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This comprehensive list gives an idea of what is possible in the world of real time analytics. It shows what FoxMetrics ecommerce analytics offers.
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Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… See what your users are actually doing before they buy. Any purchase requires at least some information. The simpler the product, generally, the less detailed information required. How complex is your solution? What information does each prospect require on their way towards becoming a customer? Use this tool to see where your customers go on your website to get the information they need at the time they need it, so you can optimize your user experience to cause more prospects to convert to customers by giving them the right information at the right time.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… The customer is always right, even when they aren’t. Customers will tell you what they think, if you ask them. This functionality provides a simple, low-intrusion method of asking for customer insights and feedback on a regular basis without having to conduct an off-line survey.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Accelerate the social channels that work. Improve the ones that don’t. Do you know which social media channels are driving the most traffic or conversions on your website? Every user is different, and every social media channel user has a different journey, experience, and unique reason for using that particular channel. This tool enables you to dig deep into the results of your social media campaigns so you can stop doing what’s not working and increase the velocity of what is working.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Email is still the killer marketing app. Make it even better. Email marketing is still the most powerful weapon in your digital marketing arsenal. Opt-in subscribers are letting you know that you have permission to contact them via email on a regular basis. That’s powerful. But how do you know your email campaigns are working unless you are tracking each one of them? Our email analytics tool gives you the power to hone in on exactly what is working and not working with your email marketing efforts. From open/read rates, click-through rates, and ultimately conversions, you can use this tools to build a powerful, predictable, email marketing machine.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Every page matters, so track every page’s performance. Every word on your website matters, and every page on your website matters. If a page or group of pages is not performing well, that’s your invitation to make edits or adjustments to that page, or to conduct A/B testing to see why it’s not performing as expected. Use this tool to track the performance of every page on your website so you can optimize every part of your user experience.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Know which half of your marketing is actually working. How do your prospects learn about your products the very first time? What is the event that nurtures your best customers to the final step in becoming a customer? That’s called attribution: the cause of conversion. It’s how we know what piece of our marketing tactics caused our prospect to become customers. All of our touchpoints are critical, but some stand out in generating more interest or a higher conversion rate. Now you’ll know which events are having the most positive impact on your prospects.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Our product suite. Your secret weapon. It’s people who buy your products – not traffic or “impressions” and that’s why the data we collect tracks real people and more importantly, their behaviors. Aggregate all of that customer data, and it’s a gold mine of potential insights for your business.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers Data makes the best decisions. If you don’t measure it, you cannot change it. Analytics are the heart of the digital marketing revolution. We make better decisions with data, so we track everything on our website so that we can know and understand what’s happening, and then make specific, highly tailored decisions for each event, and then track our results immediately.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Find out what your customers really want. Polls are a superb method of customer engagement and research. People enjoy giving their opinion, especially when you ask them for that opinion about something near and dear to their hearts. Someone is at your website for a reason, so now that you have their attention, you can poll them on what’s important to them, giving them cause to take the time to answer. FoxMetrics’ polling tools make it simple to setup a quick user poll to learn just about anything about your customers.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… A polite reminder can go a long way. Nearly 68% of all ecommerce shopping carts are abandoned with no purchase. Why? If you can shave even one percentage point off of that rate, you could be a huge success. The only way to make that change is to track this metric. These are people who are leaving your store for a reason. Our abandon cart tool helps you re-engage your prospects who have taken the time to shop, put items in their cart, but then leave. We don’t always know the reason someone abandons their ecommerce shopping cart, but we can now make sure they get a kind reminder that they were shopping with us and that they never completed their journey to a purchase.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Find out why they left your site. Not every visitor becomes a lead, and not every lead converts to a customer. But do you know why visitors to your website are not converting, or worse, why they’re leaving? Our Abandon Browse tool gives you the data you need to effectively re-engage shoppers or prospects who just left, and you can re-engage them in a customized, familiar fashion that is less intrusive than simply reminding them that they left and then asking “Why?”
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Update your website’s content in real time. You’ve built your website from the ground up, so you know exactly how you need it to function and when you will make updates. Use our Content Update tool to turn any site into a superb content management system. Update what you want, when you want, using familiar tools (Javascript & HTML) to get the job done quickly and without interruption to your visitors and customers.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Opt-in newsletter marketing works, if you ask. Your email newsletter may be your most powerful marketing tool. How do you keep that email list growing? It’s as simple as asking a visitor to sign up for your email newsletter, in a polite and persistent manner. Our Newsletter Sign Up function lets you do just that, while maintaining the customer’s user experience and your brand. You set the frequency and timing of when you ask each visitor to sign up for your newsletter, and you can also let visitors opt out of seeing the message again.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers Every page matters, so track every page’s performance. Every word on your website matters, and every page on your website matters. If a page or group of pages is not performing well, that’s your invitation to make edits or adjustments to that page, or to conduct A/B testing to see why it’s not performing as expected. Use this tool to track the performance of every page on your website so you can optimize every part of your user experience.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with… Optimize your site’s navigation according to user patterns. Every user takes a different journey to your website and through your website, but is their journey what you expected? Using Clickstream you can track your users’ path through your website to see exactly what their behavior patterns are so you can make adjustments to better suit your users. Adjusting to what your users are already doing is a powerful method of nurturing them along the path towards becoming a user, a customer, and a brand advocate.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with You have their attention. Now nurture them down your funnel. Many of your users share specific attributes, profiles, or other key data. Using our search functionality, you can easily discover these groups of users and customers so you can target service, offers, and products directly to them based on those same attributes or profiles or other key user data. The more specifically you can target your prospects, users, and customers, the higher their response rates will be.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers Survey your users in the right context. Very few people participate in off-line or out of context surveys, but when you ask someone their opinion on something they are already doing, they are much more likely to respond. Popup surveys are a great way to learn from your customers and prospects, especially when the survey questions can be configured to occur while the user using the product or service in question.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with Directly target your specific customer segments. No two users or customers are exactly alike, but many have one or two or three things in common like where they live, what type of mobile device they use, what browser they use, or how they landed on your site. You can use email to target these “tribes” based on those specific criteria, so when a user reaches your site from Facebook, you can welcome them with an email that shows you’ve done your homework by knowing that they learned about your site from Facebook.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers Give customers what they need, when they need it. You know what you have to offer, but sometimes your customers are left guessing. Now you can pick and choose those moments in time when you know exactly what your customers need to redirect their attention – and clicks! – to the right place. Using the metrics already in place, you can determine which customers and users should go where, and redirect them at just the right time.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with Turn customers into loyal advocates. It really is far easier and less expensive to keep an existing customer than it is to attract, activate, and onboard a new customer. Our retention system lets you see what happens when you make tweaks to your user experience, letting you optimize your users’ experience and keep them coming back. The customers that keep coming back are your most valuable customers, so segment your audiences so you can make turn your happiest users into brand advocates.
Customer Analytics and Targeting Learn About Your Customers with The numbers never lie. Grab hold of your data. Software as a Service was invented to replace spreadsheets in many cases, but sometimes we need to crunch the big numbers, and the best way to do that is in a spreadsheet. You can export any FoxMetrics report to a .csv file, and then import that file directly into a spreadsheet, so you can crunch all the numbers you need.