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Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong The Current State of Chinese and English Reading Literacy at Primary Four in Hong Kong S. K. Tse , J. W. I. Lam & R. Lam Researchers: E. K. Y. Loh & Ada Tso Funded by CERC Grant, RGC 2004. 800. 2001 中文閱讀 Chinese reading literacy.
Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong The Current State of Chinese and English Reading Literacy at Primary Four in Hong Kong S. K. Tse, J. W. I. Lam & R. Lam Researchers: E. K. Y. Loh & Ada Tso Funded by CERC Grant, RGC 2004
800 2001中文閱讀 Chinese reading literacy 2004中文閱讀 Chinese reading literacy 700 606 600 573 563 548 536 530 511 498 489 500 456 閱讀成績 Reading scores 400 300 200 25 43 -33 -13 6 100 0 最低的10% Bottom 10% 最低25% Bottom 25% 中位數 Median 最高25% Top 25% 最高的10% Top 10% 中文閱讀成績比較:2001 與 2004 Comparison of Chinese reading literacy: 2001 & 2004 2004中文閱讀成績的成績較2001為佳,但高低分數的差距大了。 The reading literacy results in 2004 are better than 2001, but the individual differences are growing.
中英文閱讀成績比較 Comparison of bilingual reading literacy 800 2004中文閱讀 Chinese reading literacy 2004英文閱讀 English reading literacy 700 606 600 573 536 498 487 500 456 閱讀成績 Reading scores 427 400 365 321 300 300 200 156 177 171 146 119 100 最低的10% Bottom 10% 最低25% Bottom 25% 中位數 Median 最高25% Top 25% 最高的10% Top 10% 中文閱讀成績較英文佳;差距逐漸收窄,表示高分數學生的中英文閱讀能力俱佳。 Students have better Chinese reading literacy than in English. The individual differences are narrowing. This shows that the top students are good at both Chinese and English reading literacy.
2004 英文閱讀成績:閱讀目的和理解過程 English reading literacy result: reading purposes & processes 中文 Chinese: 90 中文 Chinese: 74 Retrieve info 中文Chinese: 69 中文Chinese: 83 Straightforward inferences 中文Chinese: 57 中文Chinese: 55 Interpret & integrate info 中文Chinese: 52 Literacy experience 中文Chinese: 67 Examine & evaluate Content, language & textual elements Acquire & use info Percentage of correctness
學生:性別 Students: gender 「女生」在中英文閱讀的表現,均較「男生」為佳,並達顯著程度。 Girls perform better than boys in both Chinese & English reading, and their differences are statistical significant. ***變項之間有顯著分別, p < .001 Variables differences are significant , p < .001 C_SQ1
受訪學生家庭語言 Home language of the students 以廣東話作為家庭語言的學生,中文閱讀能力並不比以普通話作為家庭語言的遜色。由此可見,以普通話作為家庭語言的學生,他們的中文閱讀並沒有優勢。Students who speak Cantonese as home language, their Chinese reading performance are not poorer than students who speak Putonghua as home language. It shows that students who speak Putonghua as home language do not have privilege on Chinese reading literacy. 以普通話作為家庭語言的家長,每月平均收入稍高於以廣東話為母語的家長。Parents who use Putonghua as home language have higher monthly income than parents who use Cantonese as home language. SQ 25
聘用傭人的情況 Employing domestic helpers 家裏「有」聘用傭人,學生的中英文閱讀成績較佳,並達顯著程度。 Students who have domestic helpers perform better in both Chinese and English reading literacy. ***變項之間有顯著分別, p < .001 Differences between variables are significant, p < .001 C_HQ 28
課餘補習 Private tutoring 學生「沒有」課餘補習,他們在中英文閱讀的表現較佳,並達顯著程度。 Students who do not have private tutors perform significantly better in both Chinese and English reading. **變項之間有顯著分別, p < .01 Differences between variables are significant, p < .01 ***變項之間有顯著分別, p < .001 Differences between variables are significant, p < .001 C_SQ 27
有接受補習的學生中,仍有超過 50% 學生的中文閱讀未達合格水平 (532 分),超過 60% 學生英文閱讀未達合格水平 (381 分)。由此可見,如果以「能否令學生達到合格水平」為標準,則補習的效果仍未夠理想。 For students who have private tutorials, over 50% of still fail in Chinese reading test, over 60% fail in English reading test. This shows that private tutorials cannot help to improve students’academic results. 課餘補習學生的成績分佈Academic results of students attending private tutorials 程度Level 百分比% 學生Students
學生的閱讀態度指標 Students’ reading attitude index Percentage High Middle Low 2001 Intl’ 2001 Chinese 2004 Chinese 2004 English 學生的中文閱讀態度指標跟國際相若,頗為積極;但英文閱讀態度則較為負面。 Students’ reading attitude in Chinese is positive, and is similar to international level. But their reading attitude in English is very negative.
