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Open Source Software Engineering . Introduction. Software Engineering Processes, with all their steps are vital for achieving good quality However, in small, medium and large software houses, these processes are often ignored, thus resulting in poor quality
Introduction • Software Engineering Processes, with all their steps are vital for achieving good quality • However, in small, medium and large software houses, these processes are often ignored, thus resulting in poor quality • Small software houses usually constrained by too few human resources • Medium / large software houses usually constrained by delivery time • It is a typical Pakistani tradition to do everything with bare hands and manual labour • Reasons • Licensed CASE Tools are too expensive • Force of habit, tradition and culture – always done things manually
Solution • If software houses use automation and open source tools availble in all disciplines of software engineering, then they can • Overcome the resourse scarcity • Overcome the schedule crunch • Overcome the cost of licensed software • Achieve the highest quality brought about by executing all the requirements of software engineering, rather than neglecting them • A Brief initial survery shows hundreds of open source software engineering tools available • Several tools are very popular, already downloaded more than 1 million times • This is only an initial survey – relies on the evaluation of others • So far only from SourceForge.net • A industry – academia task force is needed to actually download and use some of these tools and provide feedback on which tools are the best, what are each tool’s strengths and shortcomings • If you are already using any open source tool, please provide a 1-page summary
Example • If even a small software house sets up an automated configuration management and build management system to • Auto-compile the project nightly from the CM repository and • Auto-run regression test cases • Then bugs will be identified early, which would otherwise require running of hundreds of manual test cases • A lot of manual effort will be saved • The overall quality will be improved
Requirements Management Project Planning and Management Software Process / Metrics Design / UML Modeling (Design / Database Design) Development Cross-Platform Development Workflow / Business Process Design Development Frameworks, Libraries, Toolkits Reporting Tools Code Generators Code Quality / Coding Standards Checking Communication, Collaboration and Coordination Integrated Code Documentation (Configuration Management, Build Management) QA Unit Testing, Code Coverage Test Case Management Regression Testing Bug / Issue Tracking Customer Support Software Engineering Disciplines
Requirements and Specifications Management • JEREMIA - Requirement Management System 10,160 • An open source requirement management system. With Jeremia it is possible to describe requirements and requirement documentation within one system. The requirements and requirement documents are stored within a database. • JREQUISITE - Requirement Management Tool 3,035 • Agile requirement management tool. Its main goal is to give the developer community a free, user friendly, and powerfull tool for requirement analysis and change management. • TRUC - Tracking Requirements & Use Cases 2,080 • A web-based tool for requirement and use case tracking. It has fileupload, discussions, version control, usecase history, build and release management. It supports assignment of requirements & use-cases to releases and filtering over all fields. • Requirements Manager 2,918 • Provides a tool for requirement capture, usecase capture and requirement analysis in a multiuser setup
Requirements Management • Requirement Heap 1,520 • A simple web based requirement management application. It allows to enter requirement in rich text, supports versioning and the management of requirements. • SLAM Software Lifecycle Artefact Manager 423 • Swing Java Application manages software requirements and associated functional tests, including results, showing requirements/tests traceability at all time. Requirements and tests are formatted as in text processor; print-ready documents are generated. • Eclipse XML based SRS 5,842 • EMF 2.0 generated Eclipse plugin to produce an XML Based, Use Case centric, Software Requirements Specification with linkage to external documents and resulting software components. Generates sophisticated html reports. Based on http://xmlbasedsrs.tigris
Jeremia • JEREMIA helps during system development and enhancement with tracking the requirement changes throughout the systems lifecycle, development artifact by development artifact. • With JEREMIA you can capture your requirements, analyze and classify them. • You can link requirements, so that it is possible to trace requirement changes from requirement to requirement. • JEREMIA comes with a set of process oriented standard documentation templates. • Your captured requirements are automatically included into this documentation. • It is possible to export the documentation for further print processing to XML-DOCBOOK format. • The requirements and requirement documents are stored within a database. • Currently JEREMIA supports MySQL databases.
