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Retail customer experience

Looking to join retail programs that help increasing sales and improves your customer experience? Doug will deliver a powerful and entertaining retail program that is unique to your group and connects with your theme.<br>

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Retail customer experience

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I In n b bus usi in nes ess s s sect ecto or r the the mos most t vi vit ta al l thi thin ng g i is s to to f ful ulf fi ill ll the the cl cli ie en nt t expec expecta tat ti io on ns s. . A A cl cli ien ent t d depend ependa ab bly ly re reque ques sts ts f fo or r the the e ex xcel cellen lent t i item tem a at t the the lowe lower r cos cost. t. A A s sho howca wcas si in ng g i id dea ea s sa ay ys s tha that t the the c clie lien nt' t's s n needs eeds a are re b bo oun und dle les ss s a an nd d they they n nev ever er g get et f ful ulf fi ill lled ed. . The The re ret ta ai il l s specia peciali lis st t a an nd d cl cli ien ent t exper experi ien ence ce ma mas st ter er D Do oug ug F Fleen leener er en encour coura ag ges es peo peopl ple e to to loo look k a at t thei their r b bus usi in ne es ss s d di if ff fe ere ren ntly, tly, to to s see ee ho how w g go oo od d they they a are re a an nd d ho how w mu much ch b bett ette er r they they ca can n b become. ecome. H He e s sha har res es the the po pos si it ti ive ve a act cti io on ns s peo peopl ple e ca can n ta tak ke e to to d di if ff fer eren enti tia ate te thei their r b bu us si in ne es ss s, , i imp mpro rove ve them thems selve elves s a an nd d thei their r te tea ams ms, , a an nd d d deli elive ver r mor more e a attr ttra act cti iv ve e a an nd d d dyna ynamic mic cu cus sto tomer mer s ser ervi vic ce e experi experien ence. ce. A As s a a re ret ta ai il l con cons sul ulta tan nt, t, D Do oug ug i is s kn kno own wn f fo or r hi his s a ab bi il li ity ty to to i id den enti tif fy y n new ew ma mark rket et a an nd d s sa ale les s o oppo pportun rtuni it ti ie es s, , a an nd d ho how w to to quickl quickly y a ach chi ie eve ve d des esi ir red ed re res su ults lts. . No Noted ted a are rea as s o of f kn kno owled wledg ge e i in ncl clu ud de e re reta tai il l cu cus st to ome mer r exper experi ien ence ce, , s speci pecia alty lty re ret ta ai il, l, d da ai ily ly lea lead der ers shi hip p a an nd d co coa ach chi in ng g, , w wo ork rkp pla lace ce s suc ucces cess s, , a an nd d cr cre ea ati tin ng g b br rea eakt kthro hrou ug gh h perf perfo orm rma an nce ce. . Contact Us: Doug Fleener Address: 6 Manning Street, Lexington, Middlesex, Massachusetts 02421, USA Email Id: inquiry@dougfleener.com Ph No: 775-719-4687 Website: http://www.dougfleener.com/ Follow Us:

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