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The 10 Most Influential Lawyers to Follow in 2024

John Teakell, Attorney and Counselor at the Law Office of John R. Teakell, featured by Fortunes Time Magazine on cover of The 10 Most Influential Lawyers to Follow in 2024

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The 10 Most Influential Lawyers to Follow in 2024

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  1. The 10 Most Influential Lawyers to Follow in 2024 April 2024 PG NO. 16 Legal Innovation Trailblazer PG NO. 30 A Legal Marketing Professional with the Vision of Business Transformation John Teakell An Expert in Federal Criminal Defense www.fortunes?me.com

  2. EDITOR’S NOTE A successful and well-respected attorney must possess a variety of qualities, including legal knowledge, devotion, moral behavior, and a desire to providing high-quality legal services. A good legal career can include financial success, but it's more crucial to put your clients' welfare, reputation, and professional development first. Many young lawyers aspire of being famous lawyers, but achieving this kind of success requires more than simply perseverance and hard work. You need to develop a solid reputation, create a network of powerful connections, and keep learning and growing in order to become a well- known and recognized lawyer. A competent corporate lawyer must have a broad range of knowledge, abilities, experience, and connections. Experts of Legal Field Fortunes Time's latest edition “The 10 Most Influential Lawyers to Follow in 2024” highlighted lawyers who are addressing and fostering a more welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for leadership and business in legal sector. The cover has John R. Teakell who brings over three decades of experience in criminal law, specializing in federal criminal defense. With 19 years of practice representing clients in both state and federal criminal matters, he has handled a diverse range of cases, including computer crimes, securities fraud, tax evasion, white-collar crimes, drug violations, and money laundering allegations. Prior to establishing his own law firm, John gained valuable experience working in various legal settings. He began his career at a large commercial bank while attending law school at night. Subsequently, he served as a state prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office before transitioning to become a federal prosecutor at the United States Attorney's Office. During his tenure as a federal prosecutor, John focused on investigations and charges brought by United States Attorney's Offices and the U.S. Department of Justice. He spent the majority of his career in the federal Northern District of Texas, where he honed his expertise in handling complex federal cases. Additionally, John was recruited to assist in clearing a backlog of cases in the District of Puerto Rico, where he spent three years at the U.S. Attorney's Office. Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.

  3. FORTUNES T IME CREDIT PAGE Elizabeth Graves Vijay Khulpe Dafny Meyer Tony Anderson Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editor Art & Design Director Head of Design Department Charles Lee Sanket Zirpe Associate Designer Sarah Jones Business Development Manager Business Development Executive Tracy Miller Robert Taylor Digital Marketing Manager Sales Manager Marketing Manager Technical Specialist Circulation Manager Laura Wright Albert Hill Stacey Flores Jennifer Thomas Carol Green APRIL 2024 For More Details : Email: info@fortunestime.com Address. 8 The Green Suite R, Dover, DE 19901, USA Copyright 2024 Fortunes Time, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Fortunes Time Reprint rights remain solely with Fortunes Time.

  4. CONTENT PAGE 08 COVER STORY John Teakell An Expert in Federal Criminal Defense

  5. Hamid Kohan Benjamin Desaint Cindy Watson 16 20 22 Mike Mellor Dennis Lundquist Rochelle Friedman Walk 26 30 34 Earlean Laster Somphob Rodboon Edyta Knizewska 42 44 38

  6. 08 | April 2024

  7. John Teakell An Expert in Federal Criminal Defense COVER STORY Fortunestime.com | 09

  8. 10 | April 2024

  9. federal criminal cases and the distinctions between the federal and state criminal justice systems. Many individuals may not fully understand the complexities and implications of facing federal charges versus state charges, leading to misconceptions or underestimations of the seriousness of federal prosecutions. To overcome this barrier, John may employ various strategies to educate and inform his target audience: · Outreach and Education · Clear Communication · Collaborative Partnerships · Thought Leadership · Online Presence By proactively addressing the need for education and awareness in federal criminal defense matters, John can help potential clients make informed decisions and navigate the legal system more effectively. Fulfillment in Achieving Positive Outcomes John plays a multifaceted role in his legal practice, overseeing clients' cases while also managing the business aspects of his office. His responsibilities include obtaining and presenting all favorable evidence for his clients' cases, ensuring thorough preparation and effective representation. Additionally, he is in charge of managing the financial aspects of the office, including expenses such as advertising and media. some cases may require urgent attention, others may be important but not as time-sensitive. In managing his caseload, John ensures that he allocates time and resources effectively to address the needs of each case. For John, the most fulfilling aspect of his work is achieving positive outcomes for his clients. Successfully resolving a case or obtaining a favorable result brings him a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, highlighting the impact of his efforts on his clients' lives and legal matters. This focus on client success underscores his commitment to providing high-quality legal representation and advocating zealously on behalf of those he serves. To stay updated on legal issues and develop strategies for his cases, John delegates tasks such as research to his staff or contractors as needed. This enables him to gather relevant information and prepare necessary documentation, such as motions or responses to government positions. Additionally, John leverages the expertise of other experienced attorneys by conferring with them when faced with challenging or unique situations, allowing him to benefit from their insights and perspectives. Allocating Resources By strategically managing his caseload and leveraging resources effectively, John ensures that he can provide thorough and effective representation to his clients while John adopts a pragmatic approach to managing his workload, prioritizing cases based on their immediate needs and the intensity of the situations involved. While 12 | April 2024