Project Planning and Management • OpenProj - Project Management 1,230,745 • OpenProj by Serena Software is a desktop replacement of Microsoft Project. OpenProj has equivalent functionality, a familiar user interface and even opens existing MSProject files. OpenProj is interoperable with Project, with a Gantt Chart and PERT chart • GanttPV - Project Scheduling Software 198,433 • Use it to define tasks, assign resources, and create gantt charts. A simple, scriptable, cross-platform, open source aid to project management. • Onepoint Project 91,291 • Onepoint Project is the first open source project leadership software integrating project and resource management, planning, progress tracking, monitoring and controlling into an easy-to-use tool. • Virtual Project -Project Management 30,471 • Innovate, web based project management software. It is easy to use and requires little training on behalf of the end user. It's a new way of taking your project anywhere. You can have unlimited staff, organisations and projects. • Project Dune 12,794 • A software project management tool to manage your estimates, project information, issues, releases, scrum tasks, timesheets and test execution results.
FDD Project Management Application 7,690 An application for Feature Driven Development (FDD). FDD is one of the agile software development methodologies. Project Management On Web 4,594 Gives a platform for project team management software on web. maybe it works just like SF, but we desired for a most useful WebUI for all user who want management a project, join a project, with public project tasks schedule and workflow support! VIENNA Project Management System 1,093 A Project Management System for Software Development Projects in .Net & MySQL. It covers WBS, Task Approval, Assignments, File Upload, Time Recording, Status Reports, Bug Recording, SRTM, Rework Reports, Dev. vs Test Time, Bugs Ratio, etc. Pleno 909 An Enterprise Integrated Platform for distributed or centralized software project management. Its main features includes project management, portfolio management, resource planning, schedule management, time tracker. Project Planning and Management
OpenProj • A open source replacement of Microsoft Project and other commercial solutions • Download more than 1,250,000 times in the few months since launch and is being used in over 142 countries • Available on Linux, Unix, Mac or Windows • Opens existing Microsoft or Primavera files • OpenProj shares the industry's most advanced scheduling engine with Project-ON-Demand • Provides Gantt Charts, Network Diagrams (PERT Charts), WBS and RBS charts, Earned Value costing and more. • There is literally no time or effort involved in switching to OpenProj, and your teams can manage projects on any platform for free.
Software Process / Metrics • Software Process Dashboard 78,564 • A tool to support individuals and teams using high-maturity, metrics-intensive project management methodologies [such as PSP(SM) and TSP(SM)]. Supports personal and team earned value tracking and forecasting; simplifies metrics collection and analysis. • StatSVN 33,899 • StatSVN is a metrics-analysis tool for charting software evolution through analysis of Subversion source repositories. • Tikal 5,319 • Tikal's open source Application Development & Deployment is comprised of fully integrated suites that cover the entire software life-cycle, include tools for development and deployment of applications, software configuration management and ASQA. • WebAPSEE - Flexible Process Management 1,726 • An open source project which aims to provide automated support for software process management.
UML Modeling • StarUML 875,674 • An open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as RationalRose, Together and so on. • Umbrello UML Modeller 255,712 • A program for creating Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams of software. Umbrello 1.5 is available as part of KDE 3.5 or for download from here. • Violet UML Editor 97,340 • A UML editor with these benefits: Very easy to learn and use. Draws nice-looking diagrams. Completely free. Cross-platform. Violet is intended for developers, students, teachers, and authors who need to produce simple UML diagrams quickly. • UML Sculptor 42,659 • UML class diagrams editor • VUML 31,410 • Targets development of a visual UML editor for the popular Eclipse IDE. The visual UML editor plugin is fully compatible with the Eclipse Framework and allow developers easily to model and document their software through the UML2 diagrams.
