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WELCOME TO THE Hon’ ble GOVERNOR OF TRIPURA SHRI D. N .SAHAYA. South Tripura District: A Brief Profile. Tripura- Some facts. 2 nd smallest state in India Area: 10492 sq km International Border: 856 km Total population: 31.91 lakh Rural & Urban : 84.7% : 15.3% Tribal population: 31%

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  2. South Tripura District:A Brief Profile

  3. Tripura- Some facts • 2nd smallest state in India • Area: 10492 sq km • International Border: 856 km • Total population: 31.91 lakh • Rural & Urban : 84.7% : 15.3% • Tribal population: 31% • Rainfall: 247.9 cm, Rainy days: 107

  4. Religions Hindus: 85.8% • Muslims: 7.05% • Buddhists: 4.6% • Christians: 1.65% • Pop. Density: 304 (2nd highest in NE) • Literacy rate: 73.6% • IMR: 42 • Birth Rate: 17, Death Rate: 5.7

  5. South Tripura • Area: 2624 sq km (appx. 25%) • International border with Comilla, Noakhali, Chittagong, Feni distts of BD • Population: 7.62 lakh (23.9%) • Pop. Density: 234 • Total Literacy Rate: 70.39% • Literacy- Male: 64.41%, Female: 50.82% • Sex Ratio: 949 • ST Population: 37.5% • SC Population: 17.16% • Villages: 322 (Under ADC: 167, others: 155)

  6. Occupational status • Total No. of families: 1,64,161 • Agricultural labour: 30% • Non-Agri labour: 25.4% • Cultivators: 29% • Entrepreneurs: 8.5% • Service (Govt. & Pvt.): 8.56% • BPL: 72%

  7. Power Department • Total requirement: 30 MW • Total power production in ST: 8 MW • Source of Power: • Hamlets connected with power: 1277 • Hamlets not yet covered: 1160 • Total revenue collection: 6.92 crore • 2002-3 Target Achievement • Extention of line 70 km 132 km • Renovation of line 30 km 38 km • Habitations 21 21 ( 184 km) • Kutirjyothi 3400

  8. Roads and Bridges • Black top roads: 746.9 km • Brick soled roads: 3772 km • Katcha roads: 4972 km • Motorable roads: 4310 km • SPT bridges: 156 • Other temporary bridges: 557 • Current Year Achievement • Formation 119 km • Soling 98 km • Metelling 23.80 km • Carpetting 41 km

  9. Public Health Deptt. • Looks after drinking water supply only • Sewage and drainage not taken up yet • Deep tube wells: 193 • Population covered: 51% • Surface water treatment plants with rapid sand filters: 2 and 2 under construction • Major problem: Large IRON content • Permissible Iron limit: 0.1-1.0 mg/L • Iron removal plants 15; O H Ts: 17 • Panchayats handed over 32 schemes. • Pipe line laid 1190 km • Swajaldhara

  10. Health & Family Planning • Infrastructure: • District Hosp.: 1 • Sub Div Hosp: 3 • PHC: 22 • Sub Centres: 154 • Homeopathic Disp: 19 • Ayurvedic disp: 10 • Doctors: 96 • Doctor: Population ratio- 1: 7943 • Family Planning method users: 77%

  11. Health & Family Planning • IMR: 45/1000 live births • Complete immunization: >60% • Main diseases: Malaria, Diarrhoea etc • Health camps(2002-03): 979 • Administrative camps (2002-03): 121 • Immuniasation Status against target • BCG 104% • OPV 83% • DPT 78% • Measles 91% • Cataract operation 425 • Students screened 20,655

  12. ARD Deptt. • Artificial Insemination Centres: 3 • District hosp: 1;Veterinary Hosp: 4 • Dispensaries: 16, poultry farm: 1 • Composite stock farm: 1 • SMSC/VFAC: 123 • Piggery farm: Jalefa. • Animals treated 81,181 Production • vaccinated 83,980 chicks 28,166 • Castrated 344 piglets 573 • Health Camps 96 eggs 1,47840 • Schemes implemented Rs 104.34 lakhs

  13. Fisheries Deptt. • Water area under pisciculture: 4762 H • Total fish production: 5771 MT • Private: 5293 MT • Co-operative: 144 MT • Govt. Sector: 135 MT • New area available for creating water bodies: 1115.4 H • Revenue collection (2002-03): 18.21 lakh

