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Second Steering Group Meeting Bruxelles, September 15-17, 2008 ANA REGUERO NAREDO City of MADRID [city logo here]

B uilding H ealthy C ommunities Second Steering Group Meeting Bruxelles, September 15-17, 2008 ANA REGUERO NAREDO City of MADRID [city logo here] B UILDING H EALTHY C OMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme

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Second Steering Group Meeting Bruxelles, September 15-17, 2008 ANA REGUERO NAREDO City of MADRID [city logo here]

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  1. Building Healthy Communities Second Steering Group Meeting Bruxelles, September 15-17, 2008 ANA REGUERO NAREDO City of MADRID [city logo here] BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  2. Building Healthy Communities BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  3. HIA and the use of urban health indicators City experience Over the past several years, the Madrid City Government carried out a health survey (2005), and subsequent to that a study of health in the City of Madrid (2006). This was a "transversal descriptive epidemiological research study seeking to verify relations between variables related to health and other factors that are known scientifically to condition it..." (Source: Study of Health in the City of Madrid 2006. Madrid Health. Madrid City Government). The aspects addressed are the state of health, morbidity, consumption of medications, use of health care services, level of satisfaction with health care services, habits and lifestyles, preventive avtivities and scholastic performance and occupational health. Madrid City Center BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  4. HIA and the use of urban health indicators Needs and challenges: Among the needs identified, to begin an efficient work in relation to a healthy urban environment, it is worth mentioning: - Develop an activity of increased complexity that combines the sociology and integration processes with economic, legal and urban aspects. - Encouragement of coordinated and interdisciplinary work and the creation of new synergies among activities. - Production of a strategic innovative and creative lines to provide the programs of urban regeneration with a sustainable character, in cohesion with EU policy and analyse, by means of an internal evaluation, the efficiency of the interventions. - Motivate and encourage the citizen participation for the promotion of the creativity and culture, as promoter of institutional sustainability. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  5. HIA and the use of urban health indicators Expectations: It is hoped that – by networking and using indicators – a map of indicators can be drawn that will permit assessing the level of health in the communities, so that on the one hand, the aspects that are a threat for the community may be subsequently addressed and, on the other hand, preventive projects can be implemented. It is also hoped that this set of indicators will a level of accuracy and reliability sufficient enough for it to be able to be extrapolatable to any urban space or community. Embajadores Neighbourhood BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  6. Policies and actions for an healthy and active ageing City experience Starting with the premise that ageing is not exclusively linked to illness, dependency and the lack of productivity, the Madrid City Government is especially interested in providing attention to older people, carrying out actions aimed at community development, the promotion of health, the prevention of disease and the improvement in quality of life, creating a framework for action based on "active ageing". Among the activities aimed at older people currently underway we find:home assistance services, special attention during heat waves, preventive and maintenance physical therapy services, family respite programme, prevention of social isolation, municipal programme of physical exercise for older persons, day and residential centres, prevention and promotion of health, access to the new technologies for older people, defence of older people regarding consumption,encouragement of participation by older people,… BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  7. Policies and actions for an healthy and active ageing Needs and challenges: - Encouragement of coordinated and interdisciplinary work - Prevent social isolation by paying special attention to factors that are usually ignored such as influence on psycho-social deterioration, sub-quality housing, overcrowding, architectural barriers, the lack of public space and quality exchange... - Insistence on the development of intergenerational programmes BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  8. Policies and actions for an healthy and active ageing • Expectations: • More overall and holistic attention and support based on the interaction of the different aspects affecting a health ageing process. • Promote the active participation by older people in the development of the neighbourhood • - Create mechanisms for making the best use of older people's BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  9. Healthy places and healthy environment City experience The City of Madrid has undertaken different action in various areas in order to improve and reduce the main problems that are usually found. Likewise, it has begun activities that are more aimed at preventing future deterioration and, above all, it has included citizens in the different decision-making processes, promoting co-responsibility by all for maintaining a healthy environment. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  10. Healthy places and healthy environment • Problems and needs: • Lack of integrated planning for land use • Serious impact on the natural environment from urban activities • Priority of vehicular traffic over foot traffic: problems with air pollution and high levels of noise • - Difficulties derived from the production and management of waste Embajadores Neighbourhood BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  11. Healthy places and healthy environment Challenges and expectations: - To develop tools for creating a health urban environment - To give priority to accessibility when designing spaces - To increase the level of coverage by services and resources by planning a sensible use of them - To strengthen sustainable mobility - To promote improvement in housing living conditions, eliminating the problem of sub-quality housing - To strengthen an effective and balanced management of waste BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  12. Use of Structural Funds in actions aiming at developing ‘health gains’ City experience in the field: After reviewing the proyects that Madrid City Council has carried on, with support of European funds, we can see that the aim priority of the city has been introducing coherence in the local and European strategy, so that, each proyect answers as directly as possible to the European guidelines. Studies data from the City of Madrid, warned that weaknesses can be grouped around two main axes: The first one is the inadequate treatment capacity of municipal waste and problems with water supply. The second one is the imbalance in the geographical distribution of the population, standing out on one hand the regressive demography and raised ageing of the population, and on the other hand an insufficient awareness of equal opportunities. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  13. Use of Structural Funds in actions aiming at developing ‘health gains’ Needs and challenges: The city of Madrid is interested in developing a new project at Embajadores Neigbourhood. Among the main problems in the Embajadores neighbourhood, worthy of mention are: -  A markedly aged population with a high level of dependency and a severe risk of social isolation. Increase in social conflictivity and a subjective feeling of insecurity. -  Intense concentration, on the one hand, of an immigrant population and, on the other, of a native population with precarious economic resources. -  Significant existence of sub-standard housing and overcrowding, lack of green spaces and “unhealthy" occupation of public spaces, and difficulties with the management of urban waste. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  14. Use of Structural Funds in actions aiming at developing ‘health gains’ Expectations: However, despite the actions carried out, the area continues to be sunk in a process of severe deterioration, which makes it necessary to study new ways of intervening that will strengthen and increase the quality of life of its residents and the visitors staying in the area. Among the challenges: -  To develop coordinated work among the different departments of the Madrid City Government -  The improvement of the urban landscape, redrawing spaces and recovering them for pedestrians, improving accessibility and eliminating architectural barriers -  Renovation of infrastructures, with special attention paid to paving, lighting of public spaces, gardens, street furniture and signage, updating supply networks... -  To gain quality private spaces, to act on the problems of sub-standard housing, to encourage work with associations -  To promote means directed at social integration and the encouragement of peaceful co-existence. City Centre and Study Area BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  15. The Madrid Local Support Group • The local support group of Madrid City Council is composed by different social actors like: • Representatives of municipal government, working in several areas such as health, housing, urban planning, environment, social services, elderly, community development officers, etc. • Citizen participation. In this item we are collaborated with one of the public universities of Madrid. • The collaboration of a sociologist, who is development a work methodology • The collaboration of different partnership across two ways: • - Their participation in the local support group meetings • - The participation of some of the local support group technical in the meetings of this partnership • This last step is development at the moment. • For the moment the Madrid Local Support Group has held two meetings with specific sectors (housing, health, university and the sociologist) and two meetings more with the whole which has explained the URBACT project and its importance of the healthy development of the city. A third meeting is planned for the latest of October, where they report of results of this meeting and explain a work schedule. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  16. The Madrid Local Support Group BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  17. Building Healthy Communities Thank you Websites: www.munimadrid.es www.emvs.es www.madridsalud.es www.ine.es www.madrid.org/iestadis www.munimadrid.es/estadistica BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

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