UML Modeling • Java UML Generator (JUG) 25,052 • Tool for automatic generation of UML Class Diagrams out of Java Class Files. Originally designed as a command line tool to convert .class/.jar files into .emf/.eps files, it now offers a visual environment. • Violet UML Editor Plugin for Eclipse 20,684 • A powerfull modeling software, easy to use, ready to work by Cay Horstmann. It draws nice-looking class, sequence, state, object and use-case diagrams. This plugin embeds Violet into Eclipse. SEE A FLASH DEMO ON MY HOMEPAGE. • Quick UML for Java 15,736 • A trimmed-down UML editor that lets you create and share UML diagrams with people on many different platforms and generate Java source code from • Octopus 11,656 • A plugin for Eclipse provides an IDE for OCL 2.0 and UML. From a combined OCL / UML model a fully working prototype can be generated. Octopus can import XMI from various UML tools. Octopus means OCl TOol for Precise Uml Specifications.
UML Modeling • UML Model transformation tool 9,750 • UML transformation tool; developed in Java and XSLT; Runs on any java 1.3+ platform. Environment for code generation from UML models, based on XMI, e.g. to J2EE, webservices, xml schema; New generators (xslt/java) can be plugged in. • DB-UML Database Modeling Tool 9,321 • An open source modeling tool for creating, updating and visualizing relational database schemas. You can create a new UML model of database elements, import relational catalog meta-data and generate SQL create statements from the model. • Enterprise Modeling Aid 5,621 • An object-oriented domain modeling tool to create enterprise models using an UML class diagram, an object-event table and finite state machines. The CASE tool checks view consistency, has XMI support and code generation abilities.
StarUML • An open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. • The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as Rational Rose, Together and so on. • MDA (Model Driven Architecture): MDA is a new technology introduced by OMG. StarUML is designed to support MDA and provides many customization variables like as UML profile, Approach, Model Framework, NX(notation extension), MDA code and document template and so on. They will help you fitting tool into your organizational cultures, processes, and projects. • Plug-in Architecture: Many users require more and more functionalities to software modeling tools. StarUML provides simple and powerful plug-in architecture so anyone can develop plug-in modules in COM-compatible languages (C++, Delphi, C#, VB, ...) • Usability: StarUML is implemented to provide many user-friend features such as Quick dialog, Keyboard manipulation, Diagram overview, etc. • StarUML is mostly written in Delphi. However, StarUML is multi-lingual project and not tied to specific programming language
Cross-Platform Development • wxWidgets 4,683,671 • A free C++ framework that facilitates cross platform software development, including GUIs, threads, sockets, database, file system access, etc. • Code::Blocks 1,608,661 • An open-source cross-platform IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for C/C++. Designed with flexibility in mind, most of its features are provided by external modules (plugins) making it easily extendable and configurable. • Visual Tcl 200,317 • Visual Tcl is a freely-available, high-quality application development environment for UNIX, Windows, Macintosh and AS400 platforms. Visual Tcl is written entirely in Tcl/Tk and generates pure Tcl/Tk code. • Ultimate++ 172,217 • A cross-platform C++ rapid application development suite. It includes set of libraries (for things like GUI and SQL) and an IDE. Rapid development is achieved by smart and aggressive use of C++ rather than through fancy code generators. • Appcelerator 28,580 • A cross-browser, cross-platform, cross-language web development platform for building rich-internet applications based on a service-oriented architecture. • IDE for WAP Development 11,728 • A free open-source cross-platform Integrated WAP Development Environment. Has support for WML 1.2 and allows users to design WAP pages graphically.
Workflow System / Business Process Design • Open Business Engine 33,642 • A Java workflow engine implementing Workflow Management Coalition Open Standards (WfMC: XPDL, WAPI, Auditing). Highly modular and configurable, it suits J2EE or embedded deployment. Supports integration via Web Services etc. • Bossa Workflow 20,558 • A workflow engine written in Java. The engine is very fast and lightweight, uses a very expressive Petri net notation to define workflows, does not requires a RDBMS and is very simple to use and to integrate with java applications. • Java Graphical Process Designer 18,360 • Designs workflow/business process modelling (bpm) diagrams and exports (and imports) them, usually as XML, to workflow engines after model validation. It allows quick and easy integration of new workflow formats. • SWAMP 18,316 • A flexible, java based workflow server that runs on top of tomcat. It reads its workflow definitions from XML files. Administration and tracking of workflow instances, execution of individual tasks can be done via the web and SOAP interfaces.
