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It is hard and troubling to hear blurred sounds. This feeling of a blocked or clogged ear is typically temporary and is brought on by something as simple as earwax buildup, an ear infection, or a common cold.<br><br>For More Information: https://www.drsharadent.com/ears-feel-clogged-or-blocked-know-the-causes-home-remedies-and-cure/<br>
CausesOfBlockedEars Givenbelowarethe6common causesofblockedearsor cloggedears.
1.BlockedEardueto water Itis verycommonandcan happenafterashowerorafter swimming is a common complaint.
2.CloggedEarsduetoCold Cloggedearsfromcoldarevery common,andsoisusuallyafter blowing nose. Severe cold results in eustachian tube blockage.
3.MiddleEarInfections orOtitisMedia Themiddleearinfectioncauses eardrumcongestionorswelling, or there is fluid collected behind the eardrum, giving an ear-cloggedfeeling.
4.Outerearinfection Swimmer’searisanouterear infection due to water getting accumulated in the ear canal whichpromotesbacterialgrowth resulting in blocked/clogged ears.
5.EarBlocked from the sinusinfection Issuessuchascommoncolds, allergies,andsinusinfections canleadtoearcongestion.
6.Earwaximpaction Hardenedearwaxcanblockthe earcanalandtheearfeels clogged.
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