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Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Jayne Mansfield, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Sofia Vergara u2013 they are only some of endomorph female stars whose full-figured, curvaceous silhouettes and body positivity have redefined what it means to be attractive.
Endomorph Female: WhatYou Need To Know About Your CurvyBody Many of the most alluring women in the world areendomorphs. Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Jayne Mansfield, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Sofia Vergara – they are only some of endomorph female stars whose full-figured, curvaceous silhouettes and body positivity have redefined what it means to beattractive.
But being an endomorph female is about a lot more than natural curves. It’s about treating your body right with healthy foods and the proper exerciseroutine. In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about the female endomorph body type and explain how endomorphic women can best take care of their bodies. What Is An Endomorph BodyType? Endomorph is one of the three main somatotypes first established by psychologist William Sheldon in the 1940s. His classification organized people into three body types according to their shared genetic physical characteristics. Ectomorphs are naturally long and lean. Endomorphs gain fat and muscle with ease. And mesomorphs, natural-born athletes, are designed to gain muscle and shedfat.
Endomorphstypically have soft, round bodies with narrow shoulders and wide hips. They tend to be shorter than other body types with relatively short arms andlegs. The endomorph body type has a natural tendency to gain and store body fat. Much of this stems from their slower metabolisms, which prevent their bodies from efficiently converting calories intoenergy. Whatisanendomorphfemalebodytype? When it comes to the endomorph body type, female endomorphs have a greater challenge thanmales. You see, women’s bodies are designed to store four times as much fat as men’s bodies to functionwell. While men can get by with just 3% of body fat, women need12%. On top of that, female endomorphs tend to store body fat around the hips, buttocks, and thighs, whereas males store fat in the belly. That’s because men have a larger frame to support more muscle mass while women have wider hips to allow for pelvic expansion duringchildbirth. Due to their fat storage tendencies, women endomorphs are often described aspear-shaped.
How Do Endomorphs LoseWeight? Endomorphs can lose weight through a combination of good eating habits andexercise. As far as diet is concerned, endomorphs can cut down their intake of carbohydrates and add more high-quality sources of protein and healthy fats to theirdiet. Ideally, carbs should make up no more than 30% of your daily calorie intake while the other 70% should be split evenly between fats andprotein. Apart from reducing your daily intake of carbs, you must also replace unhealthy sources of carbs with healthy ones. This means that you’ll eliminate processed sugars and simple carbohydrates like whitebread,
pasta, white rice, and cookies in favor of complex carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, and wholegrains. Since a healthy diet alone is usually not enough to strip excess fat, you will also need to adopt a good workoutregimen. The main goal of the regimen should be to boost your metabolism and prevent your body from turning calories into fat. A great approach is to combine weight training withcardio. Do endomorphs need morecardio? Cardio is essential for endomorphs as it prevents their bodies from reverting to their natural fat-storingtendencies. For optimal results, try combining 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training two or three times a week with 30 to 60 minutes of steady-state cardio two or three times aweek. Finalthoughts YOU ARE WHAT YOU CONSISTENTLY DO. YOUR HABITS SHAPE YOUR CHARACTER. – JON BUTCHER, AUTHOR OF MINDVALLEY’S LIFEBOOKPROGRAM To achieve and maintain your fitness goals as an endomorph, you should make time for cardio almost everyday. Becoming more empowered is well within yourreach. And with a little dedication and perseverance, you’re sure to reach your lifestylegoals.