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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).
“No employer may allow the use, handling or storage of a Controlled Productin a workplace unless the product carries a label and a material safety data sheet which meet the requirements of this Act and the regulations and unless the worker has received the training and information required to carry out the work entrusted to him safely”- Article 62.1, An Act respecting occupational health and safety R.S.Q., S-2.1
What are Controlled Products? Class A: Compressed Gas Class B: Flammable and Combustible Material
Controlled Products Class C: Oxidizing Material
Class D Controlled Products Division 1: Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects Division 2: Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects Division 3: Biohazardous Infectious Materials
Controlled Products Class E: Corrosive Material Class F: Dangerously Reactive Material
Not Classified as Controlled Products: explosives radioactive materials
Not Classified as Controlled Products: domestic goods cosmetics
Not Classified as Controlled Products: Food & food additives Drugs & diagnostic chemicals
Not Classified as Controlled Products: pesticides hazardous waste
DIMETHYL MEGADEATH WHMIS Main Elements • Labels • supplier • workplace • laboratory • Material safety data sheets • supplier • workplace • Training • core • job specific
Supplier’s Label TOLUENE SULFONIC ACID PRODUCT IDENTIFIER RISK PHRASES: Highly irritating to skin, eyes, and nose HEALTH HAZARD DATA: Strong Acid: Treat as sulphuric acid EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ACUTE ABC Chemicals 123 Chemical Drive Chemical City 1-800-CHE-MICAL Supplier identifier PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT EYE: Face shield and goggles GLOVES: Rubber OTHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT: Rubber apron, rubber boots FIRST AID: EYES: Flush with water for 15 minutes. Consult with physician SKIN: Flush with water as per sulphuric acid INGESTION: Treat as per sulphuric acid. Consult with physician Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet FRANCAIS AU VERSO
Workplace Label Methyl Alcohol PRODUCT IDENTIFIER Precautions: Use in well ventilated area Avoid contact with skin and eyes Keep away from spark and flame Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet FRANCAIS AU VERSO
Workplace Labels Required: • On controlled products produced and used in the workplace, • if the label becomes illegible. • received from a supplier and transferred to another container* *not required if transferred material is used in its entirety prior to the end of the work shift
Workplace Labelsin Research Labs • MSDS must be available • Not to be transported out of lab • Product identifier (name) Agent Green
Material Safety Data Sheets • Supplier must provide • Accessible to ALL workers in the workplace • Must be kept up to date • Must be made available to doctor in the event of exposure
What’s in an MSDS? 1. Product Information Item Name: VARSOL-1 SOLVENT Company's Name: EXXON CO, 800 BELL ST., HOUSTON, TX, US, 77252-2180 Emerg Ph #: 713-656-3424 /800-424-9300(CHEMTREC) Part Number: 131030-00627
What’s in an MSDS? 2. MSDS Preparation Date MSDS Prepared: 12APR95 Safety Data Review Date: 13JUN96 MSDS Preparer's Name: MARKETING TECHNICAL SER Preparer's Company: EXXON COMPANY, USA (713-656-5949)
What’s in an MSDS? 3. Ingredients Ingredient: STODDARD SOLVENT Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 100 CAS Number: 8052-41-3 OSHA PEL: 500 PPM ACGIH TLV: 100 PPM
Definition: Threshold Limit Value • TLV (TWA) is an 8-hour time-weighted average believed to be the average concentration to which most workers can be exposed during an 8-hour workday, day after day, without harmful effects. • TLV (STEL) is a 15 minute “short term exposure limit” • Ceiling (C) is a maximum concentration never to be exceeded
Stoddard Solvent? Ingredient: C*7-C*10 saturated hydrocarbon, Percent: 83.0 Ingredient: 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene. Percent: 4.0 Ingredient: C8+ aromatics, Percent: 17.0
What’s in an MSDS? 4. Physical Properties Appearance and Odor: clear water-white liquid, mineral spirits odor. Boiling Point: 315F,157C Melting Point: <0F,<-18C Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): 1.6MM @20C
What’s in an MSDS? 4. Physical Properties (cont’d) Vapor Density (Air=1): 3.5 Specific Gravity: 0.80 Evaporation Rate And Ref: 0.1 (N-butyl acetate=1) Solubility In Water: negligible Percent Volatiles By Volume: 100 pH: NEUTRAL
What’s in an MSDS? 5. Fire and Explosion Data Flash Point: 104F,40C Flash Point Method: TCC Lower Explosive Limit: 2.1% Upper Explosive Limit: 13.3%
Definition: Flash Point • The flash point is the lowest temperature at which a liquid produces enough vapour to ignite in the presence of a source of ignition. • The lower the flash point, the greater the risk of fire.
