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What to do if you're affected by flooding

After the flooding that hit areas of Sydney, it's important to know what to do as soon as possible. Our guide will give you a quick breakdown of what can be done immediately in order to optimise your situation. Read more on Flood Restoration Sydney.

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What to do if you're affected by flooding

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  2. INTRODUCTION Flooding can be a devastating event for homeowners - not only does it damage homes and belongings, but it can also contaminate watersuppliesandcausepublichealth emergencies.Inordertopreventorminimize the damage that flooding can cause, it's importanttolearnaboutfloodcleanup proceduresandhowtodealwithcommon homerepairsduringaflood.Inthispowerpoint presentation,we'lloutlinethestepsyouneedto takebefore,during,andafterafloodevent.

  3. WHATTODOIFYOU'REAFFECTEDBYFLOODING Ifyouareinanareathatisflood-prone,itisimportant tobeawareofthewarningsignsandgetreadyfor potentialflooding.Herearesomestepsthatyoucan taketomakesureyouandyourfamilyaresafe: 1.Knowyourrisks.Floodingcanoccuranywherethere is a water source, such as rivers, creeks, ponds, reservoirsortheocean.Ifyouliveinanareathatfloods often,it’simportanttoknowtheriskssoyoucantake stepstoprotectyourselfandyourproperty.

  4. WHATTODOIFYOU'REAFFECTEDBYFLOODING Getanevacuationplan.Makesureeveryoneinyour householdknowswheretheyshouldgoifaflood warningisissued.Havealistofcontactinformationfor familymembersandfriendswhomaybeabletohelp withshelterorrescueeffortsifnecessary. Storevaluableitemsawayfromfloodzones.Items likejewelry,computersandtelevisionscanbecome ruinedbywaterdamageveryquickly.Puttheseitems inasafeplaceawayfrompotentialfloodingareas.

  5. WHATTODOIFYOU'REAFFECTEDBYFLOODING Keepanemergencykitnearby.Havesupplieslike food,water,medicationsandfirst-aidkitsavailablein caseofemergenciescausedbyfloodsorstorms. Beawareofchangingweatherconditions.Weather conditionscanchangerapidlyduringsevereweather events like flooding; stay alert for possible flash floodingorotherdangerousweatherconditionsthat couldimpactyourarealateronintheevent.

  6. WHATTODOIFYOU'REAFFECTEDBYFLOODING Stayinformed.Keepuptodateonwarningsand updatesfromyourlocalFloodRestorationSydney managementagency. Contact your insurance company. If you are impactedbyflooding,besuretocontactyour insurancecompanyasquicklyaspossibletofilea claim. Ifyouareinanareathatisflood-prone,itisimportant to be aware of the warning signs and get ready for potentialflooding.

  7. CONTACTUS Emergency Flood Restoration Sydney is a flood, water and sewage damage restoration service in Sydney that offersallformsofservicesincludingresidential, commercial and industrial flood restoration sydney.for morecallusat0480030780today.

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