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Epidemiology. Rare and heterogeneous diseases of the head and neck3% of all head and neck malignanciesReported in all racesMean age at diagnosis is in sixth decadeEnvironmental exposures:AdenocarcinomaWood dust, leather dustSquamous cell carcinomaAflatoxin, chromium, asbestos, nickel, mustard gas, polycyclic hydrocarbons.
1. Sinonasal Malignancies Todd Weiss M.D.
SIU School of Medicine
Division of Otolaryngology
Grand Rounds Presentation
2. Epidemiology Rare and heterogeneous diseases of the head and neck
3% of all head and neck malignancies
Reported in all races
Mean age at diagnosis is in sixth decade
Environmental exposures:
Wood dust, leather dust
Squamous cell carcinoma
Aflatoxin, chromium, asbestos, nickel, mustard gas, polycyclic hydrocarbons
3. Epidemiology 80% of sinonasal tumors involve the maxillary sinus
Isolated sinonasal involvement:
Maxillary 25%
Ethmoid 5 - 25%
Nasal > sphenoid > frontal
70 90% display invasion through at least one wall of the presenting sinus
5-year overall survival rates of 27-53%
4. Sites of Tumor Origin
5. Sinus Anatomy Maxillary antrum
Superior orbit, ethmoids
Posterior pterygoids, infratemporal fossa
Ethmoid sinus
Superior fovea, cribiform
Medial lamina papyracea Sphenoid sinus
Superior optic nerve, pituitary
Lateral ICA, cavernous sinus
Lateral wall < 0.5mm
Inferior NP, vidian nerve
Frontal sinus
Inferior orbit
Posterior anterior cranial fossa
6. Paranasal Sinus Lymphatics Retropharyngeal
7. Presentation Symptoms
Facial pain
Nasal obstruction
Advanced disease
Facial edema
Trismus, malocclusion
Hearing loss
Facial numbness
Neck mass Signs
Nasal/facial/intraoral mass
Facial edema
Nonvital teeth
Periorbita compression vs. invasion
Cranial nerve deficits
II, III, IV, V1, V2, VI
8. Case Presentation HPI:
55 y/o M 6 month hx of facial pain, nasal congestion (R > L)
Mild hyposmia
Hypertension, asthma
No tobacco, ETOH
Nasal polypoid mass with exudate
Maxillary antrum not visible
9. Case Presentation - MRI
10. Case Presentation Underwent nasal bx in OR
DX: Esthesioneuroblastoma (low grade)
Underwent surgical excision with post-op XRT
Margins (+)
Symptoms resolved with normal F/U
11. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Most common histologic type within sinonasal cavity (50-90%)
Moderately differentiated
Maxillary > ethmoid > sphenoid / frontal (<2%)
Regional spread through anterior or posterior lymphatics
Synchronous: 10-20%
Metachronous: 20-35%
12. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Distant metastatic disease in 18%
Majority of treatment failures reported are local
13. Adenocarcinoma 10 20% of sinonasal malignancies
Epidemiologic association
Ethmoids > nasal cavity > other sinuses
Locally aggressive with low incidence of distant mets
Varied histogenesis of non-salivary type:
Non-enteric (seromucinous)
Metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma
14. Adenocarcinoma
15. Adenocarcinoma Both enteric and nonenteric types are ectodermally derived
Primary enteric-type adenocarcinoma evolves from metaplasia of respiratory surface mucosa
Clinical outcome:
Higher local recurrence with enteric-type tumors regardless of margin status and adjuvant radiotherapy
Improved disease free survival with nonenteric tumors
16. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Arise from minor salivary glands within the head and neck
Most abundant in sinonasal compartment
Common antral involvement
5 15% of carcinoma in sinonasal cavity
Propensity to recur locally
Soft tissue infiltration
Perineural spread
Distant skip lesions
Neck nodal metastasis extremely rare
Distant metastasis mostly to lung
17. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma 63% histologically positive margins
18. Neuroendocrine Tumors Uncommon neoplasms of sinonasal cavity
Locally aggressive
Potential to metastasize
19. Neuroendocrine Tumors Clinically: independent entities
Clinical manifestations, aggressiveness
Response to therapy
Histopathologically: similar entities
High degree of overlap
Single tumor with regions of differing morphology
Differential diagnosis:
Ultrastructural studies
Interpretation/classification remains highly debated
20. Esthesioneuroblastoma(olfactory neuroblastoma) Derived from specialized olfactory neuroepithelium
Most common of the group
945 cases reported in world literature
Largest single institutional series average 31 cases (range, 11-49)
Metastasis reported in 10 30% of cases
Cervical LN > (brain, bone, viscera, lung, trachea)
Locoregional recurrence as late as 10 years
Modern series local control rates 86 96%
21. Sinonasal Neuroendocrine CA Exact site of origin unknown
Common: nasal cavity, ethmoid, maxillary
Uncommon: sphenoid, frontal
Clinical symptoms identical to ENB and SNUC
Requires histopathologic differentiation
Small clinical series
40% cervical node mets
10% distant mets
5-year overall survival 74 100%
22. Sinonasal Undifferentiated CA Initially described in 1986 by Frierson and colleagues
Rare, no prospective trials
Tumor origin diffuse among sinonasal tract
Symptoms often less than expected given CT findings
