1. First Annual Meeting
April 24, 2007
Hilton, San Francisco
333 O’Farrell Street
Room: Plaza B
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
4. www.intermacs.org
Please visit the website frequently for INTERMACS updates
Slides from this meeting will be posted on the website mid-May
Slides from the 4 INTERMACS presentations at ISHLT will be posted on the website mid-May
5. Meeting Agenda
List of Activated Sites
Device Brand List
Subcommittee Structure
CMS: Decision Memo for VADs as Destination Therapy
FDA Perspective
INTERMACS Presentations at ISHLT
Real Life Problem Solving: 2010
9. Registry
Patient selection
Analyses of outcomes
Best practice guidelines
Next generation devices
21. International INTERMACS
Europe, Asia, etc.
Harmonization by Doing
22. Which patients/devices should be entered into INTERMACS?
23. The scope of INTERMACS encompasses those patients and mechanical circulatory support devices (MCSD) for whom discharge from the hospital is feasible. Devices that are not designed for discharge, such as the intra-aortic balloon pump or ECMO, will be excluded. Patients receiving such short-term support could be entered into INTERMACS if they subsequently undergo implantation with an eligible device. Patients receiving an eligible device will be entered in the Registry even if they receive such a device in combination with another device for limited-term support that does not qualify for Registry inclusion. Patients receiving the included devices will be registered regardless of initial intent and anticipated duration of support (see Inclusion Criteria)
25. Approved Devices (Durable, potential for patient discharge): These devices should be entered into INTERMACS except in rare circumstances where a patient with an approved device is in the control arm
of an FDA approval study.
Position Indication
HeartMate IP L BTT
HeartMate VE L BTT/Dest
HeartMate XVE L Dest
MicroMed DeBakey VAD - Child L BTT/Ped
Novacor PC L BTT
Novacor PCq L BTT
SynCardia CardioWest TAH BTT
Thoratec IVAD L/R BTT
Thoratec PVAD L/R BTT
26. Device Brand List Approved Devices (Temporary) Appendix K Approved Devices (Temporary): These devices should
not be entered into INTERMACS (unless they accompany a durable approved device listed above). They do not meet the INTERMACS definition for “potential patient discharge”.
Position Indication Temporary
Abiomed AB5000 L/R BTT Yes
Abiomed BVS 5000 L/R BTT Yes
Biomedicus R Yes
Levitronix Centrimag L/R BTT Yes
Tandem Heart L/R BTR Yes
31. Registry
Patient selection
Analyses of outcomes
Best practice guidelines
Next generation devices
36. Section 2.0
What are the benefits of participating in INTERMACS?
Participation in INTERMACS will require inclusion of all patients implanted with devices designed for chronic implantation, regardless of initial intent.
Participation in INTERMACS will require inclusion of all patients implanted with approved devices designed for chronic implantation, regardless of initial intent.
37. Section 4.0 Participation Requirements
Before you begin entering patient data into INTERMACS, your medical center must complete steps 1 through 5.
Step 1: IRB Approval
Step 2: Participation Agreement
Step 3: Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Step 4: Training
Step 5: Certification
Before you begin entering patient data into INTERMACS, your medical center must complete steps 1 through 6.
Step 1: IRB Approval
Step 2: Participation Agreement
Step 3: Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Step 4: Training
Step 5: Certification
Step 6: Human Subject Training
38. Section 4.3 Conflict of Interest
Before you begin entering patient data in INTERMACS, your Principal Investigator is required to complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
Before you begin entering patient data in
INTERMACS, your Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator are required to complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
39. Section 4.4 Training
Before entering patient data in INTERMACS, your center is required to send at least one staff coordinator for training on all aspects of INTERMACS. For more information about INTERMACS training please call the INTERMACS Coordinator at (804) 782-4077.
Before entering patient data in INTERMACS, your center must complete the online INTERMACS training by going to www.intermacs.org and clicking on “INTERMACS Membership” to complete the process.
For more information, please contact Molly Massey, INTERMACS Registry Lead at (804) 782-4077 or masseymb@unos.org or you may contact INTERMACSSupport at support@intermacs.org.
40. Section 4.5 Certification and Audit Process
5. Maintain annual IRB approval
6. Maintain annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure
7. Correct UNOS-identified errors in INTERMACS
8. Respond to queries from INTERMACSSupport
9. Participate in annual meetings
10. Comply with data submission requirements outlined
in the study protocol
5. Maintain annual IRB approval
6. Maintain annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure
7. Maintain Human Subjects Training
8. Correct UNOS-identified errors in INTERMACS
9. Respond to queries from INTERMACSSupport
10. Participate in annual meetings
11. Comply with data submission requirements outlined
in the study protocol
42. Section 5.5 - User's Guide Proposed INTERMACS Eligibility Screen
Section 5.8.1 Adding a Device
Allows for entry of multiple devices for an individual patient.