  10. navigating the complexities of federal criminal defense. Courage in the Face of Risk John acknowledges that one of the greatest risks he took in his career was transitioning from a stable position as a salaried government employee to starting his own law office. This decision required courage and a willingness to venture into the unknown, facing uncertainties about building a client base and managing the business aspects of running an office. Despite having established his own office years ago, John continues to encounter risks in his practice, particularly regarding investment decisions related to media or advertising. These risks involve evaluating the potential returns on investment, considering the effectiveness of different marketing strategies, and navigating the competitive landscape of legal services. By embracing these risks and making informed decisions, John demonstrates his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to growing his practice while providing high-quality legal representation to his clients. Guidance for Aspiring Attorneys John emphasizes the importance of seeking advice from experienced attorneys who have worked in the practice areas that appeal to the next generation of legal professionals. He advises aspiring attorneys to learn from the best and most seasoned practitioners in order to gain valuable insights and guidance for their own careers. Also, John underscores the necessity of persistence in handling clients' cases, particularly in the federal prosecution and defense arena. He emphasizes the importance of thoroughly investigating and presenting all favorable evidence while scrutinizing the government's case for any questionable evidence. However, John also cautions about maintaining a delicate balance when interacting with the U.S. Attorney's Office, as excessive contact may potentially disrupt the working relationship. Fortunestime.com | 13

  11. Ham d Legal Innovation Trailblazer 16 | April 2024

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  13. President and CEO at Legal Soft, Hamid Kohan is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record in both the computer software and legal industries. Before venturing into legal services, Mr. Kohan established himself as a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and acclaimed author. His professional journey began in Silicon Valley, where he held the position of Director of Business Development at Sun Microsystems. During this time, he had the privilege of collaborating with industry luminaries like Eric Schmidt (Google CEO) and Carol Bartz (Yahoo CEO). Legal Soft stands as a testament to Mr. Kohan's commitment to bridging these gaps and offering comprehensive solutions for legal practitioners. Despite not being a lawyer himself, his journey as a legal tech innovator is characterized by a dedication to empowering legal professionals with the tools and resources necessary for unparalleled success and growth. Through Legal Soft, Mr. Kohan aims to redefine the possibilities for lawyers and law firms, utilizing technology and business acumen to propel their ventures to new heights. Role as President and CEO Following his tenure at Sun Microsystems, Mr. Kohan took on the role of President at Web Radio, guiding the company to remarkable growth, reaching a valuation of $1 billion and ultimately going public on the New York Stock Exchange. These experiences provided him with a unique perspective on business operations, strategy, and scaling enterprises. As the President and CEO of Legal Soft, Mr. Kohan assumes a multifaceted role that significantly influences the company's direction and overall prosperity. He holds the responsibility for strategically navigating the organization, overseeing day-to-day operations, identifying avenues for growth, fostering a resilient and positive work culture, and managing crucial financial aspects. Currently, Mr. Kohan serves as the President and CEO of Legal Soft, leading initiatives to revolutionize the legal industry. Additionally, he is the founder of Magic Law Group, a distinguished nationwide law firm specializing in personal injury, lemon law, employment law, and workers' compensation. Throughout his journey, Mr. Kohan has demonstrated a commitment to innovation, leadership, and a passion for transforming the landscape of legal services. At the core of Mr. Kohan's responsibilities is the cultivation and maintenance of robust relationships with clients, stakeholders, and partners. He recognizes the paramount importance of these connections in driving collective success. Moreover, Mr. Kohan is dedicated to staying at the forefront of legal technology and industry trends, ensuring that Legal Soft remains an innovative and forward-thinking entity in the legal landscape. Journey from MBA to Legal Tech Disruptor Transformation in Legal Staffing and Business Development Diverging from the conventional legal pathways, Mr. Kohan brings a unique background to the legal services industry. Armed with an MBA and fueled by a passion for innovation, he made a transition into legal tech, drawing on extensive experiences with some of the nation's largest companies and leading their growth. Throughout his career, Mr. Kohan closely collaborated with legal professionals, including lawyers and law firm owners, identifying intricate challenges in their businesses. Recognizing gaps in areas such as hiring, training, case management software, and client services, he envisioned Legal Soft as a transformative force in the legal tech landscape. Mr. Kohan envisions a future for Legal Soft characterized by continuous growth and global impact. His idea is centered on expanding the innovative services offered by Legal Soft to new frontiers. The commitment is to broaden the reach and establish strategic partnerships, extending beyond collaboration with legal professionals to encompass alliances with medical institutes and providers. Legal Soft's proven expertise in comprehensive business scaling, ranging from virtual legal staffing solutions to dynamic marketing strategies, positions the company as a catalyst for enterprises seeking to elevate their brand 18 | April 2024

