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Divisions between the missions of health profession training programs and community needs ... Health careers awareness and enrichment programs (both quick and ...
Slide 1:North Central INDIANA Area Health Education CenterSteering Committee MeetingWhat the Heck is an AHEC?
PowerPoint created by Angela Holloway, Associate Director of Development , Indiana AHEC Program Presented by Linda Hale, Project Matters, LLC Representing Proposed NCI-AHEC Steering Committee
Slide 2:The Indiana Area Health Education Centers Program seeks to offer health career information, job shadowing placements, health and science enrichment programs and other assistance to students throughout Indiana.The Indiana Area Health Education Centers Program seeks to offer health career information, job shadowing placements, health and science enrichment programs and other assistance to students throughout Indiana.
Slide 3:What’s the Problem?
Too few primary care professionals Too many underserved communities Limited access to quality healthcare for vulnerable populations Divisions between the missions of health profession training programs and community needs Too few racial and ethnic minorities and underprivileged people in the health workforce Too few primary care doctors in smaller communities- for those of you in the medical field, this is nothing new to you. Health care recruiters are continually trying to persuade family doctors to come our communities.Too few primary care doctors in smaller communities- for those of you in the medical field, this is nothing new to you. Health care recruiters are continually trying to persuade family doctors to come our communities.
Slide 4:AHEC Mission/Goals
Why do we exist? To enhance patient access to quality primary and preventive care for medically underserved populations in rural and urban settings. What do we do? Through community/academic educational partnerships, AHEC’s improve the distribution, diversity and quality of health care professionals. Why do AHECs exist? To provide quality care to underprivileged people. What do AHECs do? Basically AHECS perform 4 functions: They assist in the training of health professionals—research shows that those who train in underprivileged settings will return to work there. They provide continuing education. They recruit minority students into health careers… and They respond to critical health issues by getting information to providers and facilities in a timely manner. Why do AHECs exist? To provide quality care to underprivileged people. What do AHECs do? Basically AHECS perform 4 functions: They assist in the training of health professionals—research shows that those who train in underprivileged settings will return to work there. They provide continuing education. They recruit minority students into health careers… and They respond to critical health issues by getting information to providers and facilities in a timely manner.
Slide 5:There are currently 7 AHECs serving Indiana. The North Central Indiana AHEC will be the 8th. Before now the 10 counties this AHEC will serve were split and were served by much larger areas. We have the opportunity to have our own Area Health Education Center. There are more than 200 centers across 48 states. There is a central program office in each state that administrates the program and coordinates the efforts of the regional AHECs. In Indiana the program office is located on the IUPUI campus.There are currently 7 AHECs serving Indiana. The North Central Indiana AHEC will be the 8th. Before now the 10 counties this AHEC will serve were split and were served by much larger areas. We have the opportunity to have our own Area Health Education Center. There are more than 200 centers across 48 states. There is a central program office in each state that administrates the program and coordinates the efforts of the regional AHECs. In Indiana the program office is located on the IUPUI campus.
Slide 6:AHEC’s “Bucket List”
Connecting communities to quality health care Connecting students to health careers Connecting health professionals to communities AHEC Objectives, Activities
Slide 7:AHEC Objectives, Activities
Improve knowledge and awareness of health career opportunities among URMD students Health careers awareness and enrichment programs (both quick and intensives), academic readiness/success Connecting students to health careers Bucket #1 Improve knowledge and awareness of health career opportunities among under-represent ed minority and disadvantaged students by nurturing an interest in health careers. Last week I spoke with the director of the North West Indiana AHEC based in Crown Point. She said that so far this summer, they have sponsored over 15 summer enrichment camps for high school students and during the school year last year, they sponsored over 20 enrichment programs for middle school students. Bucket #1 Improve knowledge and awareness of health career opportunities among under-represent ed minority and disadvantaged students by nurturing an interest in health careers. Last week I spoke with the director of the North West Indiana AHEC based in Crown Point. She said that so far this summer, they have sponsored over 15 summer enrichment camps for high school students and during the school year last year, they sponsored over 20 enrichment programs for middle school students.
Slide 8:Increase exposure of health professions students to medically underserved communities and other health professions disciplines. Clinical rotations Interdisciplinary training Service learning
Connecting health professionals to communities AHEC Objectives, Activities Bucket #2 Interdisciplinary training – AHEC’s primary focus is on primary care doctors, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and dentists and assistants. Service learning – think of this kind of like going on a mission trip. People are exposed to poverty and the conditions in which others live and they want to go back again and again. Once the medical students have been exposed to the underserved in our communities… like those who use free health clinics… they’re more likely to come back and work where get receive a real sense of purpose. Bucket #2 Interdisciplinary training – AHEC’s primary focus is on primary care doctors, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and dentists and assistants. Service learning – think of this kind of like going on a mission trip. People are exposed to poverty and the conditions in which others live and they want to go back again and again. Once the medical students have been exposed to the underserved in our communities… like those who use free health clinics… they’re more likely to come back and work where get receive a real sense of purpose.
