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????. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????, ?????????????. . ???????????????, ???????? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. ??. ??. ???. ????. . To observe is to take notice, to watch attentively, to focus on one particular aspect ??? of all of the massive stimulus in the environment??????????.
1. 1 ???????????????????? Dr. Dora Ho ?????
The Hong Kong Institute of Education ??????
2. ???? ?????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????, ?????????????
3. ???????????????, ???????? ??? ??????????????
5. ????
6. To observe is to take notice, to watch attentively, to focus on one particular aspect ??? of all of the massive stimulus in the environment??????????
7. Observation is an important tool that helps you to fill in the gap between theory and practice. Direct observation as an assessment method has four features??:
Behavior is observed in natural setting????
Behavior is recorded or coded as it occurs
Impartial ??, objective?? observers record behavior
Inference ??by the observer
(Ramsay, et al., 2002)
8. ??????? ???????
9. Understanding of the kinds of social relationship ????among children and among children and adults and how these can be facilitated ??in school
Awareness of the classroom environment, schedule and program, how well these are meeting the needs of children and staff, and how they might be improved
Greater insight ??????into our own ways of responding to children and situations
(Feeney, 2001, p.107-112)
10. ??????? -???????????, ????????????????????
-???????????: ????, ?????????????
-???????????, ????????, ???????????????
-???????????????????????? (?????, ????, ??, ????????) , ?????????
11. Observational Methods Anecdotal observations?????/narrative descriptions ????range from notations about developmental milestones ?????to behavioral descriptions???? The observer determines?? the events, timeliness of the record, and the richness of detail.
Time Sampling observations ?????record behavior over a period of time or during a particular event. In time sampling, staff record what children are doing every ten or fifteen minutes.
(Head Start Information and Publication Center, 2007)
12. Event Sampling observations?????
In event sampling, the observer watches for a specified behavior????? (e.g. cooperative play) and then records exactly what preceded ???the event, what happened during the event, and what the consequences of the event were.
Checklists ???are observations of a specific list of items, skills, or behaviors to be performed. Checklists generally require a response of yes, no, or sometimes and can be completed during the observation period or later.
(Head Start Information and Publication Center, 2007)
13. Rating scales ???focus on specific behaviors and require the observer to judge?? the degree to which the behaviors are exhibited??. Rating scales usually are numerical ???or use descriptive phrases ?????that cover a range of behaviors.
Running records are brief, continuous descriptions. Staff use a narrative style?????? to record information.
(Head Start Information and Publication Center, 2007)
14. ???????? ?. ?????(Anecdotal observation)
????????????, ??????????????
???????????????????????????, ????, ????????????? ??????
15. ?????????, ???????????????????????????????,
????????????????, ????????????????
16. ???????? ?. ?????(Time Sampling observations)
???????????, ?????5?30?, ??????????????
??????????????, ?????????????, ??????, ?, ????
???????????????????????, ??????????????? ??????
17. ???????? ?. ?????(Event Sampling observation)
?????????????, ???????????
????????????????????, ????????
??????????????????????, ????????, ???????????
?????????, ??????????, ??????????, ???????????????????, ??????????????? ??????
18. ???????? ?. ???(Checklist)
????“?”?“?”, “?”?“??”, ????????????, ??????????????????????, ??????????????
?????????????????, ??????????????, ????????????????? ??????
19. ????????????????, ??????????????????????, ?????
???????, ????????????????, ??? ????????
20. ????????
22. ???????? ?. ???(Rating scales)
????????????, ?????(????????)?????(???????????)???
???????, ??????????????, ??????, ?????????, ???????????
??????????????, ?????????, ????????????? ??????
23. ???????? ?. ??????(Running Record)
???????????????, ?????? ???, ???????????????????
?????????, ????????,???? ?????????
24. ??????? ?? - ??????????
?? - ?????????
?? - ?????,???
?? - ?????????
?? - ??????????????
25. ??????? ???????????
????????????????? ??????
26. ???? ?.????
?????????????,???????? ?????????????????????? ??????
????????????,????????? ??????????????????
????? ?? ? ?????? ??????
27. ???? ?.??????
??????????(???? ???)
28. ???? ?.????
29. ???? ?. ????
-??????(objectivity ??? vs. Subjectivity ???)
-????????/?????(what you see from what you might/might not have wanted to see)
30. ???? ?.??
31. ???? ?. ??/??(Interpretation)
- ????????????????? ?
- ????????? (? ? ? ?,???? ???,? ????)
- ?????????? ?
- ??????????? ?? ? ?
32. ?. ??(Conclusion)
???????, ???????????
???????????????????????? (?????? ????????????????),?????????
33. ?. ??(Recommendations)
????, ????????????
34. Written Observation???? Acknowledgement ??of feelings and reactions
take the opportunity to reflect on your responses without distorting ??the observation
These feelings and reactions don’t belong in a file on the child or in the written information
to value the process as part of professional growth????
35. Written Observation???? 1. Background information ????
- observer
- name of the child
- age
- sex
- date and time of observation
- context/setting
36. Written Observation???? 2. Observational Data ????
to note some of the child’s unique personal qualities?????????: way of moving, facial expression, gestures, tone of voice, etc.
to describe the child’s activities and interactions??
careful choice of words conveys the essence of the child and situation
avoid words that have a strong emotional impact??????? or bias built into them.
value judgments about children should be omitted??
(Feeney, 2001)
37. Written Observation???? 3. Writing interpretations ????
being essential??that your interpretations be based on description
to make liberal use of the words might and seems to in written interpretations
(Feeney, 2001)
38. Written Observation???? 4. Reflections ??
to use descriptive data and your interpretations to substantiate your conclusions??????
to use observational data and your interpretations to inform, plan and improve your teaching practices
to reflect on your professional growth
Feeney, S. (2001)
39. ????????????? ????????????