  14. and services. While the current focus is on the United States, there is a sincere aspiration to see Legal Soft leave an indelible mark on a global scale, with a particular emphasis on making a significant impact in the UK. The goal is to extend support to countries worldwide, assisting them in realizing their business objectives and mirroring the success achieved for U.S. citizens. At the core of Legal Soft's mission is the global redefinition of virtual legal staffing and business development, aiming to foster success and innovation wherever the company goes. The commitment transcends borders, and Legal Soft strives to be a driving force for positive change in the legal landscape on an international level. The vision is to be not just a service provider but a transformative partner in the global legal community, reshaping the way legal staffing and business development are perceived and executed. Insights on Leadership Prospects According to Mr. Kohan, there are substantial opportunities for emerging leaders to grow and assume leadership roles in the legal services sector. Fortunestime.com | 19

  15. Founding Partner & CEO of FACTORHY Avocats 20 | April 2024

  16. About FACTORHY Avocats PARTICULARS Six individuals with decades of combined expertise came together to form Avocats with the shared goal of redefining human capital and expanding the frontiers of social law to provide a variety of cutting-edge legal services. Large CAC 40/SBF 120 groups, investment funds, as well as emerging SMEs & ETIs, are advised and supported by 100 specialists with complementary areas of competence. As the CEO and Founding Partner of FACTORHY Avocats, Benjamin Desaint has a wealth of experience as a labor law specialist with a particular emphasis on social security and social protection legislation. Large accounts, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and very small enterprises (VSEs) are among the varied customers served by his practice. Benjamin has been an official industrial tribunal counselor in Nanterre for four years, in addition to serving as vice-president of CPME 92. They deal with company executives, HR departments, legal departments, and finance departments in the public, private, parapublic, and association sectors on a regular basis. Benjamin began his career in the business world as the Head of Legal and Social Affairs France for the German METRO Group before founding FACTORHY Avocats. He specialized on labor and employment law over time, representing only businesses. FACTORHY Avocats clients benefit from 360° legal and HR assistance that fosters innovation and focuses on the fluidification of client-lawyer interactions and processes. These clients value the attributes of boldness, reactivity, pugnacity, and listening. HR administration. a method that defies established codes in order to produce better responsiveness and outcomes. He progressed to a partnership role in his prior firm by 2014. In addition to teaching in his specialty, Benjamin serves in governance capacities in a number of employer groups and HR associations. His diverse background demonstrates a thorough comprehension of the legal and social nuances present in the corporate environment. Fortunestime.com | 21

  17. CINDY CINDY WATSON Exemplifying Exceptional Representation, Exclusively in Union-Side Labour and Employment Law across Canada Cindy Watson, the founder and managing partner of Watson Labour Law and a graduate of the renowned Osgoode Hall, is an experienced and recognized attorney who has specialized in social justice for the past 30 years. Cindy is a sought-after corporate trainer and speaker who works to bridge the gap between men and women in order to improve productivity, communication, and gender prejudice. Cindy is committed to breaking down barriers, achieving wage fairness, and putting an end to discrimination. She has a demonstrated track record of empowering, fighting for, and pushing individuals to be the greatest versions of themselves. She is a well-known international speaker, author, and consultant who is recognized for her enthusiasm, devotion, and ability to inspire. 22 | April 2024