學生對閱讀的自我概念指標 Students’ reading self-concept index Percentage High Middle Low 2001 Intl’ 2001 Chinese 2004 Chinese 2004 English 學生的中文閱讀自我概念指標跟國際指標相若,頗有自信,較 2001年大有進步;學生對自己的英文閱讀能力則信心較小。 Students’ Chinese reading self-concept is similar to international level, they are quite confident in reading Chinese. It has a great improvement in 2004. However, their English reading self-concept is much lower.
Percentage High Middle Low 2001 Intl’ 2001 Chinese 2004 Chinese 2004 English 學前家庭閱讀活動指標 Pre-school home reading activities index 學生的學前家庭閱讀活動指標較國際水平為低,英文方面更甚。 Pre-school home reading activities index in HK is lower than international level, especially in English reading activities.
家庭教育資源指標 Home reading resources index 學生的家庭教育資源指標較國際水平為低,英文方面更甚。 Home reading resources in HK is lower than international level. The situation is much worse in home reading resources for English. Percentage High Middle Low 2004 Chinese 2001 Intl’ 2001 Chinese 2004 English
中文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(1)中文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(1) Reading resources used by Chinese teachers (1) 百分比% T_C_Q12
中文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(2)Reading resources used by Chinese teachers (2) 百分比%
英文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(1)英文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(1) Reading resources used by English teachers (1) 百分比% T_E_Q12
英文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(2)英文教師進行閱讀教學或活動時,使用的資源及頻率(2) Reading resources used by English teachers (2) 百分比%
中文教師要求學生閱讀的篇章類型及頻率 (1) Types of text used by Chinese teachers (1) 學生的中文閱讀成績較好 Students perform significant better in Chinese reading. 百分比% T_C_Q13
學生的中文閱讀成績較好 Students perform significant better in Chinese reading. 中文教師要求學生閱讀的篇章類型及頻率 (2)Types of text used by Chinese teachers (2) 百分比%
英文教師要求學生閱讀的篇章類型及頻率 (1) Types of text used by English teachers (1) 學生的英文閱讀成績較好Students perform better in English reading 百分比% T_E_Q13
學生的英文閱讀成績較好Students perform better in English reading 英文教師要求學生閱讀的篇章類型及頻率 (2)Types of text used by English teachers (2) 百分比%
提昇英、中文閱讀能力教學策略的比較 (1) Different in Reading comprehension skills/strategies for English & Chinese (1) T_E_Q17 百分比%
提昇英、中文閱讀能力教學策略的比較 (2) Different in Reading comprehension skills/strategies for English & Chinese (2) 百分比%
提昇中文閱讀能力的課業 (1) Reading tasks: Chinese (1) 學生的中文閱讀成績較好 Students perform significant better in Chinese reading 百分比% SQ9
學生的中文閱讀成績較好 Students perform significant better in Chinese reading 提昇中文閱讀能力的課業 (2)Reading school work: Chinese (2) 百分比%
提昇英文閱讀能力的課業 (1) Reading tasks: English (1) 學生的英文閱讀成績較好 Students perform significant better in English reading SQ18 百分比%
學生的英文閱讀成績較好 Students perform significant better in English reading 提昇英文閱讀能力的課業 (2)Reading tasks: English (2) 百分比%
如學生閱讀方面開始落後,受訪教師通常會怎樣處理如學生閱讀方面開始落後,受訪教師通常會怎樣處理 Dealing with individual differences 學生的閱讀成績較好Students perform better in reading test T_C_Q25