Highly aggressive local progression
Early series report dismal outcomes
Lack of effective chemo
Inclusion of small cell histology
23. Sinonasal Undifferentiated CA Review between 1986 2001
68 patients from 15 papers
Overall median survival time 24 months (range, 1 195)
24. Sinonasal Small Cell CA Least prevalent type
Current literature extremely limited
Highest rate of locoregional failure and distant mets
Equated with anaplastic small cell lung carcinoma
25. Other Less Common Carcinomas Lymphoma
Bimodal presentation
Non-Hodgkins type
B-cell > T-cell
50 - 70% T4 at presentation
Mucosal melanoma
0.5 - 1.5% of all melanoma arise from nose and paranasal sinuses
5th to 8th decades
Nasal cavity (anterior septum)
Maxillary sinus (antrum)
5 and 20 yr survival 11% and 0.5% (mean 2.3 yrs)
26. Other Less Common Carcinomas Mucoepidermoid CA
Acinic cell CA
Osteogenic sarcoma
Rhabdomyosarcoma Extramedullary plasmacytoma
Distant mets
Kidney (renal cell CA)
Inverted pappilloma (intermediate)
27. Hemangiopericytoma Vascular tumor formed by the proliferation of vascular pericytes of Zimmerman
Mesenchymal origin
Spiral around capillaries
Primary occurrence site is extremities (lower)
15 30% occur in H&N
Sinonasal presentation is rare
Benign or malignant nature determined clinically, not histologically
Lack of reliable histopathologic criteria
Recurrence rate 25 50%
Metastasis rate is 11 65% (Sabini, 1998)
Lifelong follow-up
28. Evaluation of Sinonasal Mass Physical exam
Endoscopic endonasal exam
Anosmia, unilateral epistaxis or nasal congestion
Unilateral proptosis, lateral globe displacement
Low threshold for CT with IV contrast
MRI for skull base, cavernous sinus, orbital extension
Office based: Informed decision as to appropriateness OR: hemostasis, fresh tissue specimen
29. Tumor Staging TNM system relatively new concept
Epithelial malignancies
Maxillary and nasoethmoid tumors
Ohngrens line (1933):
Imaginary line from medial canthus to mandible angle dividing maxillary antrum into anterior inferior and posterior superior portions
30. Staging Maxillary Sinus CA AJCC 6th edition
31. Staging Nasoethmoid CA AJCC 6th edition
32. Staging Neuroendocrine CA Kadish system (1976)
Provides acceptable prognostic information
33. Case Continuation Patient returned to clinic 8 years post-op
1 month hx of recurrent unilateral epistaxis
No other symptoms
R nasal polypoid mass, 2x3 cm
No cervical LAD
34. Case Continuation - Imaging
35. Sinonasal CA Management Literature difficult to interpret
Low incidence
Wide variety of treatments
Absence of uniform staging system
Selection bias
Non-accurate histology
37. Tumor Management 125 pts, 1974-1995
Majority early stage
Multi-modality Tx
Did not include CFR
Prognostic value:
Nodal stage
Tumor stage
Locoregional failure
38. NE Tumor Management 72 pts, 1982 2002
Mean follow-up 81.5 mos (6-266)
39. Rosenthal et al.
40. Rosenthal et al. Although common origin, natural histories diverge
ENB - surgery + post-op local RT
Non-ENB - systemic therapy + RT
41. Tumor Management Surgical options:
1) Assess bony and soft tissue structures to be included for en bloc resection
2) Approach must provide adequate exposure while preserving function and cosmetic integrity whenever possible
3) Repair should include planned prosthetics or free tissue transfer when necessary
Lower maxilla fibula oseocutaneous
Orbitozygomatic support scapula osteocutaneous
Iliac crest osteomyocutaneous flap for additional bone/bulk
Covering recurrent disease
42. Surgical Options - Maxillectomy
43. Surgical Options - CFR
44. Combined Surgery and Irradiation Improved locoregional control over radiotherapy alone
T3 vs. T4 tumors
Preop vs. post-op
Tumor-free margins improve survival
Toronto preop XRT 5500 rad followed by radical resection
5-year survival
(-) margins: 77%
(+) margins: 23%
45. Chemoradiation Improved locoregional control and survival over radiation therapy alone
Less morbidity than CFR
Sakai et al., Japan
> 780 patients with since 1957
5000 cGy, continuous IA 5-FU, Caldwell-Luc
5- year survival improved from 20% - 54%
Nibu et al, SCCA maxillary sinus
3000 4000 cGy preop, concomitant IA chemo
3000 4000 cGy post-op
5-year survival rates: T3 86%, T4 67%
47. Samant, Robbins et al.
48. RADPLAT 11 patients, 1996 2003
Avg. f/u 57.2 mos (12-95)
All underwent CFR
9 pts T4N0M0
2 pts T3N0M0
49. Management of the Neck Cervical node mets on average seen in 20%
Relatively low incidence
Bias toward more aggressive cases
Rinaldo et al., Acta Otolaryngol 2002; Elective neck treatment in patients with SCCA of maxillary sinus
When cervical node disease present, neck dissection IS indicated
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Individual consideration for radiating retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal LN
50. Conclusions Most tumors present at an advanced stage
Require aggressive multimodality therapy
Survival and local disease control are better when the orbit is included in the treatment
Consider primary and secondary nodal mets in advanced disease
Be aware of comparative literature when determining evidence based treatment plan