  18. Cindy Watson Founder & Managing Partner Watson Labour Law Fortunestime.com | 23

  19. company to get ahead in the competition? What value-added services does the company provide? We offer the full range of services to our trade union clients, including (but not limited to): Representation before all labour tribunals and at all levels of court Ÿ Grievance & arbitration advocacy Ÿ Labour Board advocacy Ÿ Workers compensation matters Ÿ Disability benefits Ÿ Equity work Ÿ Human Rights advocacy Ÿ Legislative and political lobbying Ÿ Training & Education programming We stand out from the competition given our passionate commitment to the cause which is reflected in our advocacy and in our ability to secure better outcomes without litigation where appropriate. We tirelessly seek the best possible results for our clients. We do so utilizing what we call the Art of Feminine Negotiation, where we bring rapport-building, empathy, flexibility, intuition and trust-building to the table so our clients get more creative outcomes with better relationships, greater buy-in and longer-lasting agreements. Below are highlights of the interview conducted between Fortunes Time and Cindy Watson: years, but while I loved the practice, I knew I didn't want to do it there. Everyone thought I was having an early midlife crisis when I turned it down and opted to put out my own shingle. I wanted a firm that was mission-driven and ideologically committed to protecting and enhancing rights for workers and unions. Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. I've always been passionate and driven about issues I care about. Growing up in a blue-collar family (in a low-rent apartment complex with a father who worked shift work in a paper mill factory), I felt called to protect the rights of workers. It was always instilled in me from a young age that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace and beyond. That is a life-long philosophy I have embraced and brought to my law practice, zealously representing trade unions and the rights of their members. With the naiveté that comes from youth, I had no doubt that it would succeed. In hindsight, I had no equity, no assurance of clients, no business plan, or any of the typical minimum requirements for a business start-up, but my unshakable confidence in the power of my mission allowed me to forge a path to kickstart my own boutique labor law firm, which quickly grew (both in size and reputation). We became known for our passionate advocacy on behalf of our clients, and I'm proud to say that reputation continues. Describe your background and what did you do before you started/joined the company? Coming from a blue-collar background, my parents didn't have the resources to afford a post-secondary education for me. So, I worked almost full-time hours waitressing throughout the school year for my high school, university, and law school experiences to earn the money to fund my education. In the summers, I sought out relevant work experience, doing an internship in the Students Training in Industrial Relations program, working at employment agencies (both private and public), and working with a trade union. What has made you successful? What do you value? I've always prided myself and our firm on our core values of integrity, passion, drive, commitment, and excellence. That winning combination delivers consistent, superior results. We believe in what we do and the important value it brings, not only to our clients but the broader community as we advocate for enhanced rights for workers on a global level. We think outside the box, looking for unexamined options for enhanced solutions. This cooperative versus competitive approach consistently yields better experiences and outcomes for our clients. Having said that, where necessary we are known for our exceptional advocacy, where we leave no stone unturned. Because we are mission-driven, we aren't motivated by the money. We pride ourselves on our ability to effect superior settlements, knowing when and how to avoid litigation to secure creative best outcomes and when to litigate. Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it all start? I went to law school knowing I wanted to practice trade union labor law. I articled at the Labour Relations Board, and after my call to the bar, I took a position at a boutique labour law firm. I was offered a partnership after only 3 We care about our clients and their issues. We don't treat them like numbers. Unlike most law firms, we also think proactively, seeking to anticipate issues and redressing them before they Which are the major services of the company and how do they the 24 | April 2024

  20. become conflicts or problems. Our proactive (vs reactive) approach is unique in the practice of law and saves our clients much time, money, angst and relationships. Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? Team is key in life generally, in business organizations, and particularly for trade unions and service providers for unions. Unions are based on a philosophy of solidarity—stronger together. Individual heroics do not serve the greater good. Building an engaged, dedicated, passionate team is key to success. Studies show that diversity in thinking allows for more creative outcomes and better results (not to mention improved productivity and efficiency). What are your responsibilities as the Founder/CEO of the company? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? I'm proud to have built our thriving practice over the last 30 years. We've built a reputation for our passion, integrity, and results. I'm still integrally involved in the building of our team and ensuring that our culture continues to reflect our core values. Hiring our best team is a key part of that process, as is fostering relationships with our long-time clients and building on client development for the future. Teamwork and the brainstorming it affords will increase the output of any organization (both in terms of quantitative productivity, but perhaps more importantly, in terms of more refined, creative, distinctive, move-the-dial end results). I'm lucky to still be passionate about representing trade unions. I love the advocacy, and I particularly love the exceptional training and education we offer. Engaging directly with members, stewards and front-line union reps feeds me – the energy flows both ways as we inspire each other in carrying forward the important work that needs to be done. This holds true generally, and we see it as particularly important for our law firm. Unions secure their strength in numbers. Unions that rely on individual heroics don't survive. The law firms that serve trade unions need to similarly embrace and foster team environments to deliver the best possible service, advice, and results. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Listen. Really listen. Bring empathy to the table, truly seeking to understand and meet the needs of others (both within and outside your organization). The benefits of this approach cannot be overstated. Never seek to exert power over others, but rather, always strive to achieve power with those you engage with. Fortunestime.com | 25