?????????? ??????
40. ?????????? ???????????, ???????
???????, ??????????????
41. Activity for next workshop Focus on ______ development of the child by using a checklist
Observe a child engaged in an activity or an interaction with others (10-15 minutes) and take some photos during the observation process
Keep detailed records and prepare to share your observation and experience in next workshop
42. ???????? ????
?????“???????”, ??????????????????
43. ?????????????
????????????????, ???????
????????, ?????
44. ????????
1. ??????
2. ??????
3. ??????
4. ???????
5. ?????????????
46. How to conduct??observations
How to analyze/interpret??/??information & data
How to compile ??information & data
How to use information to guide practice??????
How to communicate information to children, colleagues and parents
47. Limitations of using standardized test????in Early Childhood Education Simple facts and low-level cognitive ability???????
Isolated evidence of achievement???????
Limited verbal ability???????
Biased ??against children unfamiliar or uncomfortable with test-like activities
Judgmental rather than developmental
Negative and stigmatized (labeling effect??)
Discourage???individual differences
48. Portfolio Assessment requires???????? information from parents & colleagues
recorded observations of the child at play, in routines ??and in process of learning
a collection of the child’s work????
organizing all information into a comprehensive picture ?????of the child
applying the information to curriculum design and implementation???????, teaching and learning process
49. Principles of Conducting Assessment Aiming at overall developmental needs of children???????
Gathering information from different sources
regular observations????
reports on children’s behavior
information provided by parents
class work of children
50. Principles of Conducting Assessment
Using appropriate assessment tasks ???????
Conducting in the form of classroom activities
Identifying the strengths??and potentials ??of children
Be aware of the age, background and prevailing emotions of children affecting their performance
51. Principles of Conducting Assessment Comparison made between the past and present performance ??????? of the same child rather than among children
Involving Children in the process so that they can see their progress ?? and gain greater self-confidence ??
Avoiding prejudice ???? in the course of assessment
Parents be informed of the results in a clear, systematic and positive manner ?????????
52. The Work Sampling System The Work Sampling System ?????? is to assess ?? and document ?? children’s all-round development (i.e. skills, knowledge, behavior, and accomplishments ??)
(Meisels et al.,2003)
53. The Work Sampling System 1. Portfolios ?????? ( including core
and other items ???????)
- purposeful collection ????? of
children’s work throughout the year
2. Developmental checklists?????
- intended to reflect ?? all-round development of the child
- are structured around developmentally appropriate activities ???????????
54. The Work Sampling System
3. Summary reports ????
- Contains specific criteria ????? for assessing children's performance in each domain of development
- Teachers carefully review the checklists and portfolio and then make overall judgments ?????
- Consists of a brief summary ???? of the child’s performance
- To indicate the child’s strengths and potentials for further development
- To make recommendations for home-school collaboration ????
55. Logistics Challenges?????? Schedule ?? observation time regularly ??? into the program day
Include times for doing observations in the written schedule.
staff are free to observe without having to worry about the children.
Establish a schedule ???? for observing children in individual interest areas
Assemble observational materials and put them at predetermined observation stations to encourage their use.
(Colker, 1995)
56. Suggest staff wear clothing or aprons ?? with pockets containing index cards or Post-Its so they can quickly record observations.
Enlist ?? parent volunteers ???? and even children to assist in some types of observation. For example, parents can complete time or event sampling checklists of their children. Children can track ?? how often they use activity areas by putting clothespins in a bottle every time they enter the block or art area.
Observation schedules should be periodically reviewed ?????
(Colker, 1995)
57. New Challenges Teachers
- Time, space, equipment and technique
- Organization and planning
- Professional competence????
- Critical reflective ability??????
- Collaboration among teachers????
- Collaboration with children and parents
58. The Work Sampling System 1. Comprehensive
2. Aiming at all-round development
3. On-going process
4. Both formative???and summative ???
5. Positive ways to identify areas to be improved
6. Enhancing communications between teachers and parents
7. Developing an in-depth understanding???? of individual children
8. Encouraging individual differences
Meisels, S. et al. (2003) Work sampling system : an overview N.Y. : Pearson.
59. Ethical and Professional Responsibilities in using portfolios assessment Aware of personal bias ???? & preconceived notions ???????
Be fair ?? and impartial ??
Be sensitive ?? to individual differences
Be sensitive to social and cultural differences
Aware of the limitations ?? of observation and developmental portfolio
Observe the right to privacy ???
60. New Challenges School stakeholders?????
- Teachers
- Children
- School management and leadership
- Parents
61. School management and leadership
- Role, school structure and culture
- Administrative support and professional development
- Planning ??, implementing ??, monitoring ?? and evaluating ??
62. References Colker, L. J. (1995) A Trainer's Guide to Observing Young Children: Learning to Look, Looking to Learn (Washington, D.C.: Teaching Strategies, 44.)
Feeney, S. (2001) Who am I in the lives of children, Columbus, Ohio : Merrill Publishing Co.
Head Start Information and Publication Center
Observation and Recording: Tools for Decision Making
Ramsay, et al. (2002) Essentials of behavioural assessment, New York : J. Wiley & Sons.
63. Useful materials Samuel J. Meisels ... et al.?.?/ ???, ????? (2002) < ?????? : ??????> ??? : ???????????
Oralie Mcafee and Deborah J. Leong?; ????? (2005) <???????????? >??? : ???????????