Workflow System / Business Process Design • PL/FLOW 12,702 • PL/FLOW is a workflow engine written in Oracle PL/SQL, implementing interfaces 1 and 2 (Process Definition and the client API) as specified by the Workflow Management Coalition • Micro-workflow 10,744 • Micro-workflow targets Java developers seeking to build flow-independent applications. Micro-workflow allows developers to pick and choose the workflow features. It also lets them customize existing features and add new ones. • wftk: Open-source workflow toolkit 10,331 • The wftk (open-source workflow toolkit) is a workflow engine in library form which can be integrated with whatever you need to integrate with.
Development Frameworks / Libraries / Toolkits • Visual WebGui Ajax framework/platform 248,380 • Visual WebGui is a RAD AJAX RIA framework/platform for developing & deploying AJAX GUIs. This AJAX framework simplifies AJAX development and cuts programming by 90% with intuitive WinForms-like Visual designer of AJAX controls which flattens web dev. • openMDX - Open Source MDA platform 128,562 • openMDX is the leading open source MDA platform. Generic, model-driven framework. Ultra-fast, platform-independent development. No proprietary model tagging. No cumbersome generative PIM-to-PSM mappings. Supports J2SE, J2EE, CORBA, and .NET. • Click Framework 27,376 • Click Framework is an easy to learn and use J2EE web application framework. Click is designed for web app development by commercial Java teams. With Click developers should be able get up and running within a day. • Java Application Framework For All 24,464 • An Enterprise Focused Java Framework For Rapid Application Development. JAFFA is a Java web application development stack, extending exsiting projects like Tomcat and Struts with MVC based web widgets, built-in persistence and component generators too
Reporting Tools • iReport-Designer for JasperReports 1,710,008 • iReport is the most popular visual reporting tool for JasperReports (Java reporting library) and JasperServer (reporting server). You can manage charts, images, subreports, etc. Data sources: JDBC, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, Hibernate, CSV etc. Output • Report Manager 357,907 • Report Manager is both a print scheme designer (report) and a high level printing (reporting) engine. Also a TCP Report Server and a Web Report Server (PDF on the fly), supports Windows and Linux. Connectivity to almost all databases is provided. • OpenReports 226,715 • OpenReports is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use web reporting solution that provides browser based, parameter driven, dynamic report generation and flexible report scheduling capabilities. Supports JasperReports, JFreeReport, JXLS, and Eclipse BIRT • Report.NET 152,355 • The Report.NET library contains classes that generate precise PDF documents. It's written in C# for the .NET platform. ASP.NET can be used to create dynamic PDF-response pages. • Designer for Jasper 60,547 • Designer for Jasper is a visual report designer for the Jasper Report writer.
Reporting Tools • Agata Report 38,370 • Agata Report is a cross-platform database reporting tool with graph generation and a query tool like Crystal Reports that allows you to get data from databases and export that data as many formats or even generate a complete ER-diagram. • ART 20,354 • ART is a lightweight, multiplatform web based query tool and reporting environment. Scalable and easy to use, SQL queries can be published in a few minutes. Supports tabular, crosstab, charts, scheduling; data exportable to spreadsheet and pdf. 100% Java • Open Flash Chart 132,107 • Open Flash Chart. Line, bar, pie and area charts. Looks pretty. We have PHP, Perl, Python, Java and DOT NET libraries
Code Generators • MyGeneration Code Generator 82,678 • An extremely flexible template based code generator written in Microsoft.NET. MyGeneration is great at generating code for ORM architectures. The meta-data from your database is made available to the templates through the MyMeta API. • OR.NET - .NET O/R Mapper /Code Generator 24,817 • .NET O/R Mapper & Code Generator. Simple GUI creates a robust data layer supporting CRUD, transactions, foreign-key & mapping table relationships, strongly typed queries, SPROCS... in pure C#. Easiest O/R Mapper out there. Generate your code in minutes. • Karapan Sapi Struts Generator 21,839 • A Web Application generator, based on Struts Framework. Karapan Sapi will generate some common code that always repeated in developing web application. Karapan Sapi automatically create SQL DDL, Java Object, DAO code, Struts Action etc • PHPGEN 6,128 • A php code generator, which can help you to build a MySQL driven system with the feature of add, edit, drop, list records stored in MySQL. It's features: use smarty as template generate well orginagized code all can be don in browser.