  21. Dennis Lundquist Managing Director & Partner at Qap Legal 26 | April 2024

  22. Dennis Lundquist, a Managing Director and Partner at Qap Legal, is known for his forward-thinking approach to business law and his staunch advocacy for change and progress within the legal industry. With a pragmatic mindset, Dennis has spent the past few years advising start-ups and entrepreneurs on legal and strategic matters, focusing primarily on corporate governance, M&A, securities law, legal and financial compliance, and commercial agreements. He thrives on collaborating with driven and dedicated individuals, finding inspiration in their passion for their work. About Qap Legal At Qap Legal, Dennis Lundquist has set ambitious goals aimed at disrupting the traditional legal industry and establishing the firm as the premier M&A firm in Sweden for startups and scaleups. His vision extends beyond mere success; he envisions building Qap Legal into a self-sustaining entity that thrives on the growth and development of its employees. By balancing operational responsibilities with client-centric leadership, Dennis Lundquist is driving Qap Legal towards its goal of disrupting the legal industry while delivering exceptional value to their clients. His commitment to fostering growth and development within the firm ensures that Qap Legal continues to thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape. Dennis brings a unique background in legal tech to his role, having worked extensively on automating and customizing the process of drafting agreements online. This experience has provided him with valuable insights into the challenges and importance of integrating legal methods and workflows into technology- and sales-driven companies. methods, and deliver ever- increasing value to his clients. In particular, Dennis is eager to gain more experience in corporate governance by taking on board assignments and participating in advisory boards for early-stage companies. stands as a trusted advisor, poised to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape and empower businesses to thrive in an ever- evolving market. Armed with a Master's degree in Commercial and Business Law (MCBL), Dennis has also delved into the realms of economics and marketing, rounding out his expertise in the legal landscape. However, he remains committed to continual improvement and development in his role as an advisor. He actively seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge, refine his work Driven by a passion for innovation and a dedication to providing top- notch guidance, Dennis Lundquist Fortunestime.com | 27

  23. Mike Mellor Chief Marke?ng & Business Development Officer Pryor Cashman 30 | April 2024

  24. Mike Mellor A Legal Marketing Professional with the Vision of Business Transformation A Mike Mellor Mike Mellor t Pryor Cashman, a full-service award-winning legal practice with approximately 200 attorneys in NYC, Miami, and LA, Mike Mellor serves as the Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer. He enjoys making connections between those with the potential to help them and those that want to be exceptional. Mike has more than 20 years of experience in professional services marketing, the last 12 of which he spent in a legal company. He began his career in the marketing of financial services, then transitioned to Big Four consultative marketing at KPMG before moving into the legal field. Before joining Pryor Cashman, where he has worked as CMBDO for the past seven years, he practiced law at two other law firms. Below are highlights of the interview conducted between Fortunes Times and Mike Mellor: Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. I am committed, passionate, and genuine in all facets of my life, and I like to attack life with enthusiasm, humor, and joy. Inside the workplace, I am focused on building a business development culture that is collaborative and uses technology to automate as many mundane tasks as possible; like most law firms, we continue to find it challenging to create and deploy a single version of the truth. Outside of the workplace, I love live music, watching football, traveling, and exploring different cultures. I love making people smile. Fortunestime.com | 31

  25. Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it all start? alongside our clients to stay ahead of the curve with both transactional and litigation matters, and our firm size enables us to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. This was a key to our success during COVID. the firm, the practices, and the industries. It's a lot to drink in, but I find myself constantly Googling acronyms, industry developments, and reading other firms' client alerts a few hours a day. Being informed is the only way to continuously add value in such a wide-ranging and dynamic field. The firm started in 1963 as a powerhouse music/media/IP/litigation boutique, and we have grown to be a true full- service midsize firm with over 200 attorneys in New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. In fact, one of our founding fathers, Gideon Cashman, still comes into the office regularly, walking about a mile each way. Serving as the firm's General Counsel, Gideon is brilliant and serves as an inspiration to all of us (especially the litigators, who seek his wisdom to help with thorny issues). We continue to evolve What has made you successful? What do you value? Which are the major services of the company and how do the company to get ahead in the competition? What value-added services does the company provide? Personally, I think my drive is what has made me the most successful—I am wholly committed to driving revenue in any way possible to improve the firm's financial position—and this can take many forms! It starts with being passionate enough to constantly be a student of It really is a full-service firm—we protect our clients' interests in everything from forming, funding, and buying or divesting assets on the corporate side to partnership, royalty and other litigation issues. Of course, we augment these pillars with services related to labor, immigration, intellectual property, real estate, tax, trusts and estates, family and matrimonial issues, and insurance reviews. We work in a number of industries and work with everyone from entrepreneurs to high net worth celebrities and athletes to Fortune 500 behemoths and small startups. Every day is something new and exciting because of our midsize advantage, because the platform the firm is built on allows us to deploy our abilities in a lot of contexts. What are the most important aspects of a company's culture? What principles do you believe in and how do you build this culture? It sounds simple, but in many companies and firms it isn't so easy: Don't be a jerk. That mantra has 32 | April 2024

