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5 Steps to Practice Tantric Meditation for Perfect Orgasms

Tantric meditation will bring magic to your relationship. Tantric meditation relaxes your body and mind, you will be able to focus on your love life and can perform well in bed. There are several ways to enlighten and awaken your Perfect Orgasms. Go ahead and contact us on our official website at Embodied Awakening Academy. We have some of the most advanced and futuristic techniques and courses for perfect orgasms.

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5 Steps to Practice Tantric Meditation for Perfect Orgasms

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  2. THETHIRDEYE MEDITATION You should always begin with thismeditationasthiswillopen up the Third Eye Chakra, also known as Crown Chakra. When you practice this, you will witness a better flow of energy throughoutyourbody.

  3. SLOWLYLENGTHENYOURSPINE Now, you need to lengthen your spine. Just imagine that there is a stringlocatedatthetopofthehead, anditispullingyourheadupward. Now,slowlyinhaleandexhalewhile imagining that the tailbone is movingtowardsthecushion.

  4. THE GOLDBALL Thinklikethereisagoldball placed in the middle of the forehead. Try to place the tongue on the mouth roof and inhale. Now imagine rolling the ball on the head anddowntothespinewhile chanting“Hung.”

  5. INHALING ANDEXHALING When you exhale, imagine rolling the gold ball up the spine, then overthehead.Andinhaleagainby chanting“Sau.”

  6. MAINTAINTHE BALANCE You should follow the steps carefully, and to know the proper waytodoit,youcangoforTantric Practitionertrainingofferedbythe best Tantra online school. As per the experts, you should practice thisforaround5to10minutesata time.

  7. LET'SCONNECT WITHUS +61434787920 info@embodiedawakeningacademy.com embodiedawakeningacademy.com

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