  14. Irrigation • Total Irrigable area: 26,093 ha • Total area brought under irrigation: 12,376 ha ( as on 31.3.2) • Total schemes 453 • Potential created in 2002-3 1561 ha • L .I. SCHMES 45 • D T Ws 3 • P V C Pipe Line 184 KM • Pucca Canal done 2.25 KM • Action Plan for 2003-4 • L I Schemes (Gen 26, SCP 6, TSP 50 ) 82 • Diversion ( 5 , 1 , 3 ) 9

  15. Agriculture deptt. • Main crops: • Rice (Ayush, Aman, Boro), Moong, other pulses, vegetables, jackfruit, banana, pine apple, orange, cashew etc. • Cash crops: Teak, tea, rubber, jute etc • Net area under cultivation: 82962.76 H (33.6% of total area) • Jhum cultivation area: 3207 H • Productivity: Rice : 2.95 MT/ha. Wheat: 2 MT/ha. Pulses: 0.65-0.75

  16. Agriculture deptt…. • Fertilizer consumption: • Urea: 30 Kg/H • Super phosphate: 31 Kg/H • Potash: 11 Kg/H • Cold Storage: One at Baikhora • Main Seed stores: 6 • Agri farms: 8 • Orchards: 22

  17. Education TOTAL SCHOOLS 902 H S 61 HIGH 102 SENIOR BASIC 120 JUNIOR BASIC 615 MTA: 889 VEC: 321 EGS: 318 Except 20 schools all the schools in the district have Pucca building Last year 52 school buildings completed

  18. FORESTRY • Forest area 2005.39 sq.km • 3 Forest Divisions • Protection main problem • Rich in wild life and medicinal plant resources • Joint Forest Management adopted • 113 JFM committees formed • 2301 ha of afforestation done in 2002-3 • 1726 ha is the target for 2003-4

  19. Employment Generation Progammes • SGRY: Launched w.e.f. 25th Sep., 2001 Additional wage employment, food security, durable asset creation. Two streams: 1st stream: District and Intermidiary level 2nd stream: Panchayat level Safe guards for weker sections and women Food grains: 5kg per manday 1ST stream Rs 771.56 lakhs 2nd stream Rs 718.51 lakhs Rice 15645 MT

  20. Panchayat Development Fund Rs in lakhs • Zilla Parishad 92.07 • Panchayat Samity 138.16 • Block Advisory Committee 137.21 • Gram Panchayat ( non-ADC ) 243.13 • Gram Panchayat ( ADC ) 341.80

  21. IAY • Independent scheme since 1996 • Beneficiary selection: By Gram Sabha • Allotment: In name of Female member • Unit cost in Tripura: Rs. 22,000 • Includes sanitary latrine & smokeless chulla • Two types: • Mud wall type • Non mud wall type: only GCI sheet is provided • Target 2002-03: 2315 completed • IAY up gradation: Target is 1269 completed

  22. PMGY (Rural Housing) • Similar to IAY • Minimum plinth area is 20 sq m • Assistance: Rs. 22,000 per unit • For up gradation: Rs. 10,000 • Max. 10% of fund allocation can be used for internal roads, drainage, drinking water, plantation etc • Target: 2415 achieved

  23. PMGY (Drinking water) • Introduced in 2000-01 • Additional central assistance for rural drinking water • 25%: water conservation and harvesting • 75%: quality of DW and provision of DW to NC and PC habitations • In South Tripura: • Non covered para: Nil • Partially covered para: 179 • Fully covered para: 2253 • Sources: Mark III tubewell, sanitary well, shallow tubewell and innovative sources. • Target: M-III:264, SW:256, Shallow: 187, Innovative:34. • Achieved 298 207 177 14

  24. Domestic filter Scheme • Unique to tripura • Large Iron content in Drinking water • Manufactured locally by SHGs • Estimated cost: Rs. 347 per filter • SC/ST beneficiary to pay: 10% of cost • General beneficiary to pay: 20% cost

  25. PMGSY • Launched on 25th December, 2000 by GOI • Aim: Road connectivity through All-weather roads to all rural habitations with population of >500 by 2007 • In first 3 years: connect habitations with population of 1000 • Only other district roads and village roads to be covered. • Urban roads out of preview. Year No. of roads completed 2000-01 38 34 2001-02 12 work started 2002-03 12 approval awaiting

  26. SOCIAL WELFARE • SCHEME FUND EXP Rs lakhs BEN • NOAP 331.51 270 17960 • NFBS 28.30 17.18 167 • NMBS 20.20 17.47 3494 • ICDS/ balwadi centres 1259 children 34383 • New const. 150 150 120 LAKHS • Balahar Centres 232 Children 7473 • No centre without Pucca or Mud wall structure • Blind and Handicapped pension 1331 • Balika Samridhi Yojana 1774