Flash Points oC acetone -18 ether (diethyl) -45 natural gas - 88 ethyl alcohol 13 methyl alcohol 11 gasoline -43 varsol 40
What’s in an MSDS? 5. Fire and Explosion Data, cont’d Extinguishing Media: foam, H2O spray(fog), dry chem, CO2 Special Fire Fighting Proc: keep fire-exposed containers cool w/H2O Unusual Fire And Expl Hazards: liq is volatile/gives off invisible vapour; may settle in low areas
What’s in an MSDS? 6. Product Reactivity Stability: YES Cond To Avoid: keep product away from ignition sources such as heat,sparks,pilot lights,static electricity, open flames. Materials To Avoid: strong oxidants e.g., chlorine; O2, sodium and calcium hypochlorite.
What’s in an MSDS? 6. Product Reactivity • Hazardous Decomposition Products: fumes, smoke, CO, sulfur oxides, aldehydes • Hazardous Polymerization?: NO
What’s in an MSDS? 7. Toxicological information LD50-LC50 Mixture: ORAL LD50 (RABBIT) >3.16G/KG OF BODY WT Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO
Definition: LD50 • LD50 (Lethal Dose50) is the amount of a substance that, when administered by a defined route of entry (e.g. oral or dermal) over a specified period of time, is expected to cause the death of 50 per cent of a defined animal population.
Definition: LC50 • LC50 (Lethal Concentration50) is the amount of a substance in air that, when given by inhalation over a specified period of time, is expected to cause the death in 50 per cent of a defined animal population.
What’s in an MSDS? 7. Tox. information, cont’d Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: high vap concentration (>1000ppm) irritation of eyes, resp tract. headaches, dizziness, anesthesia, drowsiness, unconsciousness, other CNS effects including death.
What’s in an MSDS? 7. Tox. information, cont’d Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO
What’s in an MSDS? 8. Preventive measures Respiratory Protection: none specified by manufacturer. ventilation: use only w/venti sufficient to prevent exceeding recommended exposure limit limit buildup of explo concen. No smoke/flame use/ign source.
What’s in an MSDS? 8. Preventive measures cont’d ProtectiveGloves: chem-resist gloves. Eye Protection: splash gogg,face shields. Other Protective Equipment: chem-resist apron/other imperv cloth if needed.
What’s in an MSDS? 8. Preventive measures cont’d Storage: Keep cntnr clsd when not in use. Do not store near heat/sparks/flame/strong oxid. Effectively ground. NFPA: Use approp eqmpt. NFPA-70.
What’s in an MSDS? 8. Preventive measures cont’d Spills : elimnate ign sources. keep people away. Recover free portion. Add sand/earth/suitable absorbent. Min breath vap/skin contact. Venti confined spaces.Opn windows/doors. Keep out of sewers/ watercourses w/dike/impound. Conform to applicable gov’t regs.
What’s in an MSDS? 9. First Aid Measures Emergency/First Aid Procedure: EYE:flush w/clear water for 15mins/til irritation subsides. If irrit persists call physician. SKIN: remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin w/soap/water.
Class A: Compressed GasCharacteristics • Gas inside cylinder is under pressure • The cylinder may explode if heated or damaged • Sudden release of high pressure gas streams may puncture skin and cause fatal embolism
Class A: Compressed GasPrecautions • Transport and handle with care • Make sure cylinders are properly secured • Store away from sources of heat or fire • Use proper regulator
Class B: Flammable and Combustible MaterialCharacteristics • May burn or explode when exposed to heat, sparks or flames • Flammable: burns readily at room temperature • Combustible: burns when heated
Class B: Flammable and Combustible MaterialPrecautions • Store away from Class C (oxidizing materials) • Store away from sources of heat, sparks and flame • Do not smoke near these materials
Class C: Oxidizing MaterialCharacteristics • Can cause other materials to burn or explode by providing oxygen • May burn skin and eyes on contact
Class C: Oxidizing MaterialPrecautions • Store away from Class B (flammable and combustible) materials • Store away from sources of heat and ignition • Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing
Class D, Division 1Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic EffectsCharacteristics May cause immediate death or serious injury if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin
Class D, Division 1Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic EffectsPrecautions • Avoid inhaling gas or vapours • Avoid skin and eye contact • Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing • Do not eat, drink or smoke near these materials • Wash hands after handling
Class D, Division 2Materials Causing Other Toxic EffectsCharacteristics • May cause death or permanent injury following repeated or long-term exposure • May irritate eyes, skin and breathing passages: may lead to chronic lung problems and skin sensitivity • May cause liver or kidney damage, cancer, birth defects or sterility
Class D, Division 2Materials Causing Other Toxic EffectsPrecautions • Avoid inhaling gas or vapours • Avoid skin and eye contact • Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing • Do not eat, drink or smoke near these materials • Wash hands after handling