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Edwin Dixon Epperson III

Edwindixoneppersoniii knows that the Veteran dilemma of Homelessness, being without a job and the loss of a principle Driven Life is the main motive of his work. http://edwindixoneppersoniii.net/

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Edwin Dixon Epperson III

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Presentation Transcript

  1. E D W I ND I X O N E P P E R S O NI I I

  2. A B O U TR E A LE S T A T E EdwinDixonEppersonIIIistotallyfocusedon addressinganepidemicsocialdilemmaseenall throughtheUStoday, theVeterandilemmaof Homelessness, Unemploymentandthelossofa PurposeDrivenLife. 

  3. L

  4. ThemainaimofEdwinDixonEppersonIII istoeradicatethisproblembyaddressing conservational, sustainability, and technologicalsocialdisputethroughReal EstateInvesting.

  5. G O A L S

  6. EdwinDixonEppersonIIIunderstandsthattheVeterandilemmaof HomelessnessandUnemploymentpeopleisthemainconcern. ThusEdwin DixonEppersonIIImaingoalistoeradicatethisproblembyspeakingto sustainability, conservational, andothertechnologicalwaysthatcanhelp thesociety

  7. S O C I A LM E D I A DoFacebookadsonceamonthfocusingonthenew facilitiesoftherealestate .

  8. The main goal of Edwin Dixon Epperson III is to eliminate the negative dilemma by addressing sustainability, environmentally friendly, and technical social challenges through Real Estate Investing. Edwin Dixon Epperson III is mainly focused on addressing an epidemic social dilemma that is seen throughout the US today.

  9. T H A N KY O U !   F O RC O M M E N T SO RQ U E S T I O N S : Visitatedwindixoneppersoniii.net

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