  26. everyone pitching in to bring the project to a successful outcome. I feel that we balance the concepts of entrepreneurialism and collaboration very well at Pryor Cashman. served Pryor Cashman very well over the past 60 years! While we want our attorneys to vigorously protect our clients' interests in the boardroom and in the courtroom, being a good lawyer isn't mutually exclusive from being a good person to be around. Because of our size, it's a place where everyone knows each other quite well, and the message from the top has consistently been: Be nice to others, be collaborative, and punch above our weight to out-go toe to toe with larger firms. Bigger is not always better, especially in law firms! What are your responsibilities as the CMBDO of the company? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? The things I enjoy most are helping people achieve their business goals. Whether that's long-range planning, brainstorming new ways to reach their ideal clients, or helping to hold them accountable to task, I enjoy watching the firm's attorneys grow, spread the word about our offering, and become power users of our marketing and BD resources. As they say in legal, the best compliment you can get is more work. The happiest part of my routine is getting awesome emails about my marketing colleagues who have helped to drive business, gain market or mind share, or do things to spread our message and elevate our brand. I keep them all in a folder to cheer me up on rainy days! What is the significance of innovative ideas in the company? At Pryor Cashman, we create and demonstrate innovation in many ways, but most notably around the metaphorical water cooler and within informal subject- matter pods and settings. Our client bases share common interests, and it's not uncommon to see lawyers from our fashion, music, and art groups come together around the latest market innovations. From unique strategic branding partnerships and royalty agreements to collaborations that can thrive in the new age of the metaverse and NFTs, we are constantly sifting through our best ideas to contextualize them in ways that serve a specific client's needs. It's all about creating those communication frameworks and letting our attorneys geek out together. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Read everything you can, try to be a servant-leader, and encourage your teams to challenge you. Just because I'm the head of the group doesn't mean I know everything; in fact, I try to empower my teammates who are in the daily grind to constantly improve our processes and procedures. We write our processes in pencil, and the joy of working together is knowing there's always an interesting new problem to solve. Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? While the easy answer is collaboration, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the folks in our leadership who are driving the firm forward on a daily basis. It takes leaders to propel the agendas and the strategy, giving the group the motive, means, and opportunity to develop the execution for the clients. Positioning, thought leadership, and smart tactics to take market share from our competition are best developed in smaller rooms, with Fortunestime.com | 33

  27. Rochelle Friedman Walk About AEGIS Law In addition to being a reputable commercial law practice, AEGIS Law is a great location for legal professionals to work. It provides a wide range of services to firms in every stage of growth, from start-ups looking for venture capital to established, strong enterprises. The group has experience in several important areas of law, such as contracts, securities, real estate, eCommerce, business transactions, organizational issues, and mergers and acquisitions. The business litigation team is excellent in tenaciously defending the interests of the firm's clients. Working with AEGIS Law is starting a rewarding legal career that supports the company's goal of providing our clients with comprehensive, top-notch legal services. 34 | April 2024

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  29. and acquisitions has made her a well-known figure in the industry. She has represented some of the biggest aggregators since their founding and is frequently considered as the go-to lawyer for Amazon FBA sellers in e- commerce transactions. As an impartial mediator or arbiter, she has assisted company owners and partners in resolving conflicts and disagreements pertaining to buy- sell agreements, partner or member buyouts, and new partner or member admissions for LLCs, partnerships, and corporations. Her peers have also designated her as a Super Lawyer. Rochelle is a committed volunteer in her free time, and the Tampa JCCs and Federation have recognized her efforts by giving her the Tikun Olam, Leo Levinson, and Women of Distinction Awards for Leadership and Service. She also serves on the boards of numerous non-profit community organizations in the Tampa Bay region, including a community foundation, and has previously provided assistance to SCORE as a volunteer presenter on different business themes. Rochelle is a proficient lawyer and mediator who has also been designated by the court as a receiver and mediator. She is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil and Appellate Mediator and has been a member of the FINRA arbitration and mediation panels since 2010. She has assisted innumerable clients in resolving conflicts outside of the courts and is knowledgeable in mediation, arbitration, and other alternative dispute resolution procedures. Experienced lawyer, business leader, and impartial mediator Rochelle Friedman Walk is known for her ability to think strategically and act with tact. Rochelle is well- known for her adept negotiation techniques and capacity to unite parties in innovative, win-win solutions. Her approach to practicing law is realistic and business-oriented, with an emphasis on assisting her clients in reaching their objectives as quickly and effectively as feasible. In Cleveland, Ohio, Rochelle graduated with honors from Case Western Reserve University Law School. In addition to her A.B. cum laude from Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, she also has credentials from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business Administration. In addition to the U.S. District Courts for the Middle District of Florida and the Northern District of Ohio, Rochelle is admitted to practice law in both Florida and Ohio. For more than two decades, Rochelle has maintained an AV (AV) rating with Martindale- Hubbell, an honor bestowed upon only the most exceptional legal practitioners. Since relocating to Florida in 2007, she has been regularly recognized as one of Tampa Bay's Top Lawyers, and from 2011 to the present, she has been included in Martindale- Hubbell's Bar Register of Preeminent Women Lawyers, both the first and all subsequent editions. Rochelle has worked for several national and international commercial organizations as the chief restructuring officer, chief administrative officer, chief legal officer, and business unit manager. She has over 35 years of expertise in both business and law. She has represented clients in a variety of legal transactions during her career as an attorney, including intricate business, e-commerce, technology, real estate, financial restructuring, and employment disputes. Her expertise in e-commerce mergers 36 | April 2024

