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Report of the Abalone Fisheries Research Assessment Group (FRAG). Ian Cartwright Independent Chair, FRAG. FRAG - Origins.
Report of the Abalone Fisheries Research Assessment Group (FRAG) Ian Cartwright Independent Chair, FRAG
FRAG - Origins Tasmanian Abalone Council agreed to establish a transparent and effective process so that stakeholders in the abalone fishery could provide advice on/recommend appropriate levels of TAC and associated issues to: • AbFAC; • the Abalone Council; and • the Minister. The FRAG will also consider associated management arrangements, including spatial distribution of catch/effort, zone boundaries and size limits.
FRAG TORs • Consider the outcomes of the annual abalone stock assessment, the interim data report and updates; • review performance of the fishery, at the block level; • discuss and suggest key drivers in the fishery e.g. market and processer preferences; • consider TAC setting motions and provide comments prior to the AGM; • provide recommendations to AbFAC and the Council AGM on the annual TAC and related issues; and • provide other advice from time to time, including size limits and zone boundaries.
Decision making at the FRAG Decision making by consensus and not voting – where agreement not possible, views will be recorded and provided in the advice of the Group.
FRAG Membership • independent Chairperson • the full membership of the Tasmanian Abalone Council Board • CEO of the Council • 3 scientific representatives from TAFI • 1 DPIW fisheries manager • executive support for the FRAG will be provided by the Council
Observers • Observers always welcome at the FRAG; requests through the Chair. • Very useful input provided to date, including a number of submissions for improving management/ TAC setting. • At two most recent meetings, a total of eight abalone divers have attended and provided advice to the FRAG on future management of the Western Zone.
FRAG Schedule Four meetings a year • April: Review outcome of Stock Assessment Working Group meeting, including preliminary data • June: Consider full annual stock assessment report • August: Review updates on data from the fishery and stock assessment • October: Develop TAC recommendation options for consideration by Council AGM
FRAG process in 2008 • Had to shorten process and deal with ‘bedding in’ of arrangements. • Four meetings: 30 May, 24 June, 31 July, and 25 August. • First two meetings mostly on TORs etc • Recommended mechanism to deal with SW catch/effort issues – this was agreed by FAC and Minister (over).
SW Arrangements Agreed that if a trigger point is reached during 2008, the FRAG will review the performance of the region, and recommend action, where appropriate.
FRAG recommendations for 2009 W. Zone (1) • TAFI recommendation that catch in SW (10-13B) be reduced by around 200t. • Catch/effort to be moved northwards to relieve pressure on SW. • TAFI and some industry concerned at the ability of mid-west to absorb additional catch and the wisdom of rapidly increasing catches there. • Agreed to a phased approach by reducing the catch in (10-13B) in 2009 by 140t and review after one year. • Overall 30 Tonne reduction in Western zone quota to 1230 tonnes, which corresponds to the total of upper confidence limit of long term average catches (agreed principle).
FRAG recommendations for 2009 W. Zone (2) • Considered caps vs. new zone at length, both have drawbacks, but zone considered to deal with sustainability, rational harvesting and equity issues better. • Position of boundaries need to recognise sustainability issues while minimising adverse impacts in terms of compliance, diver movement, dingy vs. mother ship ops, processing and marketing influences. • Preferred southern boundary option currently between sub-blocks 8C and 9A (Ocean Beach); more consideration of boundary position needed.
Arthur River Mid-West Zone Arthur River to Ocean Beach Blocks 5D, 6, 7, 8 304.5 tonnes 87 kg/unit Ocean Beach Western Zone Ocean Beach to Whale Head Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13A, 13B 924 tonnes 264 kg/unit Whale Head
FRAG recommendations for 2009 W. Zone (3) • Agreed need to ensure adequate distribution of catch and encourage/provide incentive to catch older, less desirable fish – potential of shell study discussed; • one view that long term average catches (including data prior to 1985) and lack of fishing (esp. block 6) indicate that mid-west zone (5D-8) capable of absorbing additional catch and could support an increase in fishing effort.
FRAG recommendations for 2009 Western Zone (4) TAC • Assumes creation of a new zone. • ‘Hard’ cap for block 9 at 166 Tonne (upper confidence limit)
FRAG recommendations for 2009 E. Zone • A 5% increase for the Eastern Zone for next year – noting that there may be a sentiment towards seeking a greater increase. • Also noted that there may well be some need for caps and/or other management mechanisms to achieve a 5% increase in 2010. • View expressed that TAC increases should not be expressed as a percentage and that TACs should be based on the maximum catch an area can stand.
Concluding Remarks • First year so a learning process, especially for the Chair. • Many different view points and considerations provided and considered in advance of TAC setting. • TAFI cooperating in terms of updating assessments and answering specific queries on new proposals, additional data etc. • Focus on transparency, and information to support decision making. • Excellent spirit of discussions and input by all. • Chairman’s summary posted on TAC website • Minutes of FRAG meetings available on request • Will do better next year–have your say as to how we can improve