Slide 9:Enhance access to CE and clinical support tools Medically underserved-oriented CE Interdisciplinary training Health library, technology access, other learning resources
Connecting communities to better health AHEC Objectives, Activities Bucket #3 AHECs enhancing access to continuing education and clinical support tools.Bucket #3 AHECs enhancing access to continuing education and clinical support tools.
Slide 10:AHEC in a Nutshell
Connecting communities to quality health care Connecting students to health careers Connecting health professionals to communities
Slide 11:Grow Your Own
Keep ‘em! Find ‘em… Train ‘em…
Slide 12:Steering Committee Moving Forward
Has been meeting monthly since December 2009 Has been making formative decisions about the North Central-IN AHEC Looking for additional members Read this first The Steering Committee is made up of not only hospital executives and college nursing instructors but also economic development directors, community foundation directors, health care clinic executives, the CEO of Four County Counseling and a representative from Purdue School of Pharmacy.Read this first The Steering Committee is made up of not only hospital executives and college nursing instructors but also economic development directors, community foundation directors, health care clinic executives, the CEO of Four County Counseling and a representative from Purdue School of Pharmacy.
Slide 13:Designing the North Central-IN AHEC
What are the things that this AHEC should accomplish and how will it be structured? Who are the stakeholders that will make this AHEC work? How is this AHEC going to be financed? Where is the AHEC going to be housed? When will the AHEC begin operations? Read 1 & 2 Answer The design, structure and accomplishments of this regions’ AHEC will be determined by the information we receive from all of you at these county meetings. All of you are the stakeholders that will make this AHEC work. How it will financed is dependent upon the host agency and federal and state funding. The initial matching fund amount is $60,000 which could be split between a number of interested parties or funded solely by the host agency. The federal funding isn’t set in stone at this point but could be as much as $240,000 a year. Where it will be housed is going to be determined through a bid process and will be decided on by a peer review panel. We are working with the AHEC program office to write the Request for Proposal. Our goal is to have that out by the end of August. The AHEC will begin operations as soon as a host is identified and a director has been hired. Federal funding can be drawn down as soon as September 1. The first year of operations includes short-term and long-term planning, looking at this area’s needs assessments, deciding upon a scope of work and coordinating all of this with the Program Office to make sure it fits with the goals and mission of IN-AHECs. Read 1 & 2 Answer The design, structure and accomplishments of this regions’ AHEC will be determined by the information we receive from all of you at these county meetings. All of you are the stakeholders that will make this AHEC work. How it will financed is dependent upon the host agency and federal and state funding. The initial matching fund amount is $60,000 which could be split between a number of interested parties or funded solely by the host agency. The federal funding isn’t set in stone at this point but could be as much as $240,000 a year. Where it will be housed is going to be determined through a bid process and will be decided on by a peer review panel. We are working with the AHEC program office to write the Request for Proposal. Our goal is to have that out by the end of August. The AHEC will begin operations as soon as a host is identified and a director has been hired. Federal funding can be drawn down as soon as September 1. The first year of operations includes short-term and long-term planning, looking at this area’s needs assessments, deciding upon a scope of work and coordinating all of this with the Program Office to make sure it fits with the goals and mission of IN-AHECs.
Slide 14:Questions?
Angela Holloway Indiana AHEC Program anhollow@iupui.edu (317) 278-6695 Questions? If you haven’t heard of Area Health Education Centers before today, your heads may be swimming. If you think of questions later, please contact me. My contact information is on the screen. If there is something we can’t answer, we will get an answer for you as soon as possible. Questions? If you haven’t heard of Area Health Education Centers before today, your heads may be swimming. If you think of questions later, please contact me. My contact information is on the screen. If there is something we can’t answer, we will get an answer for you as soon as possible.
Slide 15:Survey
What programs are being offered in your schools and/or community to encourage students to go into the health care field? What are the needs in your county for the under-represented minority and disadvantaged families? Is there a formal organization, health care facility, or center that currently serves the underserved in your county? Would you be interested in representing your County by serving on the NCI-AHEC Steering Committee? Would your organization be interested in receiving an RFP to host this AHEC? We’ll conclude today with a short survey that will give you a chance to tell the Steering Committee what the needs and assets are in Fulton County. We’ll conclude today with a short survey that will give you a chance to tell the Steering Committee what the needs and assets are in Fulton County.