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  34. Somphob Rodboon Managing Partner at ILAWASIA CO., LTD. 42 | April 2024

  35. Managing Partner SomphobRodboon is employed with the Thai legal business ILAWASIA Co., Ltd., which was founded in 2011. He has extensive experience helping clients manage their trademark portfolios, which includes filing trademark applications both domestically and internationally and representing them in trademark prosecutions; counseling clients on global branding strategies, brand name development, and protection; and frequently representing clients in trademark defense, opposition, cancellation, and invalidation proceedings. About ILAWASIA CO., LTD. Located in the heart of Bangkok, ILAWASIA is a modern, full-service Thai legal company. ILAWASIA was established in April 2011 by Mr. Somphob Rodboon, a well- known authority on company law and litigation in Thailand. A forward-thinking managing partner, he brought the company into Myanmar in June 2018 by acquiring a reputable and long- standing local legal practice. Soon, more regional offices will be opened to provide the company with a comprehensive presence throughout Southeast Asia. One of his main areas of concentration is the enforcement of intellectual property rights, where he uses a comprehensive strategy to defend the interests of both domestic and international business. He uses his broad knowledge and experience to create strategies that are customized to each client's unique needs. He also helps clients navigate the complexities of intellectual property enforcement and makes sure that clients are protected with regard to patents, trademarks, and copyrights. As a result, from 2021 to 2023, he served on the International Trademark Association's (INTA) Trademark Office Practices Committee. From corporate and commercial law, litigation, intellectual property, and due diligence to immigration, real estate, and labor law, the company provides services in business and international law. The teams have individualized legal practice experience and consistently blend state-of-the-art knowledge with a special awareness of the commercial requirements of their global customers. The company takes pleasure in its adherence to high ethical standards, which guarantee accountability, consideration, and decency in every facet of its functioning. For the last ten years, he has represented intellectual property owners ranging from large enterprises to private people, and a great deal of practitioners and clients consider him to be a prominent figure because of his knowledge and devotion. Due to his unique capacity to develop winning tactics for his clients' complicated intellectual property matters, he emerges as a formidable advocate in intellectual property litigation and has gained the reputation and distinction of being a highly promising litigator. He effectively safeguards the interests of his clients, works to preserve their priceless trademarks, and makes sure that their intellectual property rights are protected. Consequently, Somphob Rodboon has been acknowledged by the World Trademark Review as the Suggested Person for the Enforcement and Litigation domain in 2022–2023; and the Prosecution and Strategy area in 2023. Fortunestime.com | 43

  36. Edyta Knizewska Offering Expert Derivatives Consultancy for Seamless Trading Relationships I believe that life starts at the edge of your comfort zone. Conquering my self-limiting beliefs and fears is a continuous learning process for me.” 44 | April 2024

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  38. A Boutique Legal Consultancy Balancing Roles Inside and Outside the Workplace IT Legal was founded by Edyta Kniżewska, a derivatives lawyer with extensive experience in the buy- side, sell-side, and private practice. After FIT Legal, founded by Edyta and her business partner Neal Lodhia, is a boutique legal consultancy providing customized derivatives documentation and business consulting solutions globally. Edyta's extensive experience in strategic launches, regulatory projects, and business transformations prepared her for this entrepreneurial venture. FIT Legal's success prompted the launch of "Derivatives Lab" (DLAB), a pioneering online educational platform offering valuable knowledge about the legal aspects of the banking and finance industry. DLAB provides real-world strategies and insights to excel in the derivatives sector and the ISDA Lab course was successfully launched in October 2023, focusing on ISDA Master Agreement negotiations. Edyta acknowledges the multiple roles she plays daily, both in her professional and personal life. She upholds the same values and principles in all areas. Caring and empathetic, she strives for progress rather than perfection. Treating others as she would like to be treated is an essential aspect of her character. She balances pragmatism and business acumen with passion and creativity. Constantly seeking personal development, Edyta is a professional member of Mindvalley and enrolled in a Negotiation Mastery course at Harvard Business School Online, aiming to enhance her negotiation skills for the benefit of her clients. Both FIT Legal and Derivatives Lab serve as platforms for her growth as a leader and legal counsel. establishing her career in commercial litigation, Edyta discovered a specialized niche in trading agreements and derivative negotiations. She became a legal counsel and negotiator for Credit Suisse in the field of derivatives before moving to Man Group plc. Edyta's expertise in banking and finance further advanced her career in the derivatives market. With the aim of positively disrupting the collaboration between sell-side and buy-side participants, FIT Legal assists market players in navigating the complexities of trading relationships and derivatives documentation. They achieve this by providing structured and tailored solutions to negotiations, resulting in quicker time-to-market for their clients. Continuous Growth as a Legal Consultant Role as the Founder Edyta's journey of growth began during her childhood in Poland when she witnessed the fall of communism, inspiring her to see the world as full of possibilities and potential. As a legal consultant, she continues to challenge herself and her team to stay at the top of their game in the derivatives market, especially in their niche of trading agreements. They actively track regulatory and legal developments in the asset management sector and collaborate with industry experts to deepen their knowledge and expertise. Embracing new technologies like machine learning and AI helps FIT Legal deliver efficient and cost- effective solutions to their clients. Additionally, Edyta values the growth opportunity that comes from sharing knowledge through Derivatives Lab. As the founder of FIT Legal, Edyta's vision was born from her extensive experience in the legal, banking, and finance industry, coupled with her passion for providing tailored derivatives documentation and business consulting solutions globally. Being the founder comes with a great sense of responsibility, and Edyta takes pride in the consultancy's growth into a globally recognized firm. Breaking Barriers and Pursuing International Career Edyta Kniżewska's early life in Poland was shaped by hardworking and inspiring women in her family. Unwilling to conform to societal gender norms, she aimed for independence and a successful international career. After winning an international scholarship, she studied law in the UK and gained experience in Commercial Litigation. However, it was her discovery of a niche in trading agreements and derivatives that inspired her to focus on banking and finance, leading to a significant career growth. FIT Legal's culture and values are deeply rooted in the people-oriented approach. The company, being family- run, prioritizes clients' best interests and focuses on building long-lasting relationships. “We have created a collaborative and innovative environment at FIT Legal, 46 | April 2024

  39. one that encourages autonomy and independence among our team of experienced consultants. This culture is central to our commitment to delivering high-quality, cutting-edge business and legal advice in a cost-efficient and remote-friendly manner,” says Edyta. Addressing Gender Imbalance and Bias Overcoming Self-Limitations Edyta highlights that while women lawyers constitute approximately 51% of the profession, they hold less than 32% of senior roles, indicating a gender imbalance in the legal sector. However, she sees this as an exciting time for women, especially in the asset management niche, where gender diversity is increasingly recognized as vital for success. Despite progress, the lack of women in top legal positions, particularly in corporate, banking, and finance sectors, remains a concern. Social bias, both conscious and unconscious, plays a significant role in hindering women's advancement. Myths and stereotypes persist, affecting women's opportunities and aspirations. Edyta acknowledges that biases cannot be entirely eradicated but emphasizes the importance of collective efforts to counteract them and promote equality. While facing various challenges in her career, Edyta identifies her own limitations and discomforts as the most significant barrier to overcome. Edyta says: “I believe that life starts at the edge of your comfort zone. Conquering my self-limiting beliefs and fears is a continuous learning process for me.” Edyta seeks growth through the guidance of an exceptional business coach and strives to improve her mindset daily. By doing so, she ensures that she can provide her clients, students, business partners, and family with the best advice and approach. The Joy of Being an Entrepreneur As an entrepreneur, Edyta enjoys the freedom of structuring her daily routine. She emphasizes discipline, self-awareness, and multitasking skills but acknowledges the occasional distractions. To maintain a varied and challenging day, she includes diverse tasks for different clients and projects. Reflecting on the happiest part of her daily routine, Edyta said: “It has to be spending time with my son in the morning when we share joyful moments making pancakes, laughing, and playing together. This is such a precious time, and it allows me to start the day with a positive mind set, setting the tone for the rest of the day. I prioritizes physical well-being by going to the gym and taking morning walks for mental clarity.” Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is made easier because FIT Legal is a family-run business. Edyta works closely with her husband, sharing well-defined roles and responsibilities. They collaborate on projects, driving the company's strategy together. This dynamic allows them to smoothly transition from business to personal life each day, fostering trust, respect, and care among their team and clients. Fortunestime.com | 47

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