Most recent device for a patient must be removed and all forms related to the implant must be completed and validated.
The patient must be alive in order to add a new device.
Once the requirements have been satisfied the “Add Device” icon is available for the entry of a new device for the patient.
44. Section 6.8 User's Guide Device Malfunction Form
45. Section 6.8 User's Guide
66. FDA Interests Clinical trial design
Patient safety
Post-market surveillance (pre-market)
Patient outcomes
Harmonization by Doing Initiative
International effort to promote global regulatory harmonization (Japan/US)
67. Current Situation Majority of VAD/TAH approvals require a post-market study
Track real world usage of the device or to monitor safety concerns present during the clinical trial
Clinical trial provides valid scientific evidence on a device for device approval
Manufacturers collect post-market study data individually
68. INTERMACS: An EffectivePost-market Tool Provides Enhanced Surveillance:
AEs, Device Malfunctions
Develops “Best Practices” (reducing complications)
Provides means for designing & conducting post-approval studies in cost efficient way
Allows manufacturers to obtain data from INTERMACS to fulfill post-market requirements
69. Some considerations Current post-market studies stress testable hypotheses, when appropriate
“Real world” usage occurs in a patient population extending beyond that circumscribed in a clinical trial
Post-market studies could provide data that may lead to modifications to labeling or other interventions when appropriate
Which adverse events?... Dependent on indication (BTT or DT)?
70. Key Points Standardized adverse event definitions
Manufacturers and user facilities must fulfill their own specific reporting requirements and participation in INTERMACS can help with this process
FDA informed participating INTERMACS user facilities that they are exempt from MDR reporting; however devices not collected by INTERMACS follow normal MDR reporting
Participating manufacturers may receive extended time to make MDR submissions (pending) the automated INTERMACS MDR reporting process
INTERMACS data will be helpful for manufacturers as they develop other clinical trial designs
71. What’s next? What additional benefits to pre-market evaluations will be derived from post-market studies?
Can a registry provide valid scientific data to support a pre-marketing application?
How should pooling/analyses of post-market study data be performed?
Develop guidelines for advanced clinical trial designs using post-market study data (critical path initiative)
72. HBD Working Group 2 To conduct simultaneous post-market studies in Japan and the United States in order to obtain “real world” data on mechanical circulatory support devices (MCSD) usage in patients
Continue discussions with all participants to allow Japanese centers to submit MCSD data into INTERMACS
73. HBD Interests Japanese data can help with development of control data
Develop global clinical management for MCSD patients
Combined review of marketing/investigational application
74. Future Satisfies CMS reporting requirement
INTERMACS data can be a source of public information
Status of redacted MDRs and post approval studies are available through FDA’s website
Can innovative clinical trials be developed from INTERMACS data?
75. Changes to Medicare Coverage:Ventricular Assist Devices for Destination Therapy April 24, 2007 JoAnna Baldwin, MS
Coverage and Analysis Group
Office of Clinical Standards and Quality
76. Medicare Coverage of VADs: Summary of Coverage Policy
Medicare provides coverage for three clinical indications (NCD Manual 100-3, §20.9)
Post-cardiotomy (covered since 1993)
Bridge to transplantation (covered since 1996)
Destination therapy (initially covered in 2003 with updated facility criteria in 2007)
Full Policy:
And scroll to “Artificial Hearts and Related Devices”
77. VAD Destination Therapy Updated Facility Requirements At least one surgeon on the hospital’s VAD team must have experience implanting at least 10 VADs (as bridge to transplantation or as destination therapy) or artificial hearts during the recent 36 months; and
Participation in INTERMACS; and
Obtain Joint Commission certification under the Disease Specific Certification Program for Ventricular Assist Devices by 3/27/09; and
Hospitals listed on the existing approved facilities list must meet the updated criteria
78. Currently Approved VAD Destination Therapy Facilities Letters were sent to the 69 currently approved hospitals
Hospitals must provide a written response
Including a list of the experience of a least one VAD surgeon with the requisite volume (date of implantation, type of device, clinical indication for which it was implanted)
Including a statement attesting to INTERMACS participation
Signed by a high level hospital official (e.g., CEO, CFO, etc.)
Received within 90 days
79. Hospitals That Are Not Currently Approved
Hospitals that are not currently on the Medicare approved list may gain approval at any time by becoming certified through the Joint Commission
80. Additional information is available at: