AwArds Ceremony Brussels, 14th October 2013 PT Selection 4th July School Registration 21st June • • • School Registration: Director | Coordinator | Prefessor ‘s Responsability Work (s) Registration: Student / Team Responsability Mandatory sending printed and recorded works to the National Coordinator: Dianova Portugal, A/C Rui Martins, Quinta das Lapas, 2565-517 Monte Redondo Torres Vedras 18 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Final Results Portugal 19 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL RESULTS ACHIEVED 48 REGISTERED SCHOOLS TARGET 17 REGISTERED SCHOOLS OVERCOMING RESULTS 182% 20 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL * Note: Preliminary Results considering just 6 Countries of the 28 EU & Croatia 21 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL Representativeness of Submitted Papers* / Population 0,0009000% 0,0008000% 0,0007000% 0,0006000% 0,0005000% 0,0004000% 0,0003000% 0,0002000% 0,0001000% 0,0000000% Rep. Ch Portugal Itália Polónia Alemanha Espanha * Note: Preliminary Results considering just 6 Countries of the 28 EU & Croatia 22 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL Academic Federation 1% Overall Promotion 382 Entities Other Education 1% Consultants 1% Festivals 1% Profissional Unions 2% Universities Profissional Schools Third Sector Government Students Unions Profissionals Unions Consultants Academic Federations Festivals Other Education Total 229 36 39 15 Students Union 10% Government 4% Third Sector 10% 39 Universities 60% Profissional Schools 10% 9 3 4 3 5 382 23 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL Academic Promotion 265 Entities* Professional Schools 14% Universities 229 Profissional Schools 36 Universities 86% * Note: Personalized contacts University | College | Departments | Degree Coordinators 24 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL 13 SUBMITTED WORKS 3 PROF. SCHOOLS (23%) 10 48 UNIVERSITIES (76%) UNIVERSITIES | REGISTERED SCHOOLS 25 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL 47 POSTER 14 PHOTOGRAPHY 17 VIDEO 78 SUBMITTED WORKS 26 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL 3 7 POSTER 3 PHOTOGRAPHY 1 VIDEO DISQUALIFIED WORKS (ADMINISTRATIVE PRE-SELECTION) 27 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL 44 POSTER 11 PHOTOGRAPHY 16 VIDEO 71 ELIGIBLE WORK (ADMINISTRATIVE PRE-SELECTION) 28 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL EVALUATION MEETING JULY, 10th 2013 INFORPRESS Av. da Liberdade, 157 – 1º Dt. Lisbon 29 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL EVALUATION MEETING JULY, 10th 2013 INFORPRESS Av. da Liberdade, 157 – 1º Dt. Lisbon 30 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL 4 POSTER 3 PHOTOGRAPHY 3 VIDEO 10 SELECTED WORKS (NATIONAL JURY) 31 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
FINAL RESULTS PORTUGAL THANK YOU! National Coordinator | Rui Martins & National Jury| Raquel Campos Franco, Carmo Leal, Rosário Farmhouse, Carlos Nogueira and Ana Ximenes 32 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Next Steps|EU Phases 33 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
EUROPEAN JURY SELECTION 10 SELECTED WORKS (NATIONAL JURY PORTUGAL) WILL JOIN THE EUROPEAN SELECTION (EUROPEAN JURY) TO BE HELD IN SEPTEMBER | BRUSSELS FERNANDA FREITAS Portuguese personality that will integrate the European Jury 34 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
EUROPEAN JURY SELECTION WINNER PHOTOGRAPHY 10.000€ EUROPEAN JURY EVALUATES AND SELECTS 3 WINNERS PER CATEGORY (5th September) WINNER POSTER 10.000€ WINNER VIDEO 10.000€ 35 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
EUROPEAN CITIZENS SELECTION WINNER ONLINE PUBLIC AWARD 10.000€ ONLINE PUBLIC VOTES AND SELECTS 1 WINNER (9th September until9th October) http://migrantsineurope.eu/ 36 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
EUROPEAN CITIZENS SELECTION LET’S HELP BÁRBARA LOPES WINNING CATEGORY ONLINE PUBLIC AWARD Bárbara Lopes, 21 y.o., category Photo, title “Lisboa Tolerante", EPI Vote until 9th October through website http://www.migrantsineurope.eu/finalists | http://migrantsineurope.eu/en/contest/vote/1390 37 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
AWARDS DELIVERY CEREMONY AWARDS DELIVERY CEREMONY 14 OCTOBER BRUSSELS 38 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Official Social Media Pages “Migrants in Europe” Contest EC DG Home Affairs http://www.ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/ “Migrants in Europe” Contest http://www.migrantsineurope.eu Facebook “Migrants in Europe” https://www.facebook.com/pages/Migran tes-na-Europa-Concurso-de- Multim%C3%A9dia- Portugal/394561127303083 39 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
National Coordination “Migrants in Europe” Contest Dianova Portugal http://www.dianova.pt Dianova Portugal Nacional Coordinator A/C Rui Martins Quinta das Lapas 2565-517 Monte Redondo – Torres Vedras Email: portugal@migrantsineurope.eu Tel.: 261 312 300 40 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
Good Luck! Orientation Learning Take Chances. Innovate Simplicity in Complexity Have Fun 41 Commitment| Solidarity| Tolerancy| Internationality… Inspiring Change! Dianova Portugal©
www.apoiopsicossocial.dianova.pt www.formacao.dianova.pt www.dianova.pt http://aprendercrescerconcretizar.wordpress.com dianovaportugal dianova-portugal Quinta das Lapas, 2565-517 Monte Redondo Torres Vedras Telf.: +351 261 324 900 Fax.: +351 261 312 322 E-mail: rui.martins@dianova.pt| Website: http://www.dianova.pt