  27. TRIBAL & SC/OBC/MINORITIES WELFARE • 25-POINT PROGRAMME • 44 POINT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME • Jhumia Rehabilitation schemes • Special Area based programmes 10 • Amount spent for SC/OBC/MIN Rs1,91,27430 • For ST projects Rs 5,58,09933

  28. South Tripura DistrictSpecial thrust on…. • District Development Goals-2007-8 • Total sanitation Campaign • Women Self Help Groups • Transparency in work execution

  29. DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT GOALS 2007-8 • 1. Reduce BPL population by half • Indicator: Increase income per day above Rs 75/ per family • Strategy; Total BPL 1,08,214 • 323 GPs • Each GP to cover per year 25 families • To converge ongoing development programs

  30. GOAL 2. Achieve universal primary education by 2005 • Indicator: Enroll all boys and girls and ensure completion of primary education • Strategy; • Total children in the age 6 to14 are 167701 • Enrollment in class1 to V--- 1,08,463 • VI to VIII 39,243 • Total drop out 9,192 • Un enrolled 13220 • Action plan 2003-4 13442 • 2004-5 8973

  31. GOAL 3. Reduce Infant Mortality Rate to below 10 • Indicator; • A) Ensure medical attendent at the time of delivery and improve health education • B) Ensure universal enrollment of 0-6 yrs in ICDS centres • National 48 • Tripura 42 • South Tripura 41.77

  32. GOAL 4. Reduce M M R to less than 1 • Indicator: • Ensure all pre delivery medical check ups • Ensure trained medical attendant at the time of delivery • Strategy; • National 4.37 • State 4 • South Tripura 13.13

  33. Goal 5. Ensure Environment Sustainability • Indicators; • A ) Improve the quality and quantity of drinking water and enhance community capacity to manage the water resources • B) Ensure sustainable sanitation and hygiene practices • C) Reduce soil erosion and diversify fuel consumption needs of the people • D) Increase in tree cover

  34. Goal 6. Ensure 100% immunisation to all the children • Indictor; • A) Expand present capacity and bring all the left out children for immunisation • Present status • BCG-65.5 % • Measles 45 % • DPT 59%

  35. Goal 7. Mainstream Gender into all development programmes • Indictor; • A) Ensure equal legal rights to women in all government benefits given to the families • B) Ensure gender component in all development programmes • Strategy; • Gender component • Equal legal rights in all benefits • Form 10,000 SHGs for economic empowerment

  36. Total sanitation Campaign • CRSP launched in 1986 • Revamped to TSC in April, 1999 • Features: • Demand responsive • Participatory & Community led • Campaign strategy • Emphasis on: • IEC activities • HRD • Capacity building • Increasing awareness • Demand generation • Requirement in South Tripura: • Individual house holds: 1,00,858 • Schools: 597

  37. Total sanitation Campaign… • Objective: • Improve quality of life in rural areas • Accelerate sanitation coverage in villages • Cover schools • Promote sanitary habits in students • Encourage cost effective appropriate technology • Reduce incidence of water borne diseases

  38. Total sanitation Campaign…. • Components taken up in the District: • Start up activities: Base line survey, initial publicity, meetings at all levels • IEC: Posters, banners, use of mike, puppet shows, cultural workshops, folk songs, stage competitions, door to door campaign • Exposure visit to Midnapore by 9 member team • Participation of NGOs & PRIs • Training: For masons, SHGs, motivators etc • Setting up of Rural sanitary marts/ Production centres in blocks






  44. SHG • Credit cum subsidy scheme - SGSY • Credit: Key component • Subsidy: Minor or enabling component • Aim: To bring beneficiary above poverty line & ensure sustained income • Provision for: • Self Help Groups • Individual beneficiaries or Swarozgaries • Focus on: Cluster approach to provide forward & backward linkages

  45. SHG • SHG formation involves: • Beneficiary selection • Identification of Key activities • Implementation of scheme • Team includes: • PRI bodies • Block & District level SGSY committees • Banks & financial institutions • Line Departments • Block level offices etc

  46. SHG • Swarozgaries: One time financial assistance, training for asset creation and maintenance, ensuring proper repayment of loan component. • SHGs: • Social mobilization of poor • Group formation • Evolution into self managed people’s organization • Capital formation through revolving fund • Skill development through training • Taking up income generating economic activity

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