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BI tools are a boon for small & mid-sized enterprises as well as for the big organizations. A startup or small organization probably does not have enough manpower to run the organization, and the manual process of accounting & report generation might be time taking. A tool like Easyreports integrated with tally can be used so that to generate precise tally reports and gather all the important facts & figures required for the organization.
What is the Need to Implement a BI What is the Need to Implement a BI Tool? Tool? You must have heard about the BI tool or Business Intelligence tool, but do you know why installing the tool in one’s system is absolutely important? Well, BI tool helps analyze the raw data of an organization and helps generate systematic reports from it. It is one of the most fruitful tools for the accounts team and makes the process of accounting & report making much easier, thus help ease off the load.
Most of the BI tools take help of tally ERP 9 integration to generate reports, and most of the organizations have tally installed in their systems as basic accounting software. BI tools like Easyreports help in data mining, designing spreadsheets, data analyzing, decision making, and so on. Amongst all of these functions quick decision making is the biggest feature of a BI tool. It takes a lot of time & effort for the entrepreneur to make enterprise related decisions, be it big or small, due to the lack of precise reports. However, if there a BI tool available with the accounts team, it is easy to generate reports and thus, easier to make rapid decisions. It is a competitive world where one has to act smart and within a blink of the eye in order to stay alive in the competition. However, if the entrepreneur is armed with BI tools, it would be easier for him or her to take quick and informed decisions. BI tools are a boon for small & mid-sized enterprises as well as for the big organizations. A startup or small organization probably does not have enough manpower to run the organization, and the manual process of accounting & report generation might be time taking. A tool like Easyreports integrated with tally can be used so that to generate precise tally reports and gather all the important facts & figures required for the organization. Keeping a track of the sales team and customers is a tedious job, especially if done manually. The sales analysis report presented in a simple form can be quite helpful for the accounts team and the entrepreneur; especially it can be pictorially represented. One can extract the data as per the requirements like the type of customers, sales analysis, tracking number of customers and so on. Informed decisions can help influence return on investments positively. If the entrepreneur is aware of the present status of the organization, she will be able to take quick & informed decisions. If the data analysis is done in an easily understandable form, nothing can stop one to take informed decisions without any time wastage, therefore the time saved can be utilized in a better way. BI tools can help the entrepreneurs set realistic goals and milestones for the organization on the basis of realistic reports and helps in achieving them as well. The organization that sets goals without actual reports has high chances to achieve nothing but failure. A BI tool can help keep a track of all the required
information and helps transform it into reports that are actually necessary for the organization and help the organization track its progress. A BI tool with tally e-commerce integration can be quite helpful for any organization of any size, as it makes decision making quite easier and contributes in making a successful organization.