Code Quality / Coding Standards Enforcement • JRefactory 85,386 • A refactoring tool for the Java programming language, it includes the JavaStyle pretty printer, a UML java class diagram viewer, a coding standards checker and computes program metrics. Plugins for jEdit, Netbeans, JBuilder and other IDEs available. • Checkclipse 46,434 • A plugin which integrates the Checkstyle style checker for Coding Guidelines into Eclipse. All Java style violations will be immediately reported by error markers. Coding Guidelines can be configured for each project separately. • Java Coding Standard Checker (JCSC) 18,072 • A highly configurable checking tool for your Java source code. It checks the compliance to a defineable coding standard like naming conventions and code structure. Also signs of bad coding, potential bugs are found. JCSC is inspired by lint. • QJ-Pro 15,159 • A sophisticated code quality assessment and coding standards technology for Java development detecting potential software defects at compile time. It offers the ability to significantly reduce code review effort by automating a major portion of it • Code Quality Plugin 3,155 • Eclipse plug-in, built on top of existing tools such as Checkstyle, Findbugs, JDepend to help realize code quality standards. Gives a snapshot of code quality during development
Integrated Code Documentation • Natural Docs 50,874 • An open-source documentation generator for multiple programming languages. You document your code in a natural syntax that reads like plain English. Natural Docs then scans your code and builds high-quality HTML documentation from it. • ROBODoc 23,408 • A documentation tool. It extracts the documentation from your source code and formats it in HTML, RTF, TeX, XML DocBook (PDF), or ASCII. Works with C, C++, Fortran, Perl, Scripts, Assembler, Tcl, Basic, and any language that supports remarks.
Other Misc Development • Open Computer Vision Library 2,100,322 • The Open Computer Vision Library has > 500 algorithms, documentation and sample code for real time computer vision. Tutorial documentation is in O'Reilly Book: Learning OpenCV • Netpbm - graphics tools and converters 581,970 • A whole bunch of utilities for primitive manipulation of graphic images. Wide array of converters from one graphics format to another. E.g. from g3 fax format to jpeg. Many basic graphics editing tools such as magnifying and cropping. • Pentaho - Business Intelligence 1,942,046 • A complete business intelligence platform that includes reporting, analysis (OLAP), dashboards, data mining and data integration (ETL). Use it as a full suite or as individual components that are accessible via web services. Ranked #1 in open source BI. • RapidMiner -- Data Mining, ETL, OLAP, BI 431,766 • ETL, data warehousing, data mining, OLAP, business intelligence (BI) in Java. 500+ modules: extract, transform, load (ETL), data mining, data analysis + Weka, statistical forecasting, preprocessing, validation, visualization, OLAP, business intelligence.
Communication, Collaboration and Coordination • eGroupWare: Enterprise Collaboration 2,028,701 • eGroupWare is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite. Currently available modules include: email, addressbook, calendar, infolog (notes, to-do's, phone calls), content management, wiki, project management, tracker, timesheet, knowledge base • TikiWiki CMS/Groupware 734,228 • Powerful multilingual Wiki/CMS/Groupware: File/Image gallery, Article, Blog, Tracker/Forms, Forum, Poll/Survey & Quiz, Newsletter, Calendar, Drawing,Bookmarks, FAQ, Banner ads, Categories, Spreadsheet, Maps, Workflow, Search, Theme control, WAP, VoiceXML, RSS, LDAP, Stats... • MindTouch wiki Collaboration 458,573 • MindTouch is an enterprise collaboration, wiki and mashup platform. Easily connect people, enterprise systems, web services, and Web 2.0 applications for business automation and superlative wiki collaboration. RESTful wiki, Service wiki Programmable wiki • TWiki Enterprise Wiki 101,806 • TWiki is a structured enterprise wiki with over 400 extensions. Users without programming skills can create web applications. The majority of Fortune 500 companies uses TWiki, with installations of 100,000s of pages. Visit http://twiki.org/
QA – Unit Testing, Code Coverage • JUnit 2,783,208 • JUnit is a simple framework for writing and running automated tests. • NUnit .Net unit testing framework 1,787,406 • Brings xUnit-style unit-testing to all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, the current version has been re-written to take advantage of .NET language features • EclEmma - Java Code Coverage for Eclipse 1,259,538 • EclEmma is a free Java code coverage tool for Eclipse, available under the Eclipse Public License. Internally it is based on the great EMMA Java code coverage tool, trying to adopt EMMA's philosophy for the Eclipse workbench. • EMMA code coverage 91,254 • A fast Java code coverage tool based on bytecode instrumentation. It differs from the existing tools by enabling coverage profiling on large scale enterprise software projects with simultaneous emphasis on fast individual development. • CodeCover 42,208 • CodeCover is a free glass box testing tool that measures statement, branch, loop, and MC/DC coverage. CodeCover supports coverage reports per each test case.
QA and Test Case Management • SW Test Automation Framework 334,310 • The Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) is a framework designed to improve the level of reuse and automation in test cases and test environments. The goal of STAF is to provide a complete end-to-end automation solution for testers. • Testopia 18,528 • Bugzilla Testopia is a web-based test case management system that works as an add-on to Bugzilla (https://www.bugzilla.org). • Testmaster 10,417 • A testcase management, logging, reporting and test automation tool, similar to the commercial product Test Director. Features: Progress stats, reports, test case import from CSV,doc,web or SQL, STAF plugin. SQL database. Speeds QA and software testing
Regression Testing • DataVision 163,738 • DataVision is a reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports. DV supports many data sources (JDBC, files) and many output formats (HTML, XML, PDF, LaTeX, Excel, delimited files, DocBook). DV includes a GUI editor. DV is embeddable. Reports are XML-based. • TestLink 119,598 • TestLink is a web based Test Management tool. The application provides Test specification, Test plans and execution, Reporting, Requirements specification and collaborate with well-known bug trackers. • WebInject - Web/HTTP Test Tool 65,056 • WebInject is a tool for automated testing of web applications and web services. It can be used to test system components with HTTP interfaces, as a test harness to create a suite of functional and regression tests, or for service-level monitoring. • Sahi - Web Automation and Test Tool 45,547 • Sahi is an automation and testing tool for web applications, with the facility to record and playback scripts. Features include, in-browser controls, text based scripts, ant support for playback of test suites, reporting, and multi threaded playback.
Bug / Issue Tracking • Bugzilla • Mantis 839,828 • Mantis is an easily deployable, web based bugtracker to aid product bug tracking. It requires PHP, MySQL and a web server. It is simpler than Bugzilla and easily editable. Check out the online Demo. • Track + Issue Tracker 109,225 • Online project management and issue tracking with team collaboration, user management, multiple access levels, tasks, projects, time tracking, task change history, multiple attachments, overview diagrams, Gantt graphs, reporting language, report client.. • itracker 75,818 • itracker is a true open source issue tracking system licensed under the LGPL license. itracker is built using Java enterprise technology. itracker is a professional, easy to use, open, easy to integrate, fast, modular, customizable and scalable solution • zenTrack - project/bug tracking software 64,916 • Highly configurable bug tracking, project management, and help desk solution. Project focus is on configurability, usability, and clean code.
Issue Tracking for Customer Support • Tremendously improves quality of customer support and customer satisfaction • Enter all Phone / Email Client support requests in Issue Tracker • Auto-email to client a ticket number • Team Lead Assigns Developer • Classifies issues – understanding, client error, bug, new feature etc • Checks which issues are still open / open for long time • Developer works on and closes the issue, enters time worked • Auto-email to client that the issue is closed • Reports on how much work done for support of each client – in each category • Developer time sheets • Reports on average time to close issue, longest